Aphonion Tales (New posts 6/13, 6/15, 6/19)

Before reaching out to her agent, Kit discussed her background with the rest of the Council. Kit’s prior scan had identified Lady Baroness Breena Talinis as her agent in Debonai. Unlike almost all of the other agents linked through the fan, the Baroness detected Kit during her scan of the various agents. Both Alistair and Dame Brionna recalled persistent rumors of silver dragon ancestry in the House of Talinis. The House was also notable for the many paladins in the family, along with some hospitalers. One had even disgraced the family by becoming something of a private inquisitor-- something that might have won even greater honor if they had been Paranswarmian, but was viewed as contrary to church tradition by Glor’diadelians.

Kit was surprised to hear of the draconic ancestry and asked about whether Canberry should be reaching out more to good-aligned dragons. Alistair, who had been taught of dragons as more than just children’s stories, explained that while dragons are very powerful, they are even less likely to intervene than the Eldar and Noldar. The one major exception is that some lineages have long-standing alliances with human or elven families, and the dragons, even chaotic ones, will always obey their alliances. Half-dragons and quarter-dragons, on the other hand, tend to be very involved, because they are fascinated by humans.

In planning out Kit’s efforts, the Council focused on their analysis of the current situation. If the troops in the army marching from Debonai to support the Abomination remain loyal to the crown while the army’s leadership is not, the army would probably fall apart if the troops understood the situation. At the same time, the rank-and-file are unlikely to actively fight the chivalry leading them. The key would thus be to break the control of the leadership long enough to convince the troops, who would then mostly desert.

Kit snapped her fan open and focused on the crystal linked to Lady Breena. As soon as she made the mindlink, Kit heard “M’lady” in her head and the sense of a slight bow, although less of a bow than most of her contacts give. Kit heard Lady Breena shooing people away and then the amount of focus increased, as the Baroness could speak aloud.

“My apologies for the delay, m’lady, but you know how servants are. Mine are loyal and mean well, but they still gossip. I would not want them hearing anything inappropriate and creating security risks.”

“Quite. We wanted to discuss Debonai’s current military movements. We understand several detachments of troops have headed out under unreliable commanders.”

“I would hardly call them detachments. Several entire calvary units have gone missing.”

“Missing? You don’t know where they’re going?”

“The throne doesn’t and the great council doesn’t, but I have been quietly tracing them through friends. They represent some twenty thousand troops altogether. They left through the southwest border and are heading to meet up with the great horde ahead of them heading to the Spice Lands. We have had problems with the upper echelon of the knights for some time. There is a question of the legitimacy of the royal house. The old nobility support the royal house and control most of the money not controlled by the merchant clans. The younger nobility, the ones elevated in the recent border wars over the past three to four centuries have much less money, more sons, and a desire for conquest. These would be the ones leading the twenty thousand.”

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No update today-- sorry. Work is a little crazy right now, and I've run out of pre-written updates. With luck, I should be able to post tomorrow, but I'll be travelling tomorrow and Monday, so there may not be any posts until Tuesday. By Tuesday at the latest, we should be back to a regular daily update schedule.

Back to regular updates.

“Which specific noble houses are the ringleaders in leading the missing army?”

“Duke Edelford is the overall commander and, along with his family, the ringleader. He has three younger brothers, out of seven total siblings, and nearly a dozen sons. He is a powerful warrior and a reasonable scout. He also looks very young--as young as his sons-- despite no known non-human ancestry.”

“Huh. That’s unusual. Has he always looked younger?”

“No, he looked his age when he first came to court at sixteen. His father died shortly after he came to the court, and then his aging seemed to slow down. I’m sure that’s some trick of genetics, though.”

Kit did not believe that for a second, but felt no need to argue the point with her agent. “What religion is Duke Edelford? Glor’diadelian?”

“He attends the temple, but I would say he is not a man of great devotion. His wife was, but she died in the last childbirth, some five years ago. Since her death… he still goes to services, but not particularly frequently and without any great indicators of faith.”

“I guess a death in child birth isn’t that surprising even for a noblewoman after that many children. Does he have any children from the other side of the sheets?”

“Oh, Lord of Light, yes. The gossip of the court was that he couldn’t lie down without making someone pregnant. He has dozens of bastards, to the point where the Bishop reprimanded him. There is an understanding. Most nobles take one mistress, who is cherished, because the marriages are arranged.”

“Mmm-hmm,” murmured Kit noncommittally.

The Baroness did not hear Kit’s interjection, or at least if she had, she chose to ignore it. “But proper nobles do not have a vixen in every village of their domain.”

Lady Breena’s prim tone helped Kit form more of an understanding of how her agent thought. She made a mental note to make sure that the Baroness did not allow her primness to interfere with her analysis, or with Canberry’s intelligence network. “No wonder he wants wars of conquest… That leaves a lot of people he’ll want land for. Do you know if he has magical support with him?”

