Banewarrens d20 (Angelsboi's party)


Another one bites the...

The party went back to the Flagon Held High. Darian grabbed Fiddle’s attention when they came in. Richter was at a table in new armor.

“What’s up?” Fiddle whispered.

“I have a commission for you,” Darian smiled. “I need you to swap these items for Richter. You can keep the ones he currently carries.” Darian gave Fiddle Richter’s heirlooms; the bastard sword and trademark whip. “I got them from the Church. Make sure he doesn’t know.”

“It’s as good as done,” Fiddle gleamed.

He took the bastard sword first. Richter had a tendency to place his sword to his right side when he sat. The scabbard wouldn’t allow him to sit properly on a chair when left on his back. The exchanged happened without a hitch. Well, Erin noticed, but he always did. Fiddle winked. After a few more rounds and pleasant conversation and trips to the room to hide the bastard sword Fiddle tried for the whip. Richter kept that attached to his side. The removal wasn’t the problem. And Fiddle proved that to be true. Again no one noticed. It was the replacement. As Fiddle tied the old new whip back into place Richter reached down.

“Fiddle?” Richter said as he grabbed the hin’s ear. “What are you doing?”

“Ooops,” Fiddle replied. “You drop…”

“Fiddle,” Richter kept up the pressure.

“I was commissioned to swap your items,” Fiddle finally told Richter. “But I can’t tell you by whom.”

Richter looked at his whip and bastard sword. Recognition. He looked at Darian.

“Well,” Darian admitted. “I couldn’t let you be without them.”

“Thank you,” Richter simply replied. “I’ve decided to stay here in Tilverton. I had a vision on the way and now after visiting the cemetery I understand its meaning. I am to be the new priest here of Kelemvor.”

“Good luck,” the party said as one.

They partied late into the evening. In the morning they would leave for the Barrows after a few stops.

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i was trying out a new method to pimp readers. i figured the price tag might lure them in. kinda like a 50% off one does.

have a lot more to add today. and others will probably want to add their own points of view.


we had a city based adventure where the party was split up. i don't think at any one time more than 3 characters were together. mostly it was a lot of individual events.

just remember i'm Fiddle, one of the little guys, so i didn't see everything.;)


Once diaglo/Fiddle is done, I'll have Sully talk to Red about what he saw. This should help during the city portion when everyone split up, as Sully saw most of the important stuff.

diaglo, it seems to me that changing the storyhour title as frequently as you do can hurt readership as much as it helps. With the thread subscribed, I know right where it is each time. I can see where someone who read that great storyhour about the ruined moathouse and comes looking for more a few weeks later would be lost.

Of course, it serves our purpose and is always entertaining to see what the title will be after each session. Your subtitles are often laugh-out-loud hilarious.
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Flaming pit BBQ on legs

Morning came and the party said its farewells again to Richter. Not everyone remembered all that was said or done the night before. Vlad poked at his breakfast. Fiddle held his head still with his elbows propped on his knees.

“FIRRRREEE,” a voice in the street bellowed.

The party leapt to its feet. Their leave-taking forgot about for a few moments. Richter joined them.

Outside a figure ran down the street screaming. He wore banded armor. And he was on fire. Flames hung on his body. Erin, the fastest moving member of the party, attempted to tackle the fellow and smother the fire. Darian, Vlad, and Richter went to his aid. Fiddle grabbed a helmet full of water from the horse trough. Sully and Alya couldn’t get any closer. They tried to calm the crowd forming.

The figure, a half-orc, was in a panic. Erin missed the tackle the first time. He felt the heat from the flames. Fiddle doused the fire with the helmet-bucket. The water had no effect. Upon closer inspection, Sully was able to see a trace of magic about the flames. The magic seemed to be consuming the energy from the half-orc. He was losing some of his ability to stand and act normally. Richter, Vlad, Darian, and Alya tried handfuls of dirt from the street. Nothing worked. Erin cut away the banded armor.

“Maybe if he lost consciousness the magic will stop?” Fiddle thought. He stepped in under the Half-orcs guard and struck him a powerful blow below the belt.

“Ooooo,” the crowd winced.

The half-orc regained some focus. He tried to grab Fiddle.

“Make way, make way, Stand aside,” a fellow in the robes of War Wizard hurried thru the crowd.

Simon nextra

The flames quit. Fiddle ducked back into the crowd. He didn’t want the Half-orc to find him.

“Vlad,” Fiddle whispered. “Where’s Sully?”
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Hot on the trail

Erin, Darian and Richter took the Half-orc inside the Inn to the party’s room. The War Wizard asked questions to the crowd. Fiddle looked around for signs of Sully or Red. He found their tracks. Vlad, Alya, and he took off after the gnome. As they neared the Baker’s shop another strange event occurred. Lightning streaked across the street and demolished a cart. The bolts came from the eyes of the startled Baker.

“I’m gonna go get more help,” Alya yelled.

Fiddle and Vlad turned back to see Darian, Erin, and Richter exiting the Inn. They looked up the street at the Baker’s destruction.

“They can handle this,” Fiddle said. “Come on, Sully may need our help.”

Fiddle and Vlad hustled along following the trail. As they rounded a corner, another strange sight caught their eye. A crowd stared up. A woman wailed and flopped about 30ft off the ground.

“I hope she doesn’t get scared and wet herself,” Fiddle thought. “Hurry,” he said out loud.

Vlad waved his hand at the lady and kept going with Fiddle. They left the market area. And the road was now mostly stone. It has getting harder to find the tracks of the gnome and fox. But they really didn’t need them.

The next creepy thing the dynamic rogues found was a dwarven smith staring at a wall. A tentacle faced creature hung in the wall. Several screams drew their attention up ahead. They also finally spotted Sully. Sully went around another corner. The screams came from bystanders running from a large shadowy dog, a shadow mastiff.

“I’ve got this,” