D&D 5E Are You Keeping Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes?


I crit!
The gift set is around 5000 out of all books on Amazon in preorder at the moment.

And it looks like it topped the PHB for a very short while. I didn’t manage to catch that, however.

So it’s already a selling really well. Far from the the best but still really good.

I wonder what WotC was expecting or planning?

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I wonder what WotC was expecting or planning?
That anything with the D&D name and logo would be a hit?
I'm guessing that having a few products that don't capture a big hunk of market share won't hurt them too much, but will also give them a different perspective aside from the online surveys, which aren't always backed up with spending.


I crit!
That anything with the D&D name and logo would be a hit?
I'm guessing that having a few products that don't capture a big hunk of market share won't hurt them too much, but will also give them a different perspective aside from the online surveys, which aren't always backed up with spending.
interesting. I wonder how much of this is toe in the water and of what particular kind of water testing.

Li Shenron

I’m still not 100% sure what the virtue of Mordenkainens Monsters of the Multiverse is if the monsters are all re-prints 🤔

Some attack spells in the stat block and missing alignment doesn’t really equal an improvement for me.
I personally don't find much value in MotM but that's because I already have Volo, which I bought both for the great narrative/fluff chapters and for the monsters list. If I now wanted more monsters I would rather buy Mordenkainen, which originally I didn't biu because I really didn't find the narrative/fluff part interesting at all.

But I can imagine that there are people who really dislike any narrative/fluff in books and only value stats, never bought VgtM or MotM because they thought half of them was useless, but would buy the combined stats of both.

Voidrunner's Codex

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