D&D 5E Angels/Celestials of Different Races

I think the DM Guide says that Arborea has elves that are celestials (so you can have a celestial elf archmage zap your PC's), Arcadia has dwarves that are celestials (so you can have a celestial dwarf archmage zap your PC's), Archeron has fiendish orcs and hobgoblins, and I don't recall if they said this, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bytopia has celestial gnomes.

Of course, having the PC's go all the way to the outer planes so they can fight orcs and hobgoblins that are basically the same as the ones that they were fighting on the prime material plane (except affected by more spells) is kind of a dud. It would be nice if there were some "extra special NPC classes associated with some of the outer planes" that you could stick those celestial/fiend elves, dwarves, orcs, hobgoblins, and maybe gnomes into.

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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Guardinals can vary between looking more humanlike or more animal like depending on which plane they're closer to. Generally those in the Beastlands will be more animal-like.

The way I see it an Equinal (a Horse Guardinal) can look like Sarah Jessica Parker (a human who looks the closest to a Horse to me) or can look like Bojack Horseman. And that may be the difference of being based in Bytopia or the Beastlands.
and this is why I want them to be the dg races solves all this and makes a nice symmetry to the planes with Abrahamic as lg and le with more dnd as cg and ce.

the middle needs a massive rework.

that would be cool but what are the themes of the celestial type? if it is cg?

Yeah Chaotic Good Celestials linked to various forms of love, like you could have an Erote type that is about the love of Music (Lillends), you could have an Erote time for Romantic Love (Cupids), Erotes for Love of Sex (Hedons), Erotes the Love of the Gods (Peity), Love of Battle (traditional Asuras, maybe renamed or not or Valkyries).

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Yeah Chaotic Good Celestials linked to various forms of love, like you could have an Erote type that is about the love of Music (Lillends), you could have an Erote time for Romantic Love (Cupids), Erotes for Love of Sex (Hedons), Erotes the Love of the Gods (Peity), Love of Battle (traditional Asuras, maybe renamed or not or Valkyries).
we need more than love but emotion might work?


This is quite a simple concept, but one that D&D doesn't seem to do that often (from what I've seen).

Angels should have a variety of different appearances. They shouldn't just look like muscular humans with wings, in my opinion (or green-skinned muscular humanoids in the case of the Planetar). There should be angels that look like different races, maybe dependent on which god they serve.

For example, in my homebrew world, the Raven Queen has promoted some of her most devout Shadar-Kai to become Angels. They grow black raven wings (duh), become celestials, and get a version of the Angelic Weapons feature that does necrotic damage (specified to ignore the necrotic resistances/immunities of undead).

Also, my world's goblinoids worship magic, and the founders of their religion managed to transform themselves into angels using their arcane-divine power (like a mixture of True Polymorph and Tasha's Otherworldly Guise). The Hobgoblin became the equivalent of a Planetar (with arcane-blue wings), but with wizard spells, the Bugbear became the equivalent of a Solar (with leaf-green wings), but with druid spells, and the Goblin became the equivalent of a Deva (with golden-yellow wings), but as a Divine Soul Sorcerer.

It's just a simple change, and it could be applied to a lot of different types of celestials. Gruumsh could turn his most devout followers into Orc-looking evil Archons that rode Flying Aurochs (Winged Bull stats). Imagine Moradin-serving Dwarven Angels that wear heavy armor, wield Mauls/Warhammers and have metallic wings! Gold-feathered Aarakocra that serve the Gods of the Sun and Air, Kobolds that serve Tiamat becoming Abishai when they die, Pegasi-Centaurs that serve the Gods of Nature, Couatl-serving Yuan-Ti with rainbow-wings, and so on!

Any thoughts? Have you done anything like this in your world/campaigns?

According to Mordenkeinens, the elves are originally Celestial. The mercurial shapechanging of their parent came with instability and neglect as a parent. The parent banished them in a domestic dispute. From the Celestial Domain, they immigrated to the Fey Plane and to the Material Plane. The elves in the Fey Plane have no intention of returning, but many in the Material Plane still seek to reunite with their parent as Celestials.

Voidrunner's Codex

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