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Aphonion Tales (New posts 6/13, 6/15, 6/19)

Grand Dame Sophia smiled and relaxed. “I am glad to hear it. I must say, I was worried that I would not be listened to, especially with the delay before you met with me. It was quite necessary, of course, but I was still concerned. Some nobles do not wish to hear anything that comes from beyond their own circle, especially when the matters touch on their… indiscretions. And while I have achieved a certain rank, I am not of high birth.”

“I know exactly what you mean,” said Kit. “I’m not exactly of the blood myself.”

“I forgot that you, as I, rose from beneath. It is well that the Archduke relies on those he can trust, regardless of their origins.”

“Can you tell us anything about the other traitors, besides the one who sought refuge?” pressed Dame Brionna.

“I have no idea of the other two at all. There are hundreds in this city’s order house, and three other order houses within the borders of your realm. I do not even know which order house they are in. If only Grand Dame Vivian was not so pig-headed, she could order a purge of her order, but she believes I am only trying to cause trouble.”

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Baron Opal

First Post
Wow, the temples of Glor'diadel and Paranswarm are positively chums in this game. Is this a product of the locale or have relations between the two improved over time?

I remember a very different Paranswarm.

I think the main thing is that relations have improved over time. The work of Paranswarm in the Ecumenical Council has really pulled it towards being viewed as a lawful neutral, anti-Borsh'tro religion. But there's still lots of distrust and animosity. None of the PCs in this campaign like Paranswarm. We just think we need to work with the temple for the greater good. Also, the PCs are friendlier with Paranswarmians than we would have been because of the role of the Inquisitor General in saving their lives, sacrificing himself against the Noldar. That made a big impact. Before that point, I would say we really distrusted and disliked Paranswarm. Now we just distrust and dislike them, but need to work with them. :)

* * *

While Dame Brionna and Kit discussed matters with Grand Dame Sophia, Alistair responded to an urgent request from Lady Meredith the Dazzling of Northern Aurelian for a private meeting. In light of Lady Meredith’s sterling reputation, great power and influence, and close friendship with his grandmother, Alistair had immediately responded that he would be available at her convenience.

Lady Meredith was an elegant and stately half-elven woman. She was clearly very old, even for a half-elf, but she retained a graceful manner and alert, piercing eyes. In many ways, she reminded Alistair of his grandmother--not during her last days, but as she had been before he left Canberry. Lady Meredith was done up in cloth of laen, with the high glass worked to the point that it was flexible enough to be worn. Such a level of craftsmanship was so rare, even among the elves, that Alistair had never heard of laen cloth before, let alone seen it. Lady Meredith’s hair was done in long strands, with beads of laen and mithril worked in. The effect was tasteful and attractive, but Alistair knew enough to realize that she wore a large fortune as casual decoration. The Archmage stepped in and curtsied politely to Alistair, receiving a polite bow in return.

Lady Meredith began speaking without preamble. “Well, I must say, in these last few weeks you have done your grandmother proud, my dear. I come for three reasons: first, you have two orc hordes, the Horde of Fury in Caldra, plus another in Caligshire. There are nine hordes, in the west. You must defeat them quickly, to prevent the others from getting aggressive. For that reason, I offer the use of my battle disks.”

“Thank you, Lady Meredith.” The battle disks could travel faster and were more maneuverable than Canberry’s vollers. While they would not be able to evacuate many people or to carry an army into position, they would provide incomparable platforms for spell casters to rain attacks upon the hordes from a safe position. “We have already begun our response to the incursion, but your assistance will be most helpful and we gratefully accept it.”

“The second reason I have come is that I think you will need this kerchief. It is a neckpiece of the cavalier. When you are wearing it, you will gain the ability to ride most proficiently. I do not quite understand why you were not properly trained in horsemanship, but you may have need of riding skill, and this kerchief will remedy that deficiency.” [The neckpiece provides a +15 bonus to Ride checks.]

“We thank you for this gift as well. You should perhaps know of the background to that. I was, in fact, trained in horsemanship. However, the enemies of Canberry used a Thorian artifact set to erase my riding instructor from history. Along with all memories of the instructor, I lost all of the skills he taught. We have recovered the artifact and are seeking to obtain access to a Noldar crystal that would allow us to reverse its effects, but until we have done so, I will have certain deficiencies.”

Lady Meredith nodded thoughtfully. “I could not understand how Amelia could have allowed her son to neglect your education, but the use of hostile magic explains that. Have you lost other teachers?”

