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CR 1/8
How about The Breakfast Club with a horror twist, like Call of Cthulhu? A small group of kids, their teacher/principle, and a janitor, supposedly alone in a huge high school.
That reminds me of the Savage Worlds setting East Texas University. It's college kids in Texas instead of high school kids in Chicago, but I bet it might be adaptable to a Breakfast Club-esque game since it shares a lot of the same tropes.

Doug McCrae

When we played Tales from the Loop -- a retro 80s kids rpg, similar to the TV show Stranger Things -- we briefly discussed the, strictly by the book, AD&D 1e game our characters were playing and what their classes might be.
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Staff member
How about The Breakfast Club with a horror twist, like Call of Cthulhu? A small group of kids, their teacher/principle, and a janitor, supposedly alone in a huge high school.
Monster of the Week springs to mind for system. I bet kids on Bikes would work, too.

Also, there are SO many quality HS (or younger) settings to work with: Ferris Beuhler, The Stoned Age, Parker Lewis, Square Pegs, It, 90210, Saved by the Bell, Stand By Me, Buffy...

Weaving comedy with a horrorific twist could get you something like Todd vs The Book of Evil.

Hmmmm...perhaps one school’s journalism or AV club could be a front for a specially selected group of “Chosen Ones” solving eldritch mysteries around The City on cleverly timed field trips.



Well, seeing as I was a teenager through the 80's... I think I might do a Zombie Apocalypse type game; no internet, no cell phones, no "computers" (well, nothing we nowadays would consider 'useful to an average person'...if you don't know how to code in Pascal or BASIC, and have a blank cassette and cassette player, you're SOL... ;) ). Then again, no firk ding blasted car alarms either! away, survivors! :)

For the added bonus...I'd have a couple nukes having been used to try and stop the spread in the initial first couple days, or people with their finger on the button just say "What the heck...lets do it! Better than being eaten by a zombie, right?... PUSH". This would let me have not only zombies...but RADIOACTIVE zombies! But why stop there? We have apocalyptic world, irradiated areas with radioactive zombies...might as well throw in some Car Wars while I'm at it! Mad Max...with radioactive zombies. :) For the icing, dinosaurs. Why? Who knows? It was the 80's! Radioactive zombie T-Rex herds chasing down the PC's in their tricked out, armoured RV with a top mounted rocket launcher? Hell yeah!

Or I'd just run a regular game of Top Secret. That works too. :)


Paul L. Ming

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
That is sort of my instinct as well, to use DG.
My first pass was more off the cuff - punkers in the future.

But the actual core loop of this movie is more of an investigation game. So I would say something like Gumshoe, or to combine Delta Green and Gumshoe, Fall of Delta Green...

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I'd love to run a Ghostbusters campaign, set in the 80's. I'm not sure what would be a good system for that. I think there are rules for a gb rpg, but don't know if they are any good.

Or maybe a take on Big Trouble in Little China, and just go crazy.
Ghostbusters - Inspectres.
Although it's not going to hit your crunch factor, the great thing about it is it includes both the business side of ghostbusters; as well as the breaking the 4th wall a-la the Office.

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