Amulet of Mighty Fist's ....expensive?

There's a necklace in Savage Species that does much the same thing, only more cheaply and sanely (who'd have thunk it?)

Necklace of Natural Weapons, I believe, and it costs 600GP plus the cost of any enhancements it confers on a given natural attack (Priced as if enchanting it as a weapon, +1 is 2000, +1 Flaming is 8000, etc.) and then multiplies the total price by the number of natural weapons so enhanced. It's a nice concept since it makes the dragons with 7 natural attacks pay to enhance them all while the riding dog just enhancing his bite isn't paying for enhancing attacks he can't use.

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Seeten said:
So can I just enchant my fists, and then strike with them only? Cuz I'm still just as effective as a monk, but I didnt have to pay 3x market value.

And if your hands are bound.
I have to see this item my self what book is the srd

For monks the amulet makes no sense--all their unarmed attacks do the same damage with the same attack bonus. The increased price is really there for shapeshifters and critters with multiple different attacks (e.g. claw/claw/bite).

I see no reason why a Flaming Monk's Amulet +2 (and actually I think belts fit better thematically, robes too) that only affected a Monk's unarmed strike shouldn't exist for standard magic weapon prices.

Pyrex said:
Yeah, like Druids.

For a Druid who likes to Wildshape and roll into melee it's worth every cp.

And then some.
Except for the way that it vanishes, providing no benefit whenever you enter wildshape...

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