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[AU] Lost Dreams: The Stone Troll


Kalythar, Litorian Mage Blade 4

Nodding at Aadin's words, Kalythar says, "Your words are wise, Aadin, but with Glacial Wind I need no other weapon in close combat. I've always preferred swords anyway. The ring, however, could certainly prove useful to me...if no one else has a stronger claim to it."

He then paraphrases Johr's tale for Aadin, ending with, "So while it's certainly speculation on my part, I wonder if the cold plain that troll led Johr's group to might be the location of this 'Citadel of Ice' you two were discussing after the rhodin attack. He didn't describe anything of the sort on the horizon, but he did remark that it was 'unnaturally cold'."

"Now, we have our duty to Master Mollen to care of, but that area should likely be checked out if these attacks continue, either by us when our obligations have been met or the locals. Those rhodin were very well supplied for a simple raiding party. I can't imagine how much damage will be done over the coming months against these townfolk and miners if the trolls, hags & rhodin aren't stopped."

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As the talk turns to organizing a 'troll posse' as Kalythar put it, Johr turns a little paler and says, "Uh, me, um, no I dont think that I would be so good on that kind of thing. I, uh, I have to get back to work in the mines early tomorrow. Boss deducted us pay last time we showed up late. Yeah back to the mines for me, thats it. If yer looking for the plain though its about 2 and a half days north of the town, beyond the last line of trees." He gets up and leaves the bar almost directly, he is even walking straighter having be sobered by the thought of fighting trolls.

Kelsis notes that while she was out surveying the town, she had noticed that the general store would still be open for another hour or two as it is still the afternoon.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Kelsis the Bright-Eyed, female sibeccai akashic.

"I think we may have found our little nest," Kelsis comments. "At any rate, I believe I could get some use out of that battleaxe. I enjoy my ranseur, but the axe would be welcome for close combat. Come, we should have an hour or so before the general store closes."

*As they exit the bar, Kelsis will turn to the others.*

"We now know where the trolls are residing, as well as the hag and some other rhodin no doubt. It would be a memory worth having to see their influence on the land ended," she says, her voice low and intense. Kelsis' ears are up and alert.


Heading out of the Ventrid Saloon you all gather the mundane equipment from the warehouse where Gren is watching the caravan. All totaled you have 5 chainshirts (2 masterwork), masterwork shortsword, masterwork composite longbow, w/ 20 arrows, 5 wooden long shields (1 masterwork), masterwork longsword, 3 battleaxes, and 10 shortspears. [ooc: ps I forgot that one of the suits of chainmail radiated magic too]

You look rather amusing decked out for war as you cart all the gear to the general store. There are a couple people inside, one of whom appears to be the shop keeper because the other gentleman most definitely isnt. He is a large young man standing over six feet tall and dressed in heavy armor carrying a battleaxe. The two of them are talking as you enter, apparently about employment opportunities in the area.

Seeing the three of you enter laden with gear the shopkeeper asks the other gentleman to wait a moment. "Well now what have we here? Looking to sell stuff or is that your normal armament in a rough town like this? *he chuckles* Here here bring that stuff over here and I'll give you a fair price." Once you have set the weapons and armor down he holds out his hand and says, "Name's Portus and this here is my shop. Buy and sell all kinds of gear that might be of need to the prospector or explorer. Even have a general food store opened up recently what with all these people coming up here."

Aadin, does his best to haggle over the price that you can get for things and all totalled Portus will give you 1,250gp for the masterwork and normal equipment listed above. Aadin figures that its about half of what the gear is worth maybe a bit more. That leaves you with all the magic items, the andrecite, and the memory stone.

Ion, go ahead and intro Tash now. After the falling out with the prospectors he has started to look for work. It may just have found him at the first place he stopped.


Tash, Human Warmain.

The large man previously talking to Portus takes a step back, to allow room for your transaction to take place. He starts to half hum half sing to himself quietly and browses the other wares half heartedly. His tune lacks training but he seems to have a small amount of natural talent. "...one fist of iron, the other of steel, and if the right one don't get ya than the left one will..." His voice peters out as your transaction nears completion, and the staggering amount of gold changes hands.

Once you finish up, the man turns from where he was standing and takes a step towards strongest looking member in the group who had just walked in, and extends his hand in greetings. "The name's Tash" He says in a deep grumbly voice that would almost make you think he had a frog in his throat. "I don't mean to point out the obvious, but thats an awful lot of quality goods you just sold there" He motions to the weapons and armor. "Where did you end up finding that cache?"


Kalythar, Litorian Mage Blade

While Aadin haggles with Portus, Kalythar takes a bit of time looking around at the wares, and also gives Tash a sideways appraising glance to check out his arms & armor. Getting the impression that Tash is both trained and comfortable with how such things are used, he's only too happy to step up and shake Tash's hand when offered.

With a silly grin on his face, Kalythar says, "Greetings, Tash. You'll probably be interested to hear that a pack of rhodin were nice enough to bring them to our caravan on our trip up from Ao-Manasa. After a bit of "discussion" they left all of it strewn about on the ground. Being nature friendly types that we are, we felt rather obligated to pick it all up so it didn't ruin the pretty landscape.

By the way, name's Kalythar. What brings you to town?"


Tash, Human Warmain

You hear the deep rumble of Tash's chuckle as he muses about your story.
"Well, Its a pleasure Kalythar. I came to town looking for supplies, but after the little disagreement I had with my employers I’m mostly looking for work now."
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Kalythar, Litorian Mage Blade

"Well, as I hinted at before, we're currently working as caravan guards for a gent named Mollen. If you can wield that axe as well as you carry it and are interested in the possibility of such work you could head over to Mollen's House with us after we finish our business up here. I certainly don't want to speak for Master Mollen, by any means, but the road here was rougher than he seemed to expect and there's hints that further on things are likely only going to get worse. I believe he's looking to pick up one or two extra battle hands. The deals a good one, and he's been very straight with us so far, so I have no real complaints or reservations about recommending the opportunity to you. Except of course that you'll take another share of any spoils!" That last Kalythar says with a quick wink and a smile.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Kelsis the Bright-Eyed, female sibeccai akashic

"Indeed, Mollen has been a generous employer. But tell me Tash, what battles have you fought? What sights have you seen?" she inquires, her eyes bright and intense. The sibeccai woman has silver fur and short black hair, and has an air of competence and intensity around her.


First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 4th Level Human Runethane

Aadin finishes his business, taking the heavy purse of coin from the storekeep, and then turns to the bulky young man.

"And I am Aadin, by the way. Well met, Tash."

Though slightly taller, Aadin looks almost gaunt next to the well-built warrior. Nevertheless, the runethane extends his hand in greeting, and nods as the two shake hands.

"We'll probably be heading back to Mollen house now, after we stock up on supplies of course - where are you staying in town?"

Aadin leans onto his spear, taking the weight off his bad leg.

(ooc - Dr Spunj, did you want the ring of Khorne? It'll probably be best for you or Tash to take it.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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