WotC Baldur's Gate III Announced; Powered by D&D 5E

The developers of the Divinity: Original Sin series, Laria Studios, officially announced Baldur’s Gate III.

The developers of the Divinity: Original Sin series, Laria Studios, officially announced Baldur’s Gate III.
The new game will use the D&D 5th Edition rules as the backbone for their system and the storyline will be set directly after the events in the upcoming adventure Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. The game will be released on PC and the new Google Stadia video game streaming service. The announcement came with a teaser trailer below. More information is expected at the video game and electronics conference E3 next week.

The game isn't quite available for pre-order, but you can add it to your wishlist on Steam. The Steam listing also gives some idea of the features and gameplay options, as it lists Single Player, Multi-Player, Online Multiplayer, Local Multiplayer, Co-Op, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Shared/Split Screen, and Cross-Platform Multiplayer.

The announcement follows a tease last week with an image of the stylized "III" which left the title of the game as part of the filename.

Warning: The trailer features some gruesome imagery which may not be suitable for all audiences and is definitely NSFW.


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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott


Without ragging on 4e, I hope not. Neverwinter is already 4e-based, and Sword Coast Legends was a hybrid of D&D with whatever house system they used. I want to see a D&D game play like a 5e game with the minimum changes needed due to game structure (such as not needing abilities tied to getting lost or swimming or controlling the wind). BG and IWD were close enough that someone playing them could learn a lot about 2e, NWN did the same with 3e for the most part. I want BG3 to be able to teach someone 5e in much the same way. I want short rest abilities, spell slots, and even having "I attack" be the best option for a combat to save resources. I don't want another SCL that uses its own rules and wears D&D's IP like a cloak.

Yeah, 4e is my favorite (and desperately needs someone to rip it off!), but I'd like to see what they end up doing with 5e systems with minimal changes to core rules.

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I first posted the below on Beamdogs Forums.


kanisatha wrote: »

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Hey I predicted right at the beginning the combat system could be something that is a hybrid of TB and RTwP or something completely new. 

If someone has a full translation of the article, please post.

I'm thinking something like the VATS system from Fallout 3/New Vegas, real time, but you pause and it becomes turn based. Obviously instead of using Fallout 2 style turn based combat while paused it will use modified D&D 5e rules. I'd be cool with that, it'd stop the rift in the fan base. Purists of one camp or the other will be disappointed that there side doesn't get everything, but not so much that they won't deal with it.

Yes it will take resources, but your talking about a budget that is likely in the 10 of millions of dollars with a team measured in the hundreds, they have those resources to spare, and once the essencial elements and encounter design rules are done, it won't take much to expand upon it.

This would actually allow for a lot of cool systems and flexible game play.

Google translate version below.


More interview info below, but part of it's behind a pay wall, including his answer on the question what classes and races are in it. *bites though a pipe in frustration*.


Also First Party Perpective was mentioned I don't know what that is.

Just off hand that would be "first person perspective". Not isometric / look down, but seeing everything from your characters eyes / perspective. Unless they have something new in mind. Games are typically first person, third person (seeing your character from behind basically) or isometric (looking down on your character / party from above). I prefer first person myself, but the other perspectives have their fans. I'm going to read the article you linked and see if I find that bit.


Just off hand that would be "first person perspective". Not isometric / look down, but seeing everything from your characters eyes / perspective. Unless they have something new in mind. Games are typically first person, third person (seeing your character from behind basically) or isometric (looking down on your character / party from above). I prefer first person myself, but the other perspectives have their fans. I'm going to read the article you linked and see if I find that bit.

I midread it, it's First Party Technology.

I hope it's true to the first 2 games in that its quasi real time. I havent played their other games but I have watched videos and I wasnt impressed with what I saw. Looked very busy so hopefully they stick to the original games. Kind of wished Beamdog or Obsidian were making it to be honest.

Beamdog and Obsidian's recient offerengs have been fairly meh.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker by Owlcat is by far the best Baldur's Gate type game of recient years.


I hope it's true to the first 2 games in that its quasi real time. I havent played their other games but I have watched videos and I wasnt impressed with what I saw. Looked very busy so hopefully they stick to the original games. Kind of wished Beamdog or Obsidian were making it to be honest.

My prediction is combat will be like the Fallout 3/New Vegas VATS, which it's real time till you pause then it's turn based with Action Points, but in BGs case it will use modified 5e rules instead of Action Points.

So you go in real time, hit pause, and it turns into turn based combat with Action, Minor Actions, Move Actions, Reactions, and 6 second rounds.


My prediction is combat will be like the Fallout 3/New Vegas VATS, which it's real time till you pause then it's turn based with Action Points, but in BGs case it will use modified 5e rules instead of Action Points.

So you go in real time, hit pause, and it turns into turn based combat with Action, Minor Actions, Move Actions, Reactions, and 6 second rounds.

I'm expecting it to most likely be fully turn-based, like the Divinity games, Turn based games have become more popular in recent years, not only in RPGs but also tactical combat games like XCOM.

Given that it's a company that makes turn-based RPGs, making a game based upon a turn-based tabletop RPG, turn-based seems to be the way to bet.


I'm expecting it to most likely be fully turn-based, like the Divinity games, Turn based games have become more popular in recent years, not only in RPGs but also tactical combat games like XCOM.

Given that it's a company that makes turn-based RPGs, making a game based upon a turn-based tabletop RPG, turn-based seems to be the way to bet.

I think it will be an innovative TB/RTwP hybrid like Fallout3/new Vegas, but with modified 5e rules.

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