D&D 5E are spells Divine and Arcane anymore?


So, in game, why isn't Cure Wounds etc on the wizard list?

Because wizards don't get all arcane spells. There are bard, sorcerer, and warlock spells that are not on the wizard spell list and each of those classes casts arcane spells.

The sidebar regarding the weave in the PHB spellcasting section sums it up. Arcane casters pluck directly at the weave and divine casters access the weave through a divine source that mediates the access. Spells are not listed as arcane or divine; it's the method of accessing them that makes the determination and each class has it's class list of spells. The separation is:

Arcane: Arcane trickster, bard, eldritch knight, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Divine: Cleric, druid, paladin, ranger

I think it's interesting to note that monks don't appear to access the magic of ki through either method so could be considered neither arcane nor divine, but the description seems to lean more towards arcane magic if a system were to force one or the other. It's also interesting to note that warlocks access the weave directly through magic learned via patron and not empowered by the patron (arcane vs divine distinction) like a cleric does. In theory, a cleric can lose that mediated access to the weave but a warlock would not if it were to become relevant.

Whether cure wounds appears on the wizard spell list or not is irrelevant to whether cure wounds is divine or arcane.

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Because you can't use arcane magic to make the effect.
Arcane or Divine is the method.
Cure Wounds is the effect.

A wizard, warlock, or sorcerer can not manipulate the weave to heal wounds as a spell. The formula requires a divine component or must be distilled into a potion.

This is incorrect because bards cast cure wounds without a divine component, as stated in my post above and per the "casting a spell" section and "the weave of magic" side bar in the PHB.


The difference between an arcane caster and divine caster has been blurred so much. Then again, diviners may be considered ones that have pretermined list of spells that is the same to every character of same class. All the while arcanists have limited portion of the spell list, be it on a book or general spells known.


This is incorrect because bards cast cure wounds without a divine component, as stated in my post above and per the "casting a spell" section and "the weave of magic" side bar in the PHB.

No, I disagree. The rules are not taking a stance like that. They are saying spells can be called anything you like, so long as they are shared. So I would urge anyone who used to call such spells divine to continue doing so.


This is incorrect because bards cast cure wounds without a divine component, as stated in my post above and per the "casting a spell" section and "the weave of magic" side bar in the PHB.

Bards are cheaters. They know a secret which allows arcane bardic magic be divine.

There's something about bards which let's them cast any spell that wizards cannot learn, warlocks can't be taught, or sorcerers can't be develop. Meaning their magic is not 100% coming from within.

Bardic magic must have a tiny divine component for wizards to not be able to learn all their spells.

The warlock excuse is that they use a different magic system.
The sorcerer excuse is part of the magic in their blood and cannot be copied without being a sorcerer.

So do bards have a bardic source?


This actually works well with my world mythos...thanks for clarifying it in my head.

P.S. /off to create my runemasters now.

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