D&D 5E An Upcoming 5E Classic Setting in a Brand New Format: The Realm of the D&D Cartoon Show (?)

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Full Moon Storyteller
If I was Hasbro I would worry too much about coproductions with the current Disney, because now this wants to add certain "touchs" and these aren't wellcome by the audience. The controversies may be too dangerous for the kid-friendly franchises.
1 - eOne and Disney already work together a lot.
2 - Turning Red, which is the latest 'controversy' is an enormous critical success that's doing extraordinary streaming numbers. Hasbro would be absolutely thrilled to have the D&D film do that.

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BTW - it's at least strongly implied (if not stated outright[*]) that The Realm is a cross-dimensional prison world where the inhabitants can't get out, not just the kids. I've long thought that would make an interesting setting - the whole world is the Dungeon and you're trying to get out.

* - I know it's stated outright in the unproduced Requiem script, but I don't think it's stated clearly in any of the other episodes. Until I read that script I honestly kind of thought that The Realm was somewhere on Oerth for some reason.


Maybe they will release the acrobat class and everyone starts with a cool magic item. Talk about power creep then.

Not sure how I will fit it into the Phandalin region though.
I mean, the idea of starting with a magic item isn't that different from the Divine Gift in Theros, no? They could create new items that go up in level alongside you, with a handful of choices per class.

I dunno about a full on Acrobat Class, feels like a subclass to me, but I'm not sure what would fit the best? Rogue is probably the closest but the thief stuff is out of place... unless they offer a replacement to Thieves' Cant and your Thieves' Tools proficiency? And a way to get sneak attack with a staff.
Were this to be*, I could see a lot of "well, I'm a ______ belt in ______,"/"I took an IQ test in high school, and proctors all had to come over and make sure I wasn't cheating, I was scoring so high"/"what do you mean you think you have a higher charisma than I, which one of us has a <significant other of some kind>" style arguments. At the very least, it would best for it to be a 'rank your own traits 1-6' style thing.
Maybe instead they could have a sort of personality quiz to tell you which class best match you, AND which class would be the most ironic for you to end up with. Then just let you point buy whatever.


I dunno about a full on Acrobat Class, feels like a subclass to me, but I'm not sure what would fit the best? Rogue is probably the closest but the thief stuff is out of place... unless they offer a replacement to Thieves' Cant and your Thieves' Tools proficiency? And a way to get sneak attack with a staff.
IMO in 5e terms Diana would be a monk - the flavor of the monk is off but everything else about the class is her fighting style. Not sure about the subclass but monk would be where I start with her.


IMO in 5e terms Diana would be a monk - the flavor of the monk is off but everything else about the class is her fighting style. Not sure about the subclass but monk would be where I start with her.
Hmm... Monk feels a little too supernatural for an Acrobat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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