Good for you. Freedom of choice not to play Pathfinder was yours to make. What did you want? Paizo to change the business model that made it more successful than WOC for a time.
The 3.5 list was long… the changes were small.
90% of It was a tinkering mainly with classes. Clerics being able to spontaneously cast cure mass light wounds
, bards having 2 extra skill points
, ambidexterity and two-weapon fighting being combined into one feat
. Please tell me you’re not bothered by Polymorph being renamed Baleful Polymorph?
Give me a break. These are on par with the changes in Tasha’s. We’re you scammed by the new rules released in that book? It was roughly the same price as the 3.5 phb which contained 95% of the changes.
People were just throwing their toys out of their prams. I go back to my point about $0.5 per hour and it being the cheapest hobby going. I have no sympathy. If your group didn’t want to change nobody had to. You can play 3.5 adventures with 3.0 rules without any difficulty!