Alistair nodded. “My strategy instructor. And my mother.”

Lady Meredith shook her head sadly. “Great losses, indeed. This has explained much, but there is little I can do for now, beyond the neckpiece. I wish you good fortune in recovering the means to restore them.”

“Thank you.” Alistair paused. “You said that you came for three reasons, though. We have only discussed two.”

“The third reason I have already accomplished. I wanted to make it sure that you were actually you.”

“You know of the imposter, then.”

“Indeed. It was most difficult to determine without personal observation whether the Alistair that is here or the Alistair that is in the North was the true you. Had the alternate Alistair ascended to the Archducal throne… it hardly bears thinking on. I would have needed to intervene. Now, however, there is no doubt. You are Amelia’s grandson, and the one in the North is an imposter.”


First Post
To be fair, it wasn't actually "the enemies of Canberry" who eliminated Alistair's riding knowledge. That was the Eldar experimenting, as I recall.

True enough, if you care about precise factual accuracy. Obviously, Alistair doesn't. :) (To be honest, I'm just glad the Eldar didn't have a more important person to test it on....)

* * *

Young Lord Brightspan knocked politely and entered the room. “Dame Brionna and Dame Katherine wish to inform your grace that they have returned. They await in the Council chamber.”

“Oh, please, have them join us, my dear,” said Lady Meredith. “We have concluded the matters that I wished to keep private, and there are some matters of state that we should discuss.”

Alistair nodded to his page, who quickly went to fetch the knights. They knew that something unusual was taking place, because there had been two immaculate minotaur guards in mithril half-armor and with mithril horseshoes supplementing the Archducal guards outside Alistair’s chambers, but they had not understood the significance. Dame Brionna and Kit entered and Alistair introduced them to Lady Meredith, who smiled and greeted them warmly.

“I am an old friend of his grace’s family, and we were taking a moment to catch up and discuss matters. But I am glad that you have joined us for the next discussion.

“As you know, Lady Amelia was a member of a fairly secret order centered in my Enclave, but covering the entire north of the continent of Drucien. I tell you this because you probably do not know that her passing has left a void in the South. We have always had one and often two south of the Barrier Mountains. Now we have none. We are an order devoted to the rule of law, good government, the end of slavery, and, for some of us, the ending of the eating of beef. I ask that you consider, even in the absence of a mage of her power, appointing an associate member to the Order of Northern Aurelian for the good of all the lands of Drucien.”

“Of course, we would be happy to nominate a new member, although it may take us a little while to identify the right person.” Alistair paused for a moment in thought. “All of the members of your Order that I have known of have been women. Does your Order accept male members, or should we concentrate on identifying a female wizard?”

“The Order does not discriminate on the basis of gender, although you are correct that most of our members happen to be women. We currently count two male wizards among our number, a gnomish artificer and an elven archmagus out of the Forest of Singing Leaves, although he now lives in a keep north of the mountains, because that is where his research has taken him.”

“Very well. We will consider who the best nominee would be, and then we will let you know.”

The discussions continued for some time, and then Lady Meredith excused herself to prepare for the banquet. [I have a note here that they discussed “the evil fae.” I can’t figure out what that refers to, although it might be a reference to the Privy Secretary’s mother.]

Just dropping in to express my continued admiration for this storyhour - and its updating schedule. :)

Whether you start a new thread or keep this one going, I don't care - just keep going!! :D


* * *

When Kit returned to her chambers, Dame Pressa was waiting to dress her. “Did you pick out a scent for the banquet?”

“I don’t know… one of the nice flowery ones?”

Dame Pressa nodded judiciously. “We can do flowery.” She gestured to a couple of lady’s maids, who quickly stepped forward, helped Kit into more “appropriate” garments, and cinched her in.

“I’ll be carrying these,” said Kit definitively, holding up her jeweled fan and the shawl.

“The fan will work perfectly, of course. It even looks to be elven-made, which will give you a certain cachet. As for the shawl… black isn’t really.... Oh!” Dame Pressa stopped mid-sentence as the shawl changed color, without any apparent action on Kit’s part, and matched Kit’s dress. “Yes, that will be fine. I trust you’ll be wearing your hair up, Dame Katherine?”

“I guess so…” Kit recognized from Dame Pressa’s tone that she was only nominally being given a choice.

“Excellent. We’ll be able to make do with just twelve pins, especially with the jeweled combs that came earlier.”

“Jeweled combs?” asked Kit suspiciously. “Did they come with a card?”

