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[AU] Lost Dreams: The Stone Troll


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Aadin Lofgred, 4th Level Human Runethane

Erekose13 said:
After a while sitting there a large gentleman comes over to your table and asks to join, "Evenin' names Fat Jack, what brings you all the way out 'ere?

Aadin pushes back his plate, and leans back slightly in his chair.

Maybe he means well - but who knows. I suppose I'd better keep our purpose to myself. Who knows how far Shethswana's reach extends.

"Good evening to you, Jack - I am Aadin, a traveler from Ka-Rone, just seeing what opportunities the north can bring. Can I offer you some wine?"

Aadin takes a sip of his own glass, then begins to pack his pipe very carefully. He waits for Jack's response, then continues.

"Can I ask you a few questions about this town? And maybe the area?"

Assuming Jack replies in the affirmative, Aadin will ask about the following topics.

1. Where can they purchase weapons. (He doesn't want to let Jack know that they are looking to sell the large amount of gear from the Rhodin.)
2. Where they could hire additional muscle (He's worried by the recent attacks.)
3. What reports of bandit activity Jack's heard.
4. What information he may have about the surrounding lands (Trying to find about the citadel, though he's careful to not mention it unless Jack brings it up.)

Though he isn't rude, Aadin remains reluctant to tell Jack much of the company or recent events.

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"Pleased to meetcha Aadin, plenty of opportunities here, gold abounds, though I havent found any myself yet. Ive met others who have." At the offer of wine a big smile spreads across his face, "Certainly, dont mind if I do. Thank you muchly. Any questions, Fat Jack is always ready to help a friendly fellow such as yer self."

"Weapons eh? The general store should be able to take care of your needs, they supply pretty much everything we need to work out here. Not sure about their stock, but they are only a week from Ao Manasa and can bring anything in you need. Now muscle, thats a little harder to come by. Everyone here is mostly looking out for themselves. A few adventurers come out this way to see if they can profit from the bandits and monsters you here tell of round here. But there is nothing formal like for hiring mercenaries. Tell you what, Fat Jack'll keep his ear to the ground for you and if any one is lookin for work, I'll pointem your way."

"Bandit activity eh? Well unfortunately there has indeed been some of that recently. Pretty dangerous headin up into the mountains looking for gold. All kinds of weird creatures out there and natural hazzards too. But bandits, actually there was a crew of merchants who were heading back to Ao Manasa just a few days ago, been attacked and slaughtered. Were found by one of the rangers round here off the road only a few hours outta town. You had any trouble on the way up here?"

"Surrounding lands, hmm. Well of course there are the dig sites up in the foot hills of the mountains, and the river that comes down from there too. Lots of folks try to stake a claim along the river, been a few folks claiming to have found some pretty big rocks in the river. It runs just south of the town, snakes down from the highlands. On the other side of the river there is a small forest, not much activity there but some of the folks have been collecting wood from there to supply their needs. To the north is pretty wide open plains, kinda desolate really."

By the end of his tale, Fat Jack has finished off quite a few of your glasses of wine and is looking a little red in the face. He seems sober enough and continues to chat as long as your buying.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Kelsis the Bright-Eyed, female sibeccai akashic

Free rooms, not bad. Though I think I'll take my food at the Ventrid Saloon, Kelsis thinks as she enters the place. She'll leave her ranseur and bow and arrows with the caravan, though she'll keep her other weapons with her, sheathed or covered.

*Entering the Saloon, Kelsis casts about for other party members. If she doesn't see any, she'll buy a pitcher of decent wine and find herself a seat. She'll try to strike up a conversation with someone who looks like a fellow traveler, offering to share her wine. She'll talk about the fact she ran into some rhodin a few days out of town and speculate about their presence, hoping to see if others have had the same troubles, and where.*
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Kalythar, Litorian Mage Blade 4

Standing up slowly, giving both men a steady gaze, Kalythar leans over with a glint in his eye as he extends a furred hand to Johr, helping him up. "Did that troll sneak up to try and catch you unawares? Or come charging toward you thinking you easy prey? And just what did you do then, neighbor?"

After helping him up Kalythar, assuming neither are looking to continue their "scuffle", rights his table and bids both men to take seats with him. Since one or both are drunk he doesn't offer to buy them more ale, figuring that will just make the situation worse, but he is interested in finding out if there's any truth to Johr's tale.

Kalythar will wait and see if anyone offers to replace his drink; if not he'll order another when his food arrives.

Assuming that Kelsis arrives not too long after that, Kalythar waves her over to join them when she arrives.

[OOC: Do they seem to be able to handle themselves in a fight? Either of them wearing any weapons? Is the mood of the tavern that a scuffle is likely and encouraged or frowned upon?]
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First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 4th Level Human Runethane

Aadin listens carefully, mentally noting as much as possible from the stouter man's speech. He makes a few careful replies.

Erekose13 said:
"....Tell you what, Fat Jack'll keep his ear to the ground for you and if any one is lookin for work, I'll pointem your way....."

"I'd appreciate that, Fat Jack. Send them to ask for Aadin at the Mollen House."

Erekose13 said:
"You had any trouble on the way up here?"

"You could say that. But please, tell me more about the area. What lies to the North? The south?"

When Fat Jack has finished relaying his information about the area, Aadin finishes his second glass of wine, then speaks quietly.

