Assassination! DM: FourMonos Judge: Renau1g


First Post
Move: T14
Standard: Halo of Fire on Troll (1d20+12=18, 2d12+6=20)
Memory of Thousand Lifetimes (1d8=4)
Halo of Fire on Troll - Reroll from couter of Second Chances (1d20+12=19)

19 vs AC Misses:(

Unless someone has done something that reduced the trolls AC, in which case my first go, with M.o.t.L, hits for 20 fire damage and I didn't use the couters.

kal'Tarron advances along the bridge, raising his axe and swinging at the Troll. Despite channelling his memories of previous lives with great martial skill and calling on the aid of his magical bracelets, his blow misses.

1) Blessings of Vengeance - if OoE target drops to 0 hp, I gain 14tHp
2) Divine Guidance - my channel divinity can be used to gain a second roll on an attack on GFC4
3) Wrath ofthe Divine: Trigger: an enemy scores a critical hit. Effect: OoE target (within close burst 10) takes radient damage equal to damage I took.
4) Coif of Mindiron: Immediate Interrupt. Use this power when I would be dazed by an attack that targets my will defense. I am not dazed by the attack.

[sblock=Quick Stats]kal'Tarron, Deva Avenger 6 Speaks in Bold Purple[/B HP 56/56 Temp HP - Initiative +4 AC 24, Fort 16, Reflex 19, Will 19 AP 1, Surges 8/8, (14hp)Edit +1 defense against bloodied creature, Resist 8 Necrotic, Radiant, 2 Posion, Censure of Retribution, Sanguine Vestments +1 (+1 defense when OoE target is bloodied), Amulet of Health +1, Coif of Mindiron

Bond of Retribution

Radiant Vengeance

[] Avenging Echo

[x] Halo of Fire

[] Oath of Emnity

[] Chanel Divinity

[x] Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes

[] Bloodclaw Great Axe

[] Coif of Mindiron

[] Aspect of Might

[] Blessing of Vengeance

[x] Couter of Second Chances

[] Menacing Presence

[] Wrath of the Divine

Special [/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Venakhad gets up on the edge of the bridge and raises his holy symbol.

He raises his voice in hymn of glory to the goddess and she responds putting shinning cloak over the platform reinvigorating his allies and making the opponents quail.

His will, strong enough to begin with, reinforced by his quory spirit, throws off the paralyzation of harpy song with ease.

Move: stand up
Standard: Hymn of Resurgence vs Fort on GCF5, GCF4,GCF2, Troll (1d20+11+1=14, 1d20+11+1=19, 1d20+11+1=21, 1d20+11+1=30)

- hits GCF4,GCF2, Troll, -2 to all defenses TENT and when an ally hits them they fall prone.

Malehan/@Velmont, kalTaron/@rb780nm and Czern/@stonegod can make saving throw OR take 5 temp hps

Save vs immobilize (1d20=18)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: kal'Tarron will take the tHP (and regret that he didn't wait to act...)

Waiting wouldn't help, I was hoping to go last and use daily that gives blast 5 resist all 5, but Rhona got stuck with your advance and I can always blast away later.

Bad luck. I have Divine Guidance, but I think it applies only to Venakhad.


OOC: [Mention=10]FourMonos[/Mention], Chael would have used her Forceful Reversal Immediate Reaction power as per her list. I wrote the attack in IC as GCF2 in the attack (so as to not retcon Alexia's attack that would have happened after the IR), but technically Chael would have used it against GCF1 since GCF1 attacked her first. As it worked out, Chael would not have knocked GCF1 off of the ledge, so if it hits, the damage should go against GCF1, not GCF2.

Forceful Reversal augment 1 against GCF2, 23 to hit vs. AC, 9 damage, save vs. fall 16, doesn't fall, but would be prone.


"Just so you know, this murk that I put up will interfere with your ranged attacks Alexia. So many foes, so little time..." Chael starts humming a tune as her sword starts ripping up her current foe.

*Dusk. Fine time to take a nap.* Chael laughs in Dusk's mind.

