Level Up (A5E) An eldritch whip + added damage clarification


As the one who wrote it, I feel like this is what I intended. Any damage done by the whip---including "additional" and "bonus" damage, or anything else---increases the temp HP gained.
It would be good to include this in a FAQ for A5E, please.

I'd argue from a balance point-of-view that a melee pact weapon's magic attack and damage bonus should probably also add to Eldritch Whip damage, otherwise it seems sub-par in damage output to a single target vs. Eldritch Scythe, though Eldritch Whip does have 15' range. Could be restricted to magic whips only, if one wishes to keep it thematically appropriate. :)

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As the one who wrote it, I feel like this is what I intended. Any damage done by the whip---including "additional" and "bonus" damage, or anything else---increases the temp HP gained.
Hi Xethreau,

Along the same lines, should Hex damage (d6 per hit) or Warlock archetype curse damage (d4 up to level 9, 2d4 at level 10+, 3d4 at level 15+, 4d4 at level 20, when you damage the target) that adds to Eldritch Scythe damage on the primary target, be included in the half damage to a creature within reach?

I'm assuming not, as the Hex and archetype curse are specific to a target. However, if you had instead done the archetype curse on the secondary target within reach, then it should apply to that target only. Whereas for Hex, this is not the case as you are not hitting it with an attack when you do the Eldrith Scythe half damage to it.

Mark Essel

As the one who wrote it, I feel like this is what I intended. Any damage done by the whip---including "additional" and "bonus" damage, or anything else---increases the temp HP gained.
Could you also comment on eldritch scythe, the wording sounds like that ability only applies half of the scythe force damage to an adjacent target to the warlock. Should it include boosts like Hex damage when computing the half scythe damage?


Could you also comment on eldritch scythe, the wording sounds like that ability only applies half of the scythe force damage to an adjacent target to the warlock. Should it include boosts like Hex damage when computing the half scythe damage?
For simplicity/consistency reasons, it probably should.

Voidrunner's Codex

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