"Well Jack, I'd like to thank you for your conversation - I'm very much in your debt for all the information you've passed on. If you need to talk to me, I'll be at Mollen House for the next few days. Don't be afraid to stop by."

Aadin leaves his payment on the table, feeling his much lighter purse with some chagrin. I should draw some of my pay from Master Mollen. He moves to the doorway with some care for his now very stiff leg, taking up his spear from where he left it leaning against the wall. He tries to shake some feeling back into his leg as he walks towards the Ventrid Saloon, recalling that's where Kalythar was.
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As you, Kalythar, show interest in his wild tale, the man quickly forgets having been thrown across your table. The other leaves laughing hard, to join the others at his table and orders another round. The one whom you have helped up, Johr, says, "Thanks much, them trolls can be sneaky sometimes. This one tried to catch us while we was sleeping. But me, I sleep with one of me eyes open see. So I saw him coming and stayed reeeal quiet. As he snuck into the camp I slowly drew my trusty sword and hacked at 'im. *hick* Cleaved a nasty gash into his hide I did. His scream woke th' others and facing down the 4 of us sent him scamperin. Names, Johr by the way. Dont think I caught yours friend?" As you straighten things you can see that he is quite drunk, he sways quite a bit while telling his tale and his breath reaks. Once your table is righted and his frentic tale told, he sits down without asking. The serving woman brings two new mugs of ale to the table and sets one down in front of each of you.

Kelsis wanders into the Ventrid Saloon and easily spots Kalythar sitting directly in the center of the room talking with a man who is leaning strangely in his seat. Both of them have full mugs of ale in front of them. She nabs the seving woman and orders her wine and food before joining Kalythar at his table.

Aadin finishes up his conversation with Fat Jack he lets you leave saying, "Well thanks very much for the nice conversation, Mr. Aadin sir, I will be certain to drop by at House Mollen if I think of anything else. Fat Jack is watching out for you and rumors or men wantin work, I'll pass them on to you." Heading out of the Gold Ring, Aadin makes his way to the Ventrid Saloon to see what Kalythar has managed to find out. As he opens the door he can see Kalythar and Kelsis sitting at a table in the center of the room with another man.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Kelsis the Bright-Eyed, female sibeccai akashic

*Kelsis nods at Kalythar and goes over to share his table, nodding slightly to Johr.*

"So, you're a troll-slayer? Impressive. Tell me, have you fought other monsters around these parts?" she inquires. Those Kelsis is not normally one to simper, she's willing to look somewhat interested in what this lout has to say. Even a manure pile can contain a single grain of truth, and that is worth any amount of soiling.


Johr looks up at Kelsis as she sits and nods, making a show of trying to stand, but falling back into his chair before he gets too far up. "Aye well, me mates and I seeing how we bested a troll and all decided to follow it, maybe see if it had any treasure or the like. We done followed that thing for two days before some of the others started whining about needing to get back. Just then over the next rise I spotted the sob trying to make for the tree line up ahead. We chased him into the trees but lost him before he got to tha other side. All this talking is making me thirsty, another ale please." He says, waving down the serving woman. When she brings it and asks for the copper, he points over towards the two of you smiling.

Once he his thirst has been sated he continues his tale, "
It was weird tho the other side of them trees was just a barren plain, nothing but wind blown scrub land and cold, too damn cold. Anyways we started makin our way back towards our jobs here hopin nobody noticed us missing and all. Well then the slimy git jumped out and tried to ambush us again. We was ready this time though and we cut him to shreads we did. Then we ran back to the mines so not to lose any pay. Dont remember much more than tha really."


After Johr mentions the cold, barren plain Kalythar waits until Johr's deep into his mug, then gives Kelsis a querying look. If his tale has any truth to it, that "Citadel of Ice" Aadin & Kelsis were discussing could be nearby.

After Johr finishes his telling, Kalythar asks, "Well, Johr, that was some mighty fine tracking you guys did. I'm glad you managed to take down the beast. I hope you all didn't get into trouble with your boss?"

After Johr replies, Kalythar questions him further. "Do you think you could find that barren plain again, Johr? Which direction and how many days travel from here? It seems to me that troll might have been running back to his pack, and it might be safer for everyone around these parts if they were rooted out. Maybe someone should organize a "troll posse", and I bet you and your friends would be mighty welcome with all your experience."

As Johr responds, Kalythar takes another swig of his ale. Assuming Aadin enters shortly, he'll wave him over to the table. Turning back to Johr, Kalythar offers his hand and says, "Thank you, Johr, it's always good to meet someone who really knows to handle themselves out in the wilderness around here. I appreciate you sharing a few mugs with me."


First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 4th Level Human Runethane

Aadin moves towards the group, leaving his spear at the door. As Johr and Kalythar shake hands, the runethane nods in greeting to the others. He remains silent until Johr leaves, then pulls up a chair.

"I've found some information on the area - nothing specific to the citadel, but a good general idea of the town and countryside."

The Runethane then quickly relates the information that Fat Jack gave him.

".....and that's everything, I think. I don't have your memory, Kelsis." He grins slightly at the feeble joke, but then turns serious.

"I also think we need to sell the weapons that the Rhodin had. I've determined which are magic, so we can ditch the rest. The axe and ring should also be claimed by one of you two now that we know what they are - the less time I spend in swordplay, the better for all concerned."

Aadin sits back, finished speaking for the moment.

(ooc - Can we sell the stuff tonight? What time is it?)

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