Are Superhero films dying?

Are they?

  • Yes - thanks to the occult powers of Martin Scorcese

    Votes: 27 22.0%
  • Sorta - but more settling at a lower plateau, because everything that goes up must come down

    Votes: 72 58.5%
  • Nope - just a lull; they'll be back, big time

    Votes: 24 19.5%

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TLDR: Aquaman is tracking even worse than the Marvels. It too had an initial film that grossed over a billion. I think we can safely say that the superhero movie bubble has burst.

Is it wrong that I'm happy it will take some of the heat off The Marvels?

I heard Disney lost around 500 million dollars this year USD on it'd movies.

It has not been a good year for Disney, and with Epic universe coming its likely to get worse.

Edit: it turns our the 500 million dollars lost by Disney Cinemas was for November alone, damn.
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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Iger says, "too many sequels gotta get the Marvel machine back on track" but I think its too late. Its a burst bubble like @Clint_L says combined with the death throes of the movie theater.

Super hero movies initially growing into a thing.
Works great for a while and they manage to grow it into a huge thing.
But it was sort of a fad. It couldn't be super great forever. Ideally, you would cut back, let it simmer for a while and ready another wave in 5 to 10 years.
But the company let greed take over. They jacked up production way beyond what the average viewer wanted. You can't sell more when someone is full already.
So now we're heading into a crash.

That's a lot like how comic book themselves went.

I don't buy the idea of Superhero fatigue, I think it's alot more then that, this wasn't fate, and look at how well Into the Spiderverse and GotG 3 did.

The money is still there, it's just that they have to cut the waste and cut the budgets like Sony did except for the biggest movies.


I don't buy the idea of Superhero fatigue, I think it's alot more then that, this wasn't fate, and look at how well Into the Spiderverse and GotG 3 did.

The money is still there, it's just that they have to cut the waste and cut the budgets like Sony did except for the biggest movies.

Spiderman was animated and cheap and you know Spiderman.

GotG3 was essentially the last phase 3 movie popular characters.

Since Endgame we had films that had to be released during a pandemic, followed by films that were made during a pandemic, into a writers strike. These are all factors that shouldn't be discounted...

That said, I was watching the Antman 3 directors commentary (don't judge me) and upon introducing themselves, the director asks the lead writer...

'So how many screenplays had you written before this one?'
'None, I told you this before you hired me...'

Voidrunner's Codex

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