5e Freelancer
This is quite a simple concept, but one that D&D doesn't seem to do that often (from what I've seen).
Angels should have a variety of different appearances. They shouldn't just look like muscular humans with wings, in my opinion (or green-skinned muscular humanoids in the case of the Planetar). There should be angels that look like different races, maybe dependent on which god they serve.
For example, in my homebrew world, the Raven Queen has promoted some of her most devout Shadar-Kai to become Angels. They grow black raven wings (duh), become celestials, and get a version of the Angelic Weapons feature that does necrotic damage (specified to ignore the necrotic resistances/immunities of undead).
Also, my world's goblinoids worship magic, and the founders of their religion managed to transform themselves into angels using their arcane-divine power (like a mixture of True Polymorph and Tasha's Otherworldly Guise). The Hobgoblin became the equivalent of a Planetar (with arcane-blue wings), but with wizard spells, the Bugbear became the equivalent of a Solar (with leaf-green wings), but with druid spells, and the Goblin became the equivalent of a Deva (with golden-yellow wings), but as a Divine Soul Sorcerer.
It's just a simple change, and it could be applied to a lot of different types of celestials. Gruumsh could turn his most devout followers into Orc-looking evil Archons that rode Flying Aurochs (Winged Bull stats). Imagine Moradin-serving Dwarven Angels that wear heavy armor, wield Mauls/Warhammers and have metallic wings! Gold-feathered Aarakocra that serve the Gods of the Sun and Air, Kobolds that serve Tiamat becoming Abishai when they die, Pegasi-Centaurs that serve the Gods of Nature, Couatl-serving Yuan-Ti with rainbow-wings, and so on!
Any thoughts? Have you done anything like this in your world/campaigns?
Angels should have a variety of different appearances. They shouldn't just look like muscular humans with wings, in my opinion (or green-skinned muscular humanoids in the case of the Planetar). There should be angels that look like different races, maybe dependent on which god they serve.
For example, in my homebrew world, the Raven Queen has promoted some of her most devout Shadar-Kai to become Angels. They grow black raven wings (duh), become celestials, and get a version of the Angelic Weapons feature that does necrotic damage (specified to ignore the necrotic resistances/immunities of undead).
Also, my world's goblinoids worship magic, and the founders of their religion managed to transform themselves into angels using their arcane-divine power (like a mixture of True Polymorph and Tasha's Otherworldly Guise). The Hobgoblin became the equivalent of a Planetar (with arcane-blue wings), but with wizard spells, the Bugbear became the equivalent of a Solar (with leaf-green wings), but with druid spells, and the Goblin became the equivalent of a Deva (with golden-yellow wings), but as a Divine Soul Sorcerer.
It's just a simple change, and it could be applied to a lot of different types of celestials. Gruumsh could turn his most devout followers into Orc-looking evil Archons that rode Flying Aurochs (Winged Bull stats). Imagine Moradin-serving Dwarven Angels that wear heavy armor, wield Mauls/Warhammers and have metallic wings! Gold-feathered Aarakocra that serve the Gods of the Sun and Air, Kobolds that serve Tiamat becoming Abishai when they die, Pegasi-Centaurs that serve the Gods of Nature, Couatl-serving Yuan-Ti with rainbow-wings, and so on!
Any thoughts? Have you done anything like this in your world/campaigns?