D&D 5E Anybody Seen/Played Frog God's Tegel Manor?


I picked up Tegel and have been reading over the PDF all weekend. What I can say is that the map (even though it's artistically well designed) isn't very functional (at least on my screen). Squares aren't clearly defined. I think there are numerous missing doors that leave entire sections of the Manor unreachable. The overworld map isn't labeled at all.
This is all stuff I can fix on my own, but it does demonstrate a little carelessness.

As the creator of this map I can assure you that every door is present that needs to be present :) Not only did I work from the original Judges Guild materials (provided to me by Frog God Games), but I then poured over every room and every room description - live on air (twitch) - to ensure complete accuracy to the original materials and copy. Every door, every window, every rathole, every portal, every strange shadow, every bloody foot print is there. Every one.

Remember: some rooms are accessible only via secret passageways or portals. On the map these appear to be either walls or shimmering shapes; the GM version of the map has the symbol for the fact that it is a secret door etc. So some rooms at a glance may appear to be inaccessible ... and as a player I would then say: get looking for the access method, because there is always one!

Tegel Introduction.png

The squares are there ... all around you! see the brown tiles to the left? every one is 5x5. The torture room? 5x5.

The larger squares in blue bottom left? 10x10 (the scale of the map)

The white dotted intersections on the brown wooden boards? 10x10

Patterned squares top-right? 5x5

It's just not shown in a traditional grid, but if you put a grid over this, every square is accounted for in the design of the floor.

Hope this helps and that everyone is having fun with tegel manor!

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Victoria Rules
Nice map! But, some nitpicks... :)

Even though the squares are mostly all there, a light-touch 10' grid overlay would still help; particularly in places like the Moaning Hall - Crack in the Wall bit where if someone asks "How long is the hall?" there's nothing to tell me. (it's not intuitive to count squares in an adjoining room)

What would also be useful, if it's not already included, would be a GM-side bare bones function-first version of the map showing only the structural bits - walls, doors, teleporters, etc. - as a quick reference, without all the added artwork showing the room contents. This map would ideally be mostly monochromatic, using colour only to highlight specific things e.g. traps and dangers are red, teleporters are green, secret doors are bright blue, etc.

As it is, one has to look mighty close to see, for example, the accesses between the room marked G5 Cells and the two rooms to its immediate west.

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