“I do not know for sure, m’lady. He has a very powerful archmage in his service, but I don’t know if the the archmage is with him.”

“We need to know that, so you need to find out.”

“Yes, m’lady.”

“When did Duke Edelford leave the court?”

“He departed during the Canberry coronation. I do not know if that was a coincidence.”

“Still, it’s interesting. Did he act differently in the weeks before that? Unusual communications, secretive behavior?”

“Quite the opposite. I would say unusually non-secretive behavior. He demanded that he be allowed to accompany the royal delegation to the coronation. This was denied-- it was not his place to make such a demand and the crown did not particularly want him as an ambassador. The decision was that ruler himself would send representatives but would share the Duke’s sorrow in not being allowed to attend.”

“Could that have been a manufactured slight?”

“That’s possible, because the request was not in his character. He has no particular love or hate for the Archduchy or for courtly functions.”

“Thanks for that information. Do you know anything else notable about him, or about who his allies might be?”

“There is one other thing. He is part of the Brotherhood, a claimed knightly order but without a clear lineage. It existed thousands of years ago, as the Order of the Ram, but then disappeared very unceremoniously. I only know of the Brotherhood’s past because of my father, who was a military man who spoke often of history. There are many orders in Debonai, most attached to the church, but the Order of the Ram has no ecclesiastical sanction.”

“You said it disappeared? What do you mean?”

“I don’t think it was disbanded--all the principal members died on the same night, although I have no idea how.”

“That’s another thing we’ll need to find out. Are their records?”

“There should be, but in the military library. It would be rather conspicuous if I went there… but I can send one of my knights to do the research, along with a cover mission.”

“Good. What about the other leaders of the missing units?” Kit read off her list. “Na-Duke Alonzo Avon, Sir Montevale Higgins, Dame Brittany Tirtoroth?”

“Dame Brittany was, but I do not know about the rest. I will have my knight attempt to verify that as well.”

“Good. Let me know as soon as you learn anything.”

“Now then, I have some more general notes. The rebels in the capital have been put down.”

“Rebels? We haven’t heard anything about that,” replied Kit, perhaps a tad critically.

“I sent the note by the usual route, several days ago.”

Kit resolved to find out what the usual route was and whether the message should have arrived. “Go on.”

“There was a sudden rising, led by common men, in the capital after the chivalry departed. It was not very successful, because the commoners tend to be content. The monarchy is not oppressive and loyal to the Church, as are most of the people. When the rest of the people did not rally to support the rising, it collapsed fairly quickly.”

“Were the instigators captured? What did they say?”

“From what I gather, they claim that they can’t remember rebelling. I was not permitted in the questioning chamber, because I am both female and a mage. I am considered too delicate for such matters.”

“I don’t know that a mage is what is needed. Under the circumstances, I think you want a psion to check out their minds.”

“Ah, that could be… I will pass that advice on through the right people.”

“Did the revolt cause any damage before it was put down?”

“It was aimed at the Archbishop’s quarters and offices. A number of younger priests were badly injured, but His Excellency was not harmed. They also made off with a few relics. Some of the participants were quite distraught-- they were devout followers who could not believe that they had attacked the Church.”

“What relics?”

“One moment, m’lady. Bridget! Come in here. Do you recall which relics were stolen during that unpleasantness? Enunciate clearly, now.”

“Yes, m’lady. Three things were taken: the crook of Archbishop Augustus I, the Chalice, and the Lamp of Havens.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you. That will be all.” Lady Breena waited a moment for Bridget to withdraw and then explained. “The Crook was a gift from the Forest of Singing Leaves. The Chalice, used as a treasure in the Cathedral, was created by the House of Segilen, about a thousand years after that-- it is not laen like the crook, but is high glass crystal. Lastly, the Lamp of Havens is a lamp that was perpetually lit, also a laen item. It was a gift of a half-Eldar who converted to the Holy Church.”

“When were these taken? Around the time the army left?”

“Well, it was about the time we became aware of the army heading south, but three to four days after it actually launched the expedition.”

The Baroness waited for more questions and then continued with the miscellaneous reports. “The crops are doing well, and there is no drought. Tensions are easing with Augurt, but you should know Augurt is bristling in every direction and fortifying. We are not particularly concerned, because the fortification is with troops that are not capable of rapid movement.”

“Sounds like Augurt suspects something.”

“I agree. Augurt’s current ruler is not courageous, but it is also notable that he is sending more defensive troops south than north.”

“Huh. Do you know anything about what the missing chivalry hope to do?”