Minor: Activate Blood Fury Longsword

Chael is considered bloodied for all purposes (including beneficial effects) until the end of her next turn.

Minor: Longtooth Shifting

Until the end of the encounter, Chael gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls. In addition, while she is bloodied, she gains regeneration 4 (Longtooth Spirt Shifter).

Standard: Conductive Reflex on GCF2.

If it hits, until the start of Chael's next turn, GCF2 takes 4 lightning damage whenever it hits one of her allies.

17 vs Reflex (not AC) GCF2, 13 damage

Natural 20 on Dusk's save vs. immobilize.

Twilight Heavy Shield aura still active: aura 1 that lasts until the end of the encounter or until Chael moves. Chael and each creature in the aura have partial concealment against ranged attacks.

[sblock=Immediate Actions]
In order:

Mind Spike
Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by Chael deals damage to her ally with an attack that doesn’t include her as a target.
Effect: The target takes force and psychic damage equal to the damage that its attack dealt to Chael's ally.

Not doing Guardian's Counter this round.

Guardian's Counter
Close burst 2; Trigger: An ally within 2 squares of Chael is hit by an attack and she is not included in the attack.
Effect: Chael and the ally shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. She becomes the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, Chael can make a basic attack against the attacker.

If hit, will do Forceful Reversal Augment 1 (without shifting).

Forceful Reversal (augment 1)
Trigger: An enemy hits Chael.
Attack: +14 vs AC
Hit: 1d8+6 force damage, and Chael pushes the target 1 square.
Effect: Chael doesn’t get her normal standard action on her turn.
Augment 1:
Hit: 1d8+6 force damage, and Chael pushes the target 1 square and then shifts 1 square to the square the target vacated. In addition, she gains combat advantage against the target until the end of her next turn.
Effect: Chael gets her normal standard action on her turn.
Augment 2
Hit: 2d8+6 force damage, and Chael knocks the target prone. The target cannot stand up until the start of its next turn.
Effect: Chael gets her normal standard action on her turn.

[sblock=stat block]
Chael - Female Longtooth Shifter Hybrid Battlemind | Sentinel Druid
Advantageous Conditions: 5 temp hit points at the start of all encounters (Psionic Vigor)
Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +4 Passive Insight: 26 Passive Perception: 26
Senses: Low Light Vision
Power Points: 3/4
HP 66/66
Bloodied 33
Surge Value 17; Surges Per-Day 12/12
AC 28 Fortitude 23 Reflex 19 Will 22 Speed 5
Currently AC: 30 Fortitude 25 Reflex 21 Will 24 plus Twilight Heavy Shield ranged concealment

Action Points: 1
Second Wind: Not Used

HP: 33 Senses: low light vision
Speed: 6, Initiative: equal to Chael's
AC: 21, Fortitude: 23, Reflex: 19, Will: 15
Currently AC: 22, Fortitude: 24, Reflex: 20, Will: 16 plus cover bonus by Chael plus Twilight Heavy Shield ranged concealment

At will:
Battlemind's Demand
Conductive Defense
Forceful Reversal
Magic Stone
Melee Basic
Mind Spike

Camouflage Cloak
Guardian's Counter
Healing Word
Longtooth Shifting
Psionic Vigor
Second Wind
Wind Wall

Aspect Of Elevated Harmony
Wall of Thorns

Trained: 11 Athletics, 13 Endurance, 16 Insight, 16 Perception
Untrained: 2 Acrobatics, 5 Arcana, 4 Bluff, 4 Diplomacy, 9 Dungeoneering, 9 Heal, 5 History, 4 Intimidate, 11 Nature, 5 Religion, 2 Stealth, 4 Streetwise, 2 Thievery

Hybrid Talent
Heart of the Blade
Melee Training (Wisdom)
Mark of Warding
Longtooth Spirit Shifter

Magic Items:
Belt of Vigor
Boots of Fencing Master
Amulet of Protection +2
Twilight Heavy Shield
Blood Fury Longsword +2
Dragonrider Scale +3
Siberys Shard of the Mage
2 Potions of Healing
Companion Defender
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