Hello all, my name is Ash, I made a thread a few months ago asking some questions (ZEITGEIST - Just starting Zeitgeist: Need some advice on player's factions) and I also put some details about how our group's sessions had gone up to that point (just to the beginning of Book 2).
Well, I'm happy to report that we are still playing and we are in the midst of Book 3; though it took as a while to get here as I took a break from GMing after Book 2 due to work and my amazing players all pitched to take turns being the GM for various mini-campaigns.
Since I got so much incredible inspiration from all the other stellar campaign recap threads, I'm going to start one of my own. Not session to session probably, but probably summarizing how our group approached each book/major aspects of the campaign. Hopefully I can also use this thread to ask the dozens of questions that pop up in my head when planning for future sessions as well.
To Ryan Nock and all the writers/artists/producers of Zeitgiest: much love and gratitude from our group to you. We are all having so much fun playing it, and it is the favourite campaign I have ever ran. I don't think there will ever be another pre-made adventure like this ever published. I hope to enjoy it while it lasts.
Well, I'm happy to report that we are still playing and we are in the midst of Book 3; though it took as a while to get here as I took a break from GMing after Book 2 due to work and my amazing players all pitched to take turns being the GM for various mini-campaigns.
Since I got so much incredible inspiration from all the other stellar campaign recap threads, I'm going to start one of my own. Not session to session probably, but probably summarizing how our group approached each book/major aspects of the campaign. Hopefully I can also use this thread to ask the dozens of questions that pop up in my head when planning for future sessions as well.
To Ryan Nock and all the writers/artists/producers of Zeitgiest: much love and gratitude from our group to you. We are all having so much fun playing it, and it is the favourite campaign I have ever ran. I don't think there will ever be another pre-made adventure like this ever published. I hope to enjoy it while it lasts.