“I don’t know what they’re planning. They’re chivalry, but in their direct path there is only jungle, and to some extent desert. Horses don’t do well in either. They are heading south by the fastest route possible, while avoiding major population centers. They should pass to the west of Canberry, but they are still to your north at this point. Oh, and they are vigilant-- they put up a ward yesterday against my scrying.”

“Are the regular members of the army loyal to their leaders?”

“Most of the chivalry would only be younger sons of nobles. The top sixty or eighty would be very loyal to the commanders, the rest would be more loyal to the Kingdom. That said, there would be a fair amount of discontent with the ruling house, because of the failure to vigorously prosecute a war of expansion.”

“They want land and glory.”

“Exactly, m’lady, but mostly land.”

“Very well. Thank you for your information. I want to find out more about who’s leading them; the Order of the Ram and this archmage. Check out the Duke’s ancestry as well.”

“I will have a report for you soon.”

Kit closed the fan and suddenly noticed how drained she felt. She slumped onto one of the couches in the Council chamber, and Alistair rubbed her shoulders as she passed on Lady Breena’s report.

“I have heard some legends about the Order of the Ram,” said Dame Brionna. “It has been quiescent for the better part of a thousand years. The Order promised great vitality to men who were members of it. It was only present in a few kingdoms, and only a few of those were Glor’diadelian. I don’t think there was ever an Order here, but it did exist in the South Kingdoms. Reputedly, men who joined it became more virile and physically able in combat.”

“I wonder…” said Alistair. “Rams aren’t as associated with demons as goats, but there is still some association. And great strength leading up to sudden mass deaths sounds demonic.

“That would explain why they avoided lands under Lord Glor’diadel’s watch, and that of His Church. I’m not certain, but it could also have been timed with the previous attempted fall of the South Kingdoms eight-hundred years ago.”

Abigail knocked quietly and entered. “Your Grace, there is a message from the Moriquendi’rim. Princess Curini’rim wishes to inform you that the Council has requested her personal presence in Krashmere to present the charges against Quinliart and for other matters. She has sent her younger cousin to act her stead while the matter is resolved.”

“Who is her cousin?” asked Kit.

“I have no idea. And it’s probably best if we not ask directly. Maybe Abigail could find out from the messenger?”

Kit nodded and gave Abigail her instructions.

Abigail returned to where the messenger, a young drow man, waited. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Who is Princess Curini’rim’s cousin? The Council assumed that I know, and I don’t want to admit my ignorance by asking. They seemed pleased by the appointment. But I don’t know who she is, and I’m worried that I’ll make some gaffe because of it.”

The drow chuckled. “Who he is, not she. They really didn’t tell you anything. Isn’t always the way? If you ask, they get mad because you asked, and if you don’t, they get mad because you don’t know. Her regent is Lord Hinuu’sintu ap Curini’rim-Moriquendi’rim. He’s coming with his whole household, planning on staying and visiting others in the Northlands. You’ll like him, he’s our age.”

Abigail raised an eyebrow at that and waited to see if the messenger would fill the silence.

“His seneschal will do most of the ruling. The seneschal’s a half-Noldar, although that must never be said--Lord Hintu. He does not have the right of a family name.”

“Thanks. Do you know the other reasons that the Princess was called back? Our Council seemed to think it would be obvious, but…”

“Oh, there can be no doubt about that. The Council struggle is about the nine candidates to replace the dead lord. My Mistress backs her uncle, of course.”

“You’ve saved me a lot of trouble. I’m Abigail.”

“You need not worry. We need to stick together-- it’s the only way you can get enough information to avoid harsh punishment. I am Aleid of the Cadet House of ____.”
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After Abigail passed on that information, the Council sent a polite reply to Princess Curini’rim. They also extended an official invitation to her cousin to visit Canberry for a while. Kit and Dame Brionna were much more supportive of that idea once they knew that the Princess’s cousin would not be an attractive Noldar woman. They also asked Abigail to invite Lord Silverleaves to join them later that morning for a discussion of some of their new information.

The Council received their daily report on the devastation caused by the orcish hordes. The report confirmed that Storr had been utterly sacked and was now burning. Fortunately, the people had already evacuated.

“I wonder if we could use the Debonai army to draw off the hordes,” said Alistair. “It will pass near their dependents-- if we could make the orcs think that the army planned on attacking their dependents, we could draw them off, without our having to actually do anything.”

“And if they know about the army, the rest won’t be hard,” said Kit. “The orcs will think that a human army wanting to rampage among their dependents makes sense, because it’s exactly the sort of thing they would do. Plus, if they fight the Debonai army, it helps us deal with two threats at once. But how do we get the message to them?”

“A captured courier pouch with our ‘analysis’ that the Debonai army is moving against the orc villages, I would think,” said Alistair.

