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Armada Expansion Packs


Well, that was fun
Staff member
FFG has just released some expansion packs for their Star Wars Armada game. I've played X-Wing, but not Armada - but I think it looks fantastic. Anyone got any experience with the game?

There's 7 new packs, listed here.


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Those are the small ones -- Victory and Gladiator. The big one -- the Imperial Class -- is coming in Wave 2.

I've picked up a core set but haven't played yet. First impressions are it's cool but I think I prefer the faster play of X-wing, though we'll see after I get some play time.


I've played in two games so far. Love the Gladiators (the smaller imperial frigates). There is a title or crew (I forget which) that allows you to perform one of your attacks AFTER moving - which is completely awesome. As is the heavy concussion launchers (on a crit, deal 1 damage to each adjacent hull side).

The Victory is a tough, tough ship. In the two games I've played, though it has lost shield facings numerous times, I haven't taken any hull damage. You really have to whomp the firepower on it to hurt it. Tarkin is worth every bit of his 38 points and will make your capital ships amazing.

However, tie squadrons in the game suck. Unless you outnumber the opponent 2:1 in an engagement, you can't win with TIEs, they just hold enemy squads at bay - one turn per TIE squad you throw at them. And other than using them as a screen to protect the big ships, dumping points into the squads just eats away at the firepower you could instead pack into your capital ships. Really, at the least they should be at least 1 point cheaper per squad.

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