D&D 5E Amazon best and worst sellers for 5e so far

Swapping out sales rank in category for total reviews as per @Urriak Uruk's suggestion...

2014PHB (39,424) [4.9]
DMG (22,755) [4.9]
MM (21,802) [4.9]
Starter Set* (16,216) [4.7]
Hoard of the Dragon Queen (3,061) [4.8]
Rise of Tiamat (2,623) [4.8]
2015SCAG (6,084) [4.7]
Out of the Abyss (2,271) [4.8]
Princes of the Apocalypse (1,775) [4.7]
2016Volo's (12,188) [4.9]
Curse of Strahd (5,574) [4.9]
Storm King's Thunder (2,215) [4.8]
2017Xanathar's (19,679) [4.9]
Tales from the Yawning Portal (3,417) [4.8]
Tomb of Annihilation (2,726) [4.8]
2018Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (8,544) [4.9]
Ravnica (4,252) [4.8]
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (4,165) [4.8]
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (3,141) [4.8]
2019Essentials Kit (14,279) [4.8]
Eberron (7,930) [4.8]
Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus (3,881) [4.8]
Ghosts of Saltmarsh (3,719) [4.8]
Rick and Morty starter set (3,378) [4.8]
Stranger Things starter set* (2,517) [4.7]
Acquisitions Inc. (1,973) [4.7]
Tyranny of Dragons* (875) [4.8]
2020Tasha's (18,625) [4.8]
Wildemount (7,951) [4.9]
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden* (6,059) [4.8]
Theros (4,986) [4.8]
2021Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (4,051) [4.8]
Fizban's (3,461) [4.8]
Candlekeep Mysteries (3,416) [4.8]
Wild Beyond the Witchlight* (1,851) [4.8]
Strixhaven (893) [4.7]
* Not in the "Dungeons & Dragons Game" category

Excepting the ones from outside the D&D category, this lines up pretty well with the category rankings, excepting:
  • The DMG edges out the MM
  • Ravnica is ahead of the two adventures for 2018
  • Baldur's Gate is ahead of Saltmarsh
  • Rick and Morty is ahead of Acquisitions Inc
  • 2021 completely reshuffles, again, with Ravenloft now on top
I also added the star rating, for reference - D&D books have on average 4.8 stars, the exceptions being:
  • 4.9 stars: core rulebooks, Volo's, Curse of Strahd, Xanathar's, Mordenkainen's, Wildemount
  • 4.7 stars: Starter Set, SCAG, Princes of the Apocalypse, Stranger Things, Acq Inc, Strixhaven
No 5.0 ratings, and nothing below 4.7.

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It's a common assumption that's always proven wrong. It's not D&D fans plus MtG fans that picks these up, it's the subset of people who are fans of both.
Not really. Most people I know who bought the MtG setting books don’t play MtG. They picked them up to get more tools for a certain type of dnd game, or because they liked what they read about it online, or because of the art, or because they really wanted to play a centaur or whatever.

Spelljammer made it to six out of all books, while in preorder

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