D&D 5E An interesting mechanic for some spells

the Jester

What do you think about the idea of a spell that lets you recharge a lower level slot as well as producing some effect? For example:

Verse of Triumph
2nd-level enchantment (bard, cleric)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You recite a stirring victory song. When you cast this spell, you regain an expended first level spell slot.
While this spell lasts, you gain an aura that extends 25' from you. When a creature in the aura makes a weapon damage roll, you can choose to allow it to roll one of your bardic inspiration dice in addition to the other damage dice, then discard the low die. (This doesn't expend the inspiration die, and you can do this even if you have no inspiration dice remaining.)

(That particular spell has not been checked for balance or tested, it's just an example.)

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I like the idea. You use some magic power to recall/empower a lesser spell, and you use the leftover power to do something else. I'd say it should be less powerful than another first level spell (in this case), so maybe +1 to AC or -1-2 to damage or something....(but more flavorful, of course).

What do you think about the idea of a spell that lets you recharge a lower level slot as well as producing some effect? For example:

Verse of Triumph
2nd-level enchantment (bard, cleric)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You recite a stirring victory song. When you cast this spell, you regain an expended first level spell slot.
While this spell lasts, you gain an aura that extends 25' from you. When a creature in the aura makes a weapon damage roll, you can choose to allow it to roll one of your bardic inspiration dice in addition to the other damage dice, then discard the low die. (This doesn't expend the inspiration die, and you can do this even if you have no inspiration dice remaining.)

(That particular spell has not been checked for balance or tested, it's just an example.)

I like this a lot, but I'd word it "the lower result" not "the low die," which could be confusing.

Guardian of Nature gives +d6 weapon damage, advantage to str attacks and +10 speed to Self only. it is level 4 Druid spell.

I’d say your spell which regains a level 1 slot and grants +d6 damage to anyone you choose should be at least be level 3

other than that - nice idea

Not sure about the power of the overall spell, but I like the concept of recharging lower level spells with your other magic. Since you'll be getting a spell slot back, perhaps the power level of the spell should be equivalent to a spell of a level equal to spell level minus the spell slot returned, so in this case the 2nd level spell should be equivalent to a 1st level spell.

It probably steps a bit on the toes of the Sorcerer's niche of being able to move around spell slots levels, but I like it, especially for a spell that leans hard into a particular class's flavor or mechanics.

I like spells like create bonfire, fire bolt, and fireball, that do what they say (and work with fire).

I'm not sure how a descriptive name might best be applied but perhaps something like siphon potential or reassign magic might fit.

The spell might alternately fit in abjuration, evocation or transmutation magic

Generally speaking, casters tend to end their day with more lower-level slots left unexpended than higher. I'd be more interested in the opposite mechanism - casting a higher-level spell and then empowering it further by also expending a lower-level slot.

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