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Arca Terra, Chapter One:

Dire Lemming

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Corrin is obviously confused by the assertion that he is now in more danger than he was just a short while ago. "Him? He wan't so tough. You made short work of him once you got your blade there. He barely escaped with his life. Besides, we've got his mate, and if he does come after me it'll save me the trouble of finding him."

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Sul-Mahat casts an appraising glance over Corrin, a wry grin creeping on to his saurian face. "I can't figure out if ye're jestin' with me, but given your performance now, I'm inclined to give ye the benefit of the doubt."

Sul-Mahat begins to gather up his possessions from the trash-strewn alley, thinking what to do next, then speaks:

"Ye've the look of the righteous, Corrin Reedson, and I'll not ask ye to do somethin' that would offend yer noble sense o' honour. But good sense demands that we do somethin' with this here lout who just tried to kill ye. I'm afraid this man's employers aren't, how shall we say, overly concerned with occupational health and safety regulations? That is to say, they don't give a rat's arse about him, and expect him to die before he tells us anythin' we might wish to know... Forgive me if I'm being overly cryptic with ye, but I'll explain everythin' when we get out o' this stinkin' alley! Now if ye've no objections, I'd like to get this brute loaded into my little rowboat. It's moored just around the corner. Any bright ideas?"

Dire Lemming

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Corrin flexes the muscles of his arms as he gazes over the unconscious human appraisingly. "I think I could drag him... and I would like to know just what's going on here. They weren't just trying to mug you were they?" He takes hold of the man under his arms and attempts to heft his torso off the ground.


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"Ah, so I was right, ye are a clever one, by Bahamut! Help me with this body then, and I'll explain on the way."

The two of you pick up Wattock's unconscious bulk, no mean feat, and Sul-Mahat leads you around the corner, to where the alley opens on to an even narrower back street, then opens a grate in the gutter where you see a rowboat, little more than a canoe, tethered in the sewer below. Sul-Mahat heaves the body over the edge and it lands with a thump in the boat. He jumps in next a picks up the oars, then gestures for you to follow him. The stench is unbelievably foul. In the green-brown water you see rat corpses and various other obsceneties floating past in the darkness. Sul-Mahat begins to explain the situation to you...

OOC: ...but first a little bit of recent history, given that Corrin is a Lacerda local. It's not too much, but it is essential so you understand what's going on.

Recently in Lacerda City, rumours have begun to circulate that the regent, Prince Darukan, is not the rightful heir to the throne. They say a "true" king or queen exists somewhere, and that some day soon the Prince will be overthrown and replaced by a ruler who will lead Lacerda to times of even greater prosperity. While Lacerda certainly has some very wealthy inhabitants, none more so than Prince Darukan, the nobility is supported by a downtrodden slave and working class, many of whom exist well below the poverty line. The rumours are therefore popular among the citizens of the city, but the palace has issued no formal announcement about the issue... I'll just post this much for now to let you digest it while I type up the next bit. If it feels like I'm leading you by the nose too much just let me know!

Dire Lemming

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OOC: It's fine. It's perfectly in character for Corrin to be interested in helping people.

Though he would have preferred someone prettier.:p


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OOC: All in good time, all in good time ;)

As Sul-Mahat guides the overladen rowboat down the subterranean canals, he begins to explain things to you.

"Those two were no mere thieves. No, they were members of the Prince's secret police! They're called the Foxgloves, and they wear no uniform save for a sprig of foxglove flowers on them somewhere. The Prince has become paranoid about a plot to overthrow him and install a new regent, so he's got his brute squad rounding up people with ideas he doesn't agree with. The truth is, he's right to be worried.

"What I'm about to say pretty much puts my life in your hands, 'cause all you'd have to do to get me killed was mention my name and what happened up there to the local day watch, and there'd be guardsmen picking over the city to find me and spike my head on a pole out in the dunes somewhere. They've been itchin' for a reason to get me since I supposedly pinched the Chief of the Day Watch's hand-embroidered silk and gold undergarment."

Sul-Mahat pauses in the tale for a moment to hitch up his leather jerkin slightly. You see a hint of gold thread peaking out from his waistband.

"Complete fabrication o' course. Despicable slanderous dog, draggin' my good name through the mud. Anyways, all though the guardsmen don't know about the Foxgloves, the Foxgloves'd soon find out what'd happened and my life wouldn't be worth tablet it's engraved on, so to speak."


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"But anyway, back to the matter at hand. The boys from the brute squad we dealt with back there were right, I am involved with the revolution. The organisation I work for is dedicated to placing the true king on the Lacerdan throne, not this pompous, arrogant imposter, Darukin. No, my superiors say they've located whoever it is to whom the city belongs by birthright. I've thrown my lot in with them because I can't stand the Prince, and almost any change would be for the better.

"Now I need to know what you think of these things. Are you going to run to the guards and have me hung for treason? Or will you pledge your sword-arm alongside mine to rid proud Lacerda of her harsh master and replace him with a person who will shephard Lacerda into a new age of prosperity and freedom!"

Sul-Mahat watches
you intently, a faint smile on his face, waiting for an answer...

Dire Lemming

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Corrin sits silently in the row boat, his mouth hanging open dully, as he stares at the Kobold in disbelief. "You... wha... I... Look, I don't like the prince any more than you do, but how do you plan to get this new guy into power? I mean, what, are you going to start a war? I'm always up for a good fight but, the downtrodden will be the ones to suffer if there's a war. That's how it works." He looks worried, and confused.
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Sul-Mahat blinks, suddenly well out of his depth. "Look, I'm no historian or philosopher, I'm just a humble soldier of the revolution, a freedom fighter of the people! I leave the social and political ramifications of my actions to others more suited to the task!"

You begin to wonder if this kobold is a sandwich short of a picnic. Perhaps two.

"Really, what business have I got goin' around speculatin' on all manner o' 'istorical precedent that might indicate that certain unfortunate individuals might in fact be worse off under a new regime? Me, I'm just interested in seein' change, change in my lifetime!" While speaking, he is emphasising every other word by pumping his fist in the air. "A change is as good as a ...what's the word I'm lookin' for here..."

While the conviction is certainly there, you begin to wonder if Sul-Mahat even knows what the hell he is ranting about. He is looking at you imploringly.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Corrin shrugs "I dunno. I'm no philosophizer either. It's just common sense. Who're the frontline troops? The ones with the least training who aren't important to the leaders. If you're fighting for the people you better be sure the people aren't your enemy. That's what my teacher always said." The Halfling exhales sharply in a futile attempt to clear his nose of sewer stench. "Just where are we heading to anyhow?"

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