Kickstarter Assassins, Demons & Dying Gods, the latest game by Kobayashi


Greetings everyone!

It's me, Troy McClure Kobayashi, you've seen me in games like the Black Sword Hack (Platinum best seller on DTRPG), Extinction (Gold best seller), Fléaux! (Gold best seller and kickstarter delivered on time), Rats in the Walls (Electrum best seller) or Ronin Saga (Silver best seller, with cover and art by Mylydy, a lead story artist at Pixar).

Here is my latest rpg, now on Kickstarter


The game takes place in another place and another time, in the city of Ashengrad, capital of the Polaris Empire. The Imperials went through their industrial revolution: steam engines power up the factories, workers break their backs in coal mines and steel mills as dark smoke rises on the horizon. New scientific and political ideas appear but the old order still reigns: the Tsarina and the aristocrats rule with an iron fist.

If you can picture a late 19th/early 20th century metropolis you'll get a good feel for the setting. If you can look at a few pictures of Imperial Russia's Saint Petersburg, even better, as it is the main inspiration for the setting. Harsh winters, cold aristocrats and an empire on the verge of a revolution.


A small band of unremarkable citizens tasked by a god-like entity named Guardian to kill demons hiding among the population. Only by accepting to carry on this grisly task will these unlikely heroes prevent the impending apocalypse. You have no magic and no special powers, just your wits and your companions to see this through.

You'll find more info on the Kickstarter page and our weekly updates!

If the game picks your interest, please share on any social media you're on, you're the lifeblood of indie publishers :)

I'll be happy to answer any question you might have here as well.

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