D&D 5E Amazon and the DMG: What's the story?

Sir Brennen

In my experience, it seems that anyone expecting a game book from Amazon anywhere near its' release date is usually in tears of frustration weeks after that date came and went.

Completely contrary to my experience, and I've been using Amazon for many years. For pre-ordered items, I get an estimated delivery date covering a range 5-10 days after release, but I almost always receive my books in five days or less, depending on where the weekend falls.

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Patrick McGill

First Post
I also use Prime, and always get my pre orders on the day of. Like clockwork for each of the five books (well, except the DMG til this Tuesday.)

That being said, before the PHB was released was it not on the best sellers list? Do preorders not count until the day it is released?


I've been ordering my books from the Book Depository (free international shipping for the win!), and they've been timing them to arrive at my door on or around the actual release date. And I'm on the other side of the world even.

EDIT: Of course, because I posted this, my DMG is now running several days late. :p
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Completely contrary to my experience, and I've been using Amazon for many years. For pre-ordered items, I get an estimated delivery date covering a range 5-10 days after release, but I almost always receive my books in five days or less, depending on where the weekend falls.

Same here. My first Amazon order was the 3.0 PHB back in the day (the one that had the extra pages of monsters, DM stuff and a CD) and I have never had problem with them*. Since I'm outside the continental USA I don't get the books on release but 5 days is as "bad" as it get. The 5e PHB and MM were at my door the day following the release.

*I once got a box of occult books instead of my order. Only hiccup in 14 years.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Also, remember that far more folks buy Player's Handbooks than buy Dungeon Master's Guides or Monster Manuals - like 4 or 5 times as many...

Voidrunner's Codex

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