well I would think that is a potentially touchy subject.
First I would talk to my table on how they felt. I'm not a huge doer of the written social contract or of discussing veils and off stage but I know all the concepts and have never had an issue reading my table and avoiding pitfalls regarding those but I would probably talk to my table if I was going to be obviously portraying such a roll.
That said.
It is hard to say. Like portraying someone with cancer. You can say the word but it means a hell of a lot, like Autism it has a scale, are we talking stage 4 cancer of the pancreas vs stage one skin cancer. each has its own portrayal.
so you would have to define on the spectrum.
I also have a player who is autistic and is quite self knowledge about it. so to be honest I would probably use someone I know as an example but probably not while that person was a player or had knowledge for fear of them thinking I was mocking them, something, I understand, could be a possibility greater than the norm.