D&D 5E Auroborus: A Mountain-shattering Rock-and-roll D&D World from WoW Developers

What happens when some of the developers of Warcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch make a D&D setting? You get a 'rock-and-roll' high-powered world called Auroboros! Coming to Kickstarter on April 20th from Warchief Gaming, Auroborus: Coils of the Serpent is set in a land called Lawbrand. Players can wield immense power, able to shatter mountaintops. The Kickstarter is for the first 'Worldbook'...

What happens when some of the developers of Warcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch make a D&D setting? You get a 'rock-and-roll' high-powered world called Auroboros!


Coming to Kickstarter on April 20th from Warchief Gaming, Auroborus: Coils of the Serpent is set in a land called Lawbrand. Players can wield immense power, able to shatter mountaintops. The Kickstarter is for the first 'Worldbook' which details Lawbrand.

"Ancient magic flows through the grimy streets of Lawbrand’s bustling Trade-Cities. Tensions between the ruling Sularian Church and the new generation of upstart adventurers threaten to ignite a firestorm of societal upheaval. In the wilds beyond Lawbrand’s borders, long-forgotten races and newly formed cults rise to claim their own territories – and exert their will upon civilization. And beneath it all, the ancient World-Serpent, Auroboros, awakens to devour all…"

The setting contains 5 new races (including the aquatic Atsaad), and 4 subclasses (including the fighter Wildkeeper).

As for that 'mountain-splitting" power? Here's what they say: "The ancient World-Serpent, Auroboros, coils throughout Creation; its vast power capable of birthing startling new life or annihilating all that is. By taking the dread Mark of the Serpent, players can wield the Auroboros’ awesome power directly, gaining the ability to heal the sick and shatter mountaintops alike – but at great peril to themselves."

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Well color me interested.

And as for whatever weird WoW lore debate is going on, I am pretty fine with the job they have done. Lore isn't what chased me away. Less time, and the removal of skill trees is why I stopped. Sigh... I really really like skill trees people.
Classic and soon TBC await for people who actually enjoyed the game before it was ruined. :)

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Dances with Gnolls
Classic and soon TBC await for people who actually enjoyed the game before it was ruined. :)
I know. I have played classic and it was an interesting trip down memory lane, but you do tend to miss some of the quality of life stuff that came in the expansions. The other problem is that I have less time than when I was in college. It was lightning in a bottle. I'd never be able to commit that amount of time to a videogame now. I still have my memories though.

I know. I have played classic and it was an interesting trip down memory lane, but you do tend to miss some of the quality of life stuff that came in the expansions. The other problem is that I have less time than when I was in college. It was lightning in a bottle. I'd never be able to commit that amount of time to a videogame now. I still have my memories though.
Playing a Paladin in Classic reminded me of why I enjoy the game much more now. Maybe I'll look back in during BC or a potential WotLK to try again when ret pallies are viable again.


Playing a Paladin in Classic reminded me of why I enjoy the game much more now. Maybe I'll look back in during BC or a potential WotLK to try again when ret pallies are viable again.
Well thats not a shock, Ret in Classic is probably the weakest talent tree/spec in the game. :)

I raided as Ret through all of TBC and most of Wrath, and yeah, its night and day.

Well thats not a shock, Ret in Classic is probably the weakest talent tree/spec in the game. :)

I raided as Ret through all of TBC and most of Wrath, and yeah, its night and day.
I started by Ret (who is my main to this day) at the end of Classic, so I really didn't know how bad it was at first, until BC came along and it all got better. I was thinking "Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought." No, it was worse.

D&D Twitter shared a link about the setting. Why WotC would promote a 3PP title? It sounds as "we are good friends and maybe we will some deal in the future".

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The Kickstarter is live. As you'd expect for folks with Blizzard connections, the art assets for all parts of the campaign are gorgeous.

And although it's clearly not Azeroth, the setting, as described on their campaign page, is all about big action, savage environments, etc.

It all looks very good, although it might not be my particular cup of D&D tea as a DM.


Did it even get released yet?
Yes. I got my physical copy a month ago and the PDF back in March. But I'll be honest. The revelations about just how toxic the creative culture at Blizzard was, and the painful cutting of my connections to Warcraft after over a decade, soured me on everything associated with it so much that I still haven't read my copies.

I probably should. I did pay for them, after all. But I know there's no way I'll ever sell anyone on using it now, so it just kind of feels pointless.

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