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Anyone out there use DM's Familiar?


I just received an old laptop from my father and am looking to populate its hardrive with some programs to use in game....I've recently come across DM's Familiar and it looks pretty good...I was wondering if any one on the boards has used it?...or if anyone has some recommendations on what programs really help dm'ing.......

( I have a lot of work on the laptop.....cause it only starts in DOS and I think it has been reformatted...so I'm gonna have to learn how to get windows on it and work....:D )

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I've been using it since it first came out. It is a GREAT help in speeding up combat and in keeping track of things. I find it much quicker than flipping through manuals, but I still use all the manuals at the same time.

It has great support as well. New features are constantly being added, and the programmer (Todd) regularly answers questions and fixes or changes things people want.

Check out the offical DMF board at
and the unoffical DMF board (where add on material is discussed:


thanks for the info Dagna....I decided to buy it and have not been disappointed....this coming monday will be my first time using DM Familiar in an actual session......It is a trully amazing peice of software!!...


First Post
A convertee. I can't stress enough on signing up for the Yahoo! groups. Lots of information there and a few hundred people waiting to help you. Ok, it's more like the PCGen ones and has like 20 regulars, but we try to be helpful! I'm just waiting on the E-tools import..*drool*



First Post
Well, I have to say that this is a really great program.

It does not replace the DM, it helps him run a better game.

You have access to a lot of really cool features. You can access databases for PCs, Monsters, Spells, Weapons, Equipment (and magical items), Feats, and Skills. You can even add your own stuff or modify what is there.

The Combat Board is also really great to use. It's easy and it really helps speed up the combats. One of your PC casts a summon monster spell, just add the monster from the database to the combat board, and you have an instant monster. No more searching through your monster manual.
The combat is too easy and you want reinforcement, just add monters. It automatically rolls the hit points, so no two monsters have to be the same.

Also, on the combat board, you can keep track of spells and any other kinds of duration. A PC is poisonend, add a "1 minute" duration counter to remember when to roll the second save.

The codex tree is also great to use. You can enter your adventure in it. But the coolest part is to create the encounters in advance. You want a fight with 10 skeletons, 7 zombies, and one mummy, just enter them in a node of the Codex Tree. When the combat begins, drag the node to the Combat Board and they instantly appear, with hp and initiative rolled.

Also, you won't forget special attacks for your monsters. A NPC has 2 attacks per round, sneak attack, an unholy frost mace, and cleave. Everything can appear on the click of the mouse when you make your attack. It might look like this on the output window.

Unholy Light Mace: AC27 (Rolled a 20), Dmg: 7 (Threat!)
-->Unholy Light Mace: AC9, Dmg: 5
Unholy Light Mace: AC8 (Rolled a 1), Dmg: 4
Unholy Vs Good Dmg: 7
Unholy Vs Good Dmg: 3
Frost Dmg: 3
Frost Dmg: 4
Sneak Dmg: 17
Sneak Dmg: 13

So you know the the first attack rolled a 20, automatic hit. No critical hit since it rolled a 9 (I assume that the AC of the monster is greater than 9). The second attack missed, since it rolled a 1.

Now for damage, 7 (mace) + 7 (vs good) + 3 (frost) + 17 (if sneak attack can be used). Total: 34.

The attacked that missed could have done 24 (4+3+4+13).

I could go one for hours telling you how to use the program, but just use it, and if you have questions, just come and join us at the 2 groups Dagda told you about. You won't find greater support.

You can even ask Todd for modifications to his program, and they usually come to be.

Take care, Val.


First Post
DM Familiar

My opinion - great program. I have been using it for over a year and I love it. I lost my notebook for 2 months and had to go back to pen and papper and it noticeably slowed my games down.

Support is terrific.

You really have to expose yourself to the forums and the users to appreciate how to use the tool. I am still learning new ways to use it even now.

Totally recommend it.

Pete Hat

Not a lot to add to what the previous few posts have said. It is a great product. I bought it a few months ago.

I downloaded the demo, tried it for one session and found it cut my preparation time in half, cut the time it took to run melees and keep track of the admin side by more than half, and eliminated the need for me to refer to manuals (which has the side effect that the players don't know which rules you're looking up.

It wasn't till after I bought it that I found out it is the best supported product i have ever owned.

My advice - try it out. Nothing to lose and something very special to be gained.


thanks for all the responses.....but alas you are too late...I've already bought it :D and just got done using it.. (its 5am here...we started our session over 6 or 7 hours ago)...

It made everything some much more fun cause we didn't worry about combat and looking up rules anymore...cause they came up after the click of a button and a few key presses....I've added all of our house rules...and all the stuff my players use from other sources. There was much more fun and RP'ing than flipping through books and such and wading through rules...

We even tried using it for a non-dnd game....namely Deeds Not Words ( a wonderful d20 superhero game) we created a new Durantion Counter that was named(character name) PPs and set for 99 hours to use to keep track of Power Points by giving the encounter HO equal to PP..when a character used a power you would essential apply damage to that Character's PP "duration counter"...bamb...instant PP counter that stays at the bottom (for around 5000 rounds.. :D)....I'd image it could just as easily be used for Psionics too....and Psionis Powers could just be intered as spells...

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