“But we can’t let them actually capture a courier-- that would be murdering whoever we sent. If we just leave the pouch, there’s no guarantee they’ll notice, or that it will make it to someone who can read.”

Dame Brionna nodded. “So we take the body of someone who has already died, dress it in an obvious courier uniform, and leave it in the field where they’ll find it. If we send one of the scout vollers to put it a short distance away from the army, they should find it within a day, maybe two.”

“Done. Send the orders.”

The Eldar entered the Council chambers. “You wished to see me?”

“Yes, thank you for coming,” said Kit. “We have some historical questions that we hoped you could answer. Do you remember anything about the Order of the Ram?”

“Yes, that.”

“What are they?”

“Were they,” corrected Lord Silverleaves.

“No, are they.”

“Oh, they’re back?” The Eldar seemed interested and perhaps even dismayed, but in the detached way of the elves. “Some being from the lower planes formed that order many years ago. I’m not sure what exactly, a demon lord or a powerful daemon or something-- more likely a demon than a daemon, I think. It offered a great deal of power to its followers, who were humans of course. He gave them tainted abilities, but his claw marks weren’t visible-- he was careful to make sure they never knew what he was. The members of the Order had great fertility, resistance to disease and damage, and power in combat, but they burned up-- he gave them twenty years and then consumed their life force. It was part of some grand plot, about eight-hundred years ago.”

“Do you know of any tie to the Abomination of Shur?” asked Alistair.

“Hmm. I am not certain. There was some sort of alliance between a number of cthons of animals, especially of vermin, and the Abomination of Shur. If the Order was tied to a cthon of rams or something similar, it could have been part of that alliance. In time, the alliance fell apart. Demonic plots tend to be more frightening than actually dangerous-- their last major accomplishment was the formation of the Shadowlands. Their disorder is their undoing. Since then, they have not succeeded at any major goals. You could count the seizure of Caldefor, I suppose, but that looks more like one of the periodic border fluctuations.”

“Do you know if any descendants of the original Order exist?”

“It is not something I have watched closely; demon lords are pathetic beings and not worthy of much attention. Nonetheless, some families of that blood certainly exist. It runs strong and the members of the Order were most fecund.”

“We know that the Order has reformed in Debonai, and that Duke Edelford is among its leaders,” said Kit. “It may exist elsewhere as well, but we can only confirm its presence in Debonai.”

“Perhaps I should look into it. My people and Debonai have been allies for a long time; the first time around, we planned on intervening in the next seventy or eighty years, but then they all died. Edelford’s whole lineage was engendered by a frail and elderly man who was about to die without issue. In all likelihood, everyone in his line is descended from the Order’s power.”

“How much longer will he last?”

“If he entered before his first child, he could not have more than a few more months.”

“Could we speed up the process? He is leading an army that we think is aligned with our enemies.”

“There is no way to speed it up. The process is inexorable; it could be slowed somewhat by destroying the demon lord that granted the power, but there is no way to accelerate the pact.”

“We also wanted to speak with you about several artifacts that were stolen from the Church in Debonai,” said Dame Brionna. “The Archbishop’s Crook, which was made of laen.”

“Oh, yes, and quite intelligent. The temple was both very pleased with the gift and at the same time something like appalled. We knew that the Temple served the Lord of Light, and that there were devas and angels who served Him, so we bound an archangel in the crook as a gift.”

Dame Brionna stammered, “But… but… what does the archangel think of this?”

“He was rather surprised at first. But he can come and go as he wishes, and quite likes it there now.” Lord Silverleaves nodded at Dame Brionna’s reaction. “You see, that was the same way the temple reacted. We learned a great deal about human psychology through those discussions. What were the other artifacts?”

“A high glass chalice.”

“That would be the Chalice of Simonea-- the material that became that Chalice was at one time soaked in the blood of St. Simonea, one of our people. We thought that since holy blood had touched it, it might help assuage the temple after the crook. The Chalice is an ocular device. If you put pure water in it, visions will appear. You can compel the type of vision, but the chalice can be tricky to interpret. I believe that the temple uses it for eucharist, and the people believe it can cure dread maladies, but that is probably just common rumors.”

“And the last artifact, a lamp of laen?”

“That has been taken as well? The Lamp of Havens. It has no fire in it; instead, the Lamp is filled with water from the Overqueen’s fountain, the only substantial amount in human hands. The water can give life to anything, but Galadriel alone can touch it without causing great change around her, because she bears the Ring of Water.”

“That may be what they were after-- that would surely be useful to the Abomination’s plans,” said Alistair.

“And they may have simply known that they needed a laen artifact and grabbed all of the ones they could get to,” added Dame Brionna.

Kit looked at the Grandmaster Farsensor. “Can you sense where they are?”

“I can probably find the crook, but not the others. Perhaps they are being kept together, however. It will take hours of meditation.”

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