D&D General An Iconic D&D Villain Features In Stranger Things’ New Seasom

Following on from Season 1's Demogorgon, the producers of Stranger Things have confirmed in an IGN interview that the villain in the upcoming 4th season of the show is named after the iconic D&D archlich Vecna!


Perhaps the juiciest part of this very juicy trailer was not one, but two shots of our new big bad, who, as the brothers revealed, is named Vecna. One comes in at the very beginning, with a shot of him opening his eyes as his creepy voiceover reads, “your suffering is almost at an end,” which Matt calls “our Hellraiser line.” Ever since Season 2, the Duffers say, they wanted to do a character that was similar to the horror figures that terrified them growing up, from Freddie Kruger to Pinhead to Pennywise.


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In the real world, I worked for a while at Vecna Technologies, and had several meetings with the CEO...

...which means I may be the only one here to survive an encounter with the head of Vecna.

It must irritate the owners/founders to no end that if Vecna is typed into google or Wikipedia, the D&D reference (and decidedly bad actor!) comes up above them!
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I really hope this villain isn't the exposition spouting kind. It's one of the things I liked about the other monsters from previous seasons. We didn't get a lot of concrete explanations about most things. Just hypotheses based off of their observations and encounters with creatures from the Upside Down.

It must irritate the owners/founders to no end that if Vecna is typed into google or Wikipedia, the D&D reference (and decidedly bad actor!) comes up above them!
Wikipedia tells me that they formed in 1998, meaning they had plenty of time to think of a different name.

Wikipedia also tells me they have a charitable arm called “Vecna Cares” which made me laugh out loud.

EDIT: “Charitable arm”, lol.

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In the real world, I worked for a while at Vecna Technologies, and had several meetings with the CEO...

...which means I may be the only one here to survive an encounter with the head of Vecna.
It's always so surreal to me to see their recruiting posters on the T. It always made me think of the Austin Powers post credits scene, where the 1960s styled housewife answers the phone: "Why yes, my husband is a henchman in Dr. Evil's army..."

It's always so surreal to me to see their recruiting posters on the T. It always made me think of the Austin Powers post credits scene, where the 1960s styled housewife answers the phone: "Why yes, my husband is a henchman in Dr. Evil's army..."

While I'm sure they are a fine company, considering they are at the core an information technology company you have to ding them just a bit!

While I'm sure they are a fine company, considering they are at the core an information technology company you have to ding them just a bit!
Oh, I have no doubt they're a fine place to work, the connotations of the name just mean I can't help but giggle a little whenever I see it.

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