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AvP getting ripped to pieces


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Joshua Dyal said:
Oh, :rolleyes: where are you in our hour of need?

Anytime anyone says that, their rant loses all credibility.
d00d, I so could have written the movie better. The predators would have been ninjas with katanas and the rock would have played the leader predator who was all like 'you can't stop the rock!' and then he'd get into a cage match with the aliens and t0tally go full-nelson on them

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Pants said:
d00d, I so could have written the movie better. The predators would have been ninjas with katanas and the rock would have played the leader predator who was all like 'you can't stop the rock!' and then he'd get into a cage match with the aliens and t0tally go full-nelson on them

and then there would have been these girl predators, and this big predator sex scene with the main girl, and the predator chicks would have gotten all, like, mad at her for taking their man, and then there would have been naked mud-wrestling hot chixxxs predators!!!!111oneone!!
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Pants said:
d00d, I so could have written the movie better. The predators would have been ninjas with katanas and the rock would have played the leader predator who was all like 'you can't stop the rock!' and then he'd get into a cage match with the aliens and t0tally go full-nelson on them

Ha, ha. Very funny. You know what people dug about Van Helsing, and what made it 'special?' It was the fact that every scene in the movie hadn't been done to death before. AVP was flat out boring. There was nothing gripping about any of the scenes. If somebody doesn't have a job and can beg up the change to go see it again, they should take a good assessment of the story and scenes. They weren't original or novel by any means. Yea, so the alien blows some acidic spew out his tail, whoopee. Like I haven't seen that on 15 videogame ripoffs of the theme too. Bah! Each scene could have been decent, but they failed..failed miserably.




First Post
You know, I actually haven't seen Van Helsing. ;)

Joshua Dyal said:

and then there would have been these girl predators, and this big predator sex scene with the main girl, and the predator chicks would have gotten all, like, mad at her for taking their man, and then there would have been naked mud-wrestling hot chixxxs predators!!!!111oneone!!
Your geek-fu is strong indeed, dare I say, stronger than my own. Mostly because of the multiple exclamation points. :p


I just came back from the movie and it was awesome ! I don't know what you guys don't like, but it's probably the best movie I have seen in years. Sure, Return of the King was good, but AvP totally knocked my socks off. I wish this guy would have made the LOTR trilogy, it would have been even better !

I went to see it with my girlfriend, and the suspense was so tense that she kept planting her fingers in my arm (I still have some marks ! ! !), and at one point (I won't say which as to not spoil it, but you'll know when you see it) it was so gripping that tears kept rolling down my cheeks. I wasn't crying, it was just so intense that there was water coming out of my eyes. Never before had a movie such an impact on me.

Well, at least it would be cool if this movie had such an effect on me. I'll see when I rent it (not holding my breath).



Pants said:
Your geek-fu is strong indeed, dare I say, stronger than my own. Mostly because of the multiple exclamation points. :p
The secret is missing and getting a few 1s in there with all your !'s. If you really screw up and actually type out one, though, that's pretty impressive stuff.


First Post
According to Paul WS Anderson, there will be a Director's Cut of AvP.

He said that Fox anticipated the movie in 3 weeks, which hurt the special effects a bit. And much to his chaggrin, Fox also lowered the rating from 17 to PG13, which forced most of the action scenes to be cut out (specially the gory killings... all of them) as well as a parallel storyline.


First Post
Just saw it last night and I have to say I really enjoyed. Sure the acting wasn't exactly Oscar calliber. There were plot holes. etc.

But it was fun!

Interesting setup for a sequel too.
Though I wonder if it would have regular aliens or just the pred-alien.

The only complaint I had was at the very end when Alexa and the Predator were running out of the temple. Shouldn't he be running MUCH faster than her?

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