“No, Dame Katherine. I presume that you have an admirer who recognizes that it would not be appropriate to give you presents openly, because of your relationship with His Grace.”

“Maybe,” said Kit dubiously. “Or maybe it’s more sinister. Put them aside. I’m not going to wear anything from an unknown source until we have fully examined them for magic, psionics, and other possible dangers.”

“Yes, Dame Katherine.” Dame Pressa moved the jeweled hair combs away and laid out a set of other hairpins. “Now then…”

Kit looked down at her blouse in concern, tugging and adjusting it. “Blast! How am I supposed to hide a dagger in this stupid outfit? I know it would look strange if I wore a sword, but I’m not going unarmed.”

Dame Pressa coughed. “A hairpin dagger, perhaps?”

“Yes, that would do.”

“Very good, Dame Katherine. It will be the one furthest to the left.” Dame Pressa continued working on Kit’s hair, carefully piling it up into an elaborate arrangement. After several minutes of work, she stepped back, looked Kit over, and gave a small nod followed by a smile. “That will do, Dame Katherine. If you would care for a mirror?”

Kit spent a moment looking at the mirror. The length of the process and the restrictions imposed by the clothing were more than a little frustrating, but she couldn’t argue with the results. “Thank you, Dame Pressa. I look beautiful.”

Dame Pressa just smiled happily in response.

“Now then… I want to look at those combs more closely. If someone is trying to attack me, they may have made other attacks as well.” Kit reached out with her mind, checking the gems on the combs for psionic activity. Sure enough, she immediately sensed the characteristic energy focused on what were actually small crystals. With her mind open, she could feel a gentle hum from the crystals, but it was not threatening. In fact, it was very soothing. All of Kit’s concerns about the banquet ebbed away. Kit felt extremely calm and sedate, more so than she had at any time since she met Alistair and the constant threats had begun.

“There,” said Dame Pressa as she finished applying the perfume. “You’re all set.”

“Uh-huh. Yup.”

“Are you feeling all right, dear?”

“Everything’s fine.” Kit became extraordinarily cooperative with Dame Pressa.

Dame Pressa gave Kit an interminable set of instructions about deportment, how to sit for best effect, how to manage her long skirt, and so forth, and Kit simply smiled, nodded, and agreed placidly, much to Dame Pressa’s relief. She decided that Kit was one of those ladies who fussed and fretted during the actual process of dressing, but then relaxed and became genial as soon as fully prepared. She made a mental note of that--knowing Kit’s pattern would make future preparations much easier.

Where Kit simply had to deal with Dame Pressa, Alistair was robed by committee. The chamberlain and chancellor each had their say as to what garments the Archduke had to wear for his first official function. Alistair noted with amusement that a favorite stuffed animal from his childhood had been slipped into one of the pockets--apparently Mommy Cupcakes was also on the committee. Alistair simply did as he was asked, knowing that any efforts to control what he wore would simply make things more tedious.

Finally, they all entered the Great Hall. The Archduchess Amelia rarely used the Great Hall--even Alistair had only eaten there a half-dozen times. But it was perfect for a large state banquet, with enough room to hold hundreds of guests and magical lighting that made it seem bright as daylight. Alistair spent most of his time meeting with various guests and accepting their congratulation.

Dame Brionna approached Kit as Alistair returned to the head table to actually eat a little food. “I hope you don’t mind that we weren’t able to seat you by Alistair. It would have been a little too awkward. And I hope you aren’t finding the formality difficult.”

“It’s fine,” replied Kit serenely. “Everything is fine.” She paused for a moment. “I look pretty in this dress. And they gave me this perfume. It’s flowery…”

“Umm, yes,” replied Dame Brionna, a little taken aback by Kit’s responses. It was just as well that she was not overly nervous or concerned, but something seemed off.

“And people are sending me gifts.”

“‘People?’ People who?”

“I don’t know. They didn’t include a note, but I’m sure they’re nice…”

“What sort of presents?”

“These jeweled hair combs. I didn’t wear them.” Kit looked at Dame Brionna sharply for a moment, before fading back to a placid expression. “I don’t know why you would worry. It’s all fine.”

Dame Brionna hurried away from Kit, who seemed unperturbed by the abrupt departure, to Princess Cecilia. “Can you look at Dame Katherine and make sure she’s not possessed or something?’

“Oh, she’s not possessed,” replied Alistair’s aunt. “She’s just being ridden by a mindflayer. It can’t do anything to her. It’s just keeping her calm and watching.”

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