We played some of the Pathfinder AP which were good, but restricted ourselves to the core rules.
And still, some noticeably changed the way the game was played, again in particular the buffs and some class changes.
And the problem, in an edition that was extremely technical and generated many debates, you could not do with the previous edition, you needed to have the changes.
And still, it changed the feel of the game, and honestly for what ? The game exploded relatively shortly after (I has been playing AD&D for 20 years and not switched to 2e except in rare cases), overgorged on its own production which made the game completely unsustainable and way too complex to manage.
And, by the way, thinking about it, were there that many more changes from 1e to 2e than from 3 to 3.5 ? We played a lot of planescape and spelljammer and dark sun with 1e without any trouble whatsoever... It was NOT the case with 3 to 3.5.
Huh, no. Sorry. First, the changes in Tasha are totally optional, and we are not using most of them. It did not change the game.
First, it was still a NEW publication, not an old one with small changes all over the place. And it contained more than just changes.
You are awfully defensive about that, you know ? Why ? What's the subtext here ?
May be a 3E grognard. They're rare but exist.