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An Interesting Experience

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eedrick of the Blackwoods: Human/Male (Ranger/Rogue/Fighter)

Eedrick contemplates doing painful things to the elven prince as he is nearly landed on in the process of his fainting spell but surprising settles for the more tactful approach but tactful for him is loud enough for the whole room to hear, “Do you really think your adding anything to this proceedings with your courtly actions?”

He turns back to Alcar his voice carries irritations and anger, “What does he bring to the party anyways?”
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Rowena seems unmoved at the presentation. She has long thought thus. War should be made not between kingdoms of men, but against their common enemies, humanoid and otherwise. The appearence of the messenger springs her into action. Leaping forward, she grasps his wrist, and turns up his face. (heal check +10) Is he dead? If not, she will lay hands to heal him.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*At James' arrival, Granite will go over and plop himself down on the cushions, not spilling a drop in his mug. In response to James' question about troubles:*

"Trouble? Not unless you count tha' batch of bad ale I got inta a couple weeks back. But t' princess now? That's serious work tha' is. Yer got any clues about where she could be off ta?"

*After the appearance of the messenger.*

"Moradin's Beard!" he bellows, bolting upright and taking a quick drink as he runs over. Helping Rowena examine him, he half turns and speaks to James over his shoulder.

"Wot did the message say man?"


The messenger is indeed dead, and his armour shows that he is from one of the northern outposts of Flynn.

retrieving the message gingerly, James reads it, the colour draining from his face "By the gods.. How could it be possible?" He hands the note to anyone who wants to confirm it for themselves as he sits back down heavily. "An army.. an army of Giantkin is attacking the northern border."

And the message does confirm this... hordes of Ogres and Minotaurs, numerous trolls, and even some giants have struck many of the northern border outposts.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eedrick of the Blackwoods: Human/Male (Ranger/Rogue/Fighter)

Eedrick reads the note with little emotion on his face but his mind finally accepts his words, He speaks the truth. I’ll have to be more forgiving for the time being or at least try.

He looks up at Alcar as he passes the note to the next member, “I mean no disrespect but it appears to me we have bigger issues than rescuing some princess so why is she so important?”


Calixte is quiet as the group is ushered deeper into the temple, and seats herself in the outskirts of the group, listening intently.

When the messenger appears, she starts slightly, but does not rise. She lets the others deal with him.

"Perhaps this is a coordinated strike?" Calixte asks. "Capturing the princess, then attacking with a force large enough to destroy anything in its path?"

"I mean no disrespect but it appears to me we have bigger issues than rescuing some princess so why is she so important?"

"Will you stop that?" Calixte asks impatiently, her tone irritated. "He is here, you are here, I am here - we are all here, for gods only know what reason. Now we have to deal with what has been brought before us... a captured princess, and an army of giants. Are you arrogant enough to believe that your skills are the only ones necessary to deal with both of these issues? All of our skills," She looks pointedly around the room, ensuring that she meets each member's gaze, "will be necessary. Everyone will be important if both of these things are to be resolved. No one present here should believe that they are superior to any other. Infighting will get us nowhere... we must cooperate if we are to be successful."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eedrick of the Blackwoods: Human/Male (Ranger/Rogue/Fighter)

Eedrick turns with a look of anger on his face to Calixte, “First, he asked us for questions we would be silly not to take advantage of this by not asking them. Second, I don’t see how my question could be offensive to anyone as who would honestly considers one person more important than the safety of are two nations? I don’t know the royal family of Degal that well but I suspect that the princess has other siblings and well if she doesn’t the queens more than welcome to take an oar in my boat. Third, your right, rather we want to or not we are probably going to need to cooperate to get this done and for us to be successful we need to know what the other can do and can not.”

He looks over at the elven prince, “I’m not sure what Prince Llewelyn can do besides diplomacy but I imagine where fate takes us will involve combat and I don’t want to see anyone hurt, or killed because one of us can not perform the tasks at hand.”

He turns back to Calixte, “Four, this mission can survive without diplomacy as the only diplomacy that Giantkin know is what you can receive on the pointed and sharp ends of their weapons. Now this is a rescue mission but it’s going to be rather short without me as not to many can track like me.” He says the last words mater of fact and without a hint of boastfulness, “So I’ll try and be more tactful but face it lady you’re stuck with me.”

Turning back to Alcar, “I ask again, how can the rescue of one princess mater in the light of what is going on up north?”
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First Post

“Four, this mission can survive without diplomacy as the only diplomacy that Giantkin know is what you can receive on the pointed and sharp ends of their weapons.”

“They’re just grunts! There must be someone... something... coordinating all of this.”

The elven woman has not been noticed in all the heated discussion until now, when she appeared in the doorway. Completely dressed in black clothing, her slender body almost cannot be seen on the dark background of the monastery, while her fairskinned face lined with shoulder-long silvery hair stands out in contrast.

“Forgive my belatedness. I am Silvermoon. I have been summoned here to aid in a quest unknown to me at this moment and I only heard of the giants attack when I came here to enter, but didn’t want to interrupt your discussions. Please go on, we can save the formalities for now.”

With that she silently moves to a place, where she can sit down in comfort. A small black raven follows her and takes place next to her.

“So, what are we up to?”

Isida Kep'Tukari

"A kidnapped princess an' a giant army, that's wot we're up to!" Granite declares, taking a hearty swallow of ale and refilling his mug from the pitcher in the sack at his side. "James, which are we going to? Ter princess? Ter army? Ter mast'rmind, if tere is one?"

*Turning to Silvermoon, and hardly missing a beat - *

"Silvermoon, pleased ta meet cha, pretty bird you have. I'm Granite Alehearth, care for some ale?"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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