Pathfinder 2E Archives of Nethys Remaster Update

I meant to post this a few days ago, but they updated their patreon with a release date for the Player Core and GM Core material. They plan to have the update done and available on March 13th, with the Monster Core material to follow 4-6 weeks later. After that, they'll get the AP and any other material they're behind on caught up.

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I meant to post this a few days ago, but they updated their patreon with a release date for the Player Core and GM Core material. They plan to have the update done and available on March 13th, with the Monster Core material to follow 4-6 weeks later. After that, they'll get the AP and any other material they're behind on caught up.
I am very much looking forward to it.


It's the only thing holding me back from hitting the update button on Foundry for the Remaster rules.
Fantasy Grounds updated on day 1. We have been managing but we are new to PF2E. I can imagine it is harder for folks who have been using it for a whole. I know back in the day dealing with rules differences between 3.0 and 3.5 was a pain.

Remaster update is now live on the site. Best new feature IMO is if you search for a legacy name (magic missile), it will resolve to the new name (force barrage). That will help immensely with the "what is this called now?" game. :love:



Small Ball Archmage
Its just so darn good, you can flip between two versions of the same spell to see how it changed-- like how Divine Immolation changed from Flame Strike, and I just noticed that they buffed Shadow Blast, and they really went hard to make sure they identified everything Paizo intended as a replacement for something else, it makes it really easy to set table rules like "hey lets use the remaster versions of everything where possible"

Thomas Shey

Fantasy Grounds updated on day 1. We have been managing but we are new to PF2E. I can imagine it is harder for folks who have been using it for a whole. I know back in the day dealing with rules differences between 3.0 and 3.5 was a pain.

Its occasionally thrown us off (in Hero Lab Online) but, honestly, for a lot of characters the changes are not pronounced; if anything its changes in terminology that sometimes throw us.

Voidrunner's Codex

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