#196: Wizards of the Coast Buys D&D Beyond and More D&D News

This week, Morrus, Peter, and Jessica talk about the D&D Beyond purchase and upcoming D&D Direct. In the news, two million-dollar RPG Kickstarters at once, Stranger Things reveals the season’s D&D inspired villain, new releases from Chaosium, and more! Plus Our Favourite Game in All the World and a brand new sketch about being clear when ordering around your minions.


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Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Actual Play Teaser Trailer
Episode #156: Professional Gamemastering with DM Sarah #156: Professional Gamemastering with DM Sarah

Level Up Advanced 5e Actual Play Campaign Page EN Publishing Actual Play Campaign — EN Live

Solasta: Crown of the Magister on Humble Store Buy Solasta: Crown of the Magister from the Humble Store

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Marvel Multiverse Playtest preview Check Out This Preview of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game

Marvel Multiverse Nexus digital tools from Demiplane Marvel Universal Nexus at Demiplane!

Pre-order on Amazon Amazon.com: Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: Playtest Rulebook: 9781302934248: Forbeck, Matt: Books

Chaosium product announcements Rivers of London, RuneQuest Gods, Regency Cthulhu Coming Soon From Chaosium

Kismet by Cezar Capacle Kismet by Cezar Capacle

Dicebreaker article on Dark Souls RPG editing issues The Dark Souls RPG’s rulebook is a mess, and players aren’t happy



Tokyo: Otherscape https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sonofoak/tokyo-otherworld-a-mythic-cyberpunk-rpg

Shield Maidens https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1990654819/shield-maidens-a-new-viking-cyberpunk-tabletop-rpg

Station XENO https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/squidinkgames/station-xeno-a-sci-fi-horror-rpg-module

Swords and Chaos https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blackspirefantasy/swords-and-chaos

Find out all the RPG crowdfunding projects ending soon each week with Egg Embry’s RPG Crowdfunding News at RPG Crowdfunding News – Lairs & Legends, TOKYO : OTHERSCAPE, Shield Maidens, and more


Wizards of the Coast Buys D&D Beyond

Wizards of the Coast purchases D&D Beyond D&D 5E - Hasbro Acquires D&D Beyond For $146M

Bits and Mortar Bits and Mortar

TechRaptor article on Wizards of the Coast survey for D&D virtual tabletop Wizards Surveying About D&D Virtual Tabletop and Subscriptions

D&D Direct on April 21 WotC - D&D Direct--Learn About Upcoming D&D On April 21st!

Tracy Hickman shows off advanced reading copy of Dragonlance Dragons of Deceit D&D General - Dragonlance Author Tracy Hickman Has His DRAGONS OF DECEIT Advanced Copies!

Is Dragons of Stormwreck Isle based on the 80s D&D Cartoon? D&D 5E - Is Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Based on the 80s D&D Cartoon?


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Hosts: Russ “Morrus” Morrissey, Peter Coffey, and Jessica Hancock

Editing and post-production: Darryl Mott

Theme Song: Steve Arnott

Kickstarter Game Research: Egg Embry

Kickstarter Game Theme: Lyrics by Russ Morrissey, Vocals by “drwilko”, Guitar by Darryl Mott

Malach the Maleficent played by Darren Morrissey

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Darryl Mott

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