WotC Baldur's Gate III Announced; Powered by D&D 5E

The developers of the Divinity: Original Sin series, Laria Studios, officially announced Baldur’s Gate III.

The developers of the Divinity: Original Sin series, Laria Studios, officially announced Baldur’s Gate III.
The new game will use the D&D 5th Edition rules as the backbone for their system and the storyline will be set directly after the events in the upcoming adventure Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. The game will be released on PC and the new Google Stadia video game streaming service. The announcement came with a teaser trailer below. More information is expected at the video game and electronics conference E3 next week.

The game isn't quite available for pre-order, but you can add it to your wishlist on Steam. The Steam listing also gives some idea of the features and gameplay options, as it lists Single Player, Multi-Player, Online Multiplayer, Local Multiplayer, Co-Op, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Shared/Split Screen, and Cross-Platform Multiplayer.

The announcement follows a tease last week with an image of the stylized "III" which left the title of the game as part of the filename.

Warning: The trailer features some gruesome imagery which may not be suitable for all audiences and is definitely NSFW.


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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott


Yeah. Battlemaster, Eldritch Knight, and Arcane Archer would work fine in the DOS2 engine. Champion would... flounder for options.
Wondering if the characters will start at Level 3 just to avoid the auto attack problem.

I may have missed it in the thread...but I don't get what the "auto attack" problem is.

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I may have missed it in the thread...but I don't get what the "auto attack" problem is.
In the DoS games everyone starts with around 3 abilities, choosing which one to use forms a big part of the combat system.

If they went for real-time-with-pause like BG1, autoattack (i.e. lack of choices on a character's turn) wouldn't be a problem, but it sounds like they are going for something closer to fully turn based DoS2, so they need to present more than one option when a character's turn comes around.


I may have missed it in the thread...but I don't get what the "auto attack" problem is.

In a TTRPG the fact that for most of 1St and 2nd level ckmbats fighters really only just do basic attacks, but a good RPer can fluff those attacks to make them more interesting. In a CRPG you really, can't do that.


In the DoS games everyone starts with around 3 abilities, choosing which one to use forms a big part of the combat system.

If they went for real-time-with-pause like BG1, autoattack (i.e. lack of choices on a character's turn) wouldn't be a problem, but it sounds like they are going for something closer to fully turn based DoS2, so they need to present more than one option when a character's turn comes around.

Your right, this is another hint that it will be turn based combat.


What it sounds like to me is that every class is going to get a "newbie friendly" option, but it will still be more complex than the champion. As game designers they don't seem to really subscribe to the binary martial - simple/caster - complex philosophy. And they already know the default ranger needs Jesus, so that's good.

I'm thinking that all Fighters get superiority dice (Battle master just gets exclusive maneuvers), Barbarian's might get a small pool of rage techniques, and Rogues may get some tricks to perform. This is on top of any skill checks environmental or otherwise that can be performed.

I also assume that combats will be more frequent, but much shorter than Divinity in general because of the short rest/long rest system.

We'll see what Larian decides.


If the fights are "Divinity style" the could allow a short rest after every battle.

Yeah, I imagine it would be like that. Similar to 4e or Pillars of Eternity (for a video game equivalent) where they just had most martial abilities as per encounter powers. Long Rests would still require the 8 hours/tent/whatever though, I'm sure.


Maybe BG3 will actually be based on 4e, just reflavored to look like a 5e variant?
Without ragging on 4e, I hope not. Neverwinter is already 4e-based, and Sword Coast Legends was a hybrid of D&D with whatever house system they used. I want to see a D&D game play like a 5e game with the minimum changes needed due to game structure (such as not needing abilities tied to getting lost or swimming or controlling the wind). BG and IWD were close enough that someone playing them could learn a lot about 2e, NWN did the same with 3e for the most part. I want BG3 to be able to teach someone 5e in much the same way. I want short rest abilities, spell slots, and even having "I attack" be the best option for a combat to save resources. I don't want another SCL that uses its own rules and wears D&D's IP like a cloak.

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