D&D 5E An Upcoming 5E Classic Setting in a Brand New Format: The Realm of the D&D Cartoon Show (?)

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I think it's unlikely (I wouldn't really call it a Classic Setting at all), but sure it's possible.

I think the only way to make it work though is if the book is more like "D&D rules, slimmed down to encourage play among younger kids." Setting included.

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A new cartoon show is possible, but I guess Hasbro is waiting for the hitbox of the comingsoon D&D action-live movie. We know nothing about if the current partnership deal with Paramount will be continue or end. And I suspect 2022 will be a year with lots of changes in Hollywood and the rest of entertaiment industry. And they can't to repeat the same mistakes with the Dragonlance cartoon movie.

Any new about the Magic: the Gathering serie in Netflix?

No, we already know what the classic settings are: Spelljammer and Dragonlance. I have an idea what the "new format" is too.

No, the D&D cartoon setting would be a new setting, not a classic setting, in the same way that MtG settings are new.

No, the cartoon references are slipped in to show WotC haven't completely forgotten veterans, but without a current cartoon there is no economic value in the setting.

A revival of the cartoon is possible, and if that is successful, then they might start thinking about a setting, but that would be a very long way out. Four years minimum.

What about a old franchise rebooted and retconected to become a new part of the D&D multiverse?

An interactive ATLAS in a CD-Rom or DVD? We are in the age of the pendrives and streaming plataforms. The age of the NFC miniatures also ended. Other tries to fuse toys and videogames didn't work too well. I don't imagine miniatures of Spelljammer helms, before the action figures of the characters of Dragonlance, when an adaptation to the big or little screen to be adapted. A serie in a streaming service would be to can explain the plot with more time.

I can't be a (arcade) videogame becuase this would be not a "new" format. A virtual tabletop? Collectable cards with digital files (like the duel disk by Yu-Gi-Oh? I don't know. Here we should talking about Magic: the Gathering as a better option.


Any idea? a DLC for some famous videogame, but it may be a very fool idea.


Maybe they will release the acrobat class and everyone starts with a cool magic item. Talk about power creep then.

Not sure how I will fit it into the Phandalin region though.


I crit!
No, we already know what the classic settings are: Spelljammer and Dragonlance. I have an idea what the "new format" is too.

No, the D&D cartoon setting would be a new setting, not a classic setting, in the same way that MtG settings are new.

No, the cartoon references are slipped in to show WotC haven't completely forgotten veterans, but without a current cartoon there is no economic value in the setting.

A revival of the cartoon is possible, and if that is successful, then they might start thinking about a setting, but that would be a very long way out. Four years minimum.
Oh? Do tell.

Were this to be*, I could see a lot of "well, I'm a ______ belt in ______,"/"I took an IQ test in high school, and proctors all had to come over and make sure I wasn't cheating, I was scoring so high"/"what do you mean you think you have a higher charisma than I, which one of us has a <significant other of some kind>" style arguments. At the very least, it would best for it to be a 'rank your own traits 1-6' style thing.
*I highly doubt this is what is going on.
It would be awesome, but I don't see this part:
really happening.
I think too many people would raise objections to attempting to quantify yourself in game terms. 🤷‍♂️
Otherwise, using locations and such from the TV show would be great!

Yeah, it would be objectionable if there were, say, IQ charts and real-world weight-lifting charts you're supposed to line up with.
But if they did it freeform: like assign the Ability Scores however you wish...as a fantastic version of yourself...that just looks like you and has your persona, then I think it could work.

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