Various UA PC options were allowed (after agreement from all the DMs), but were generally upgraded to published versions when possible. The exceptions to this were the original Warforged, Shifter, and Minotaur, all of which had since been homebrew-modified to some degree, and all of which had been used by one or more players. The Circle of Spores also wasn't updated, but that was largely because our campaign was offlined by Covid well before Tasha's came out...
As for options that never made out of UA, we kept the College of Satire (jesters!), Protection Domain, and the Weapon Mastery and Tool feats (Alchemist, Blade Mastery, Burglar, Fell Handed, Flail Mastery, Gourmand, Master of Disguise, and Spear Mastery). We had one Protection Cleric PC, but I don't know that any of the others were used in play.