Victoria Rules
One can be all three at once, and IMO it probably works best when one is. You've gotta be adversarial in order to make the challenges dangerous enough to matter, you've gotta be neutral when it comes to rulings and resolutions, and you've gotta cheer for them when they do something worth cheering for.I think of three schools of GMing: adversarial (i.e., the Viking Helmet), referee (an unbiased judge) and a fan where you're actively wanting the PCs to succeed
I assume the characters are as good at what they're good at as people in real life are good at what they're good at, which is generally good enough but still capable of fairly regularly making mistakes or encountering bad luck.I've just found that making sure that everyone is on the same page and assuming the characters are good at the things their players have designed their characters about eliminates 99% of problems of mistaken game assumptions.
I never assume the characters are perfect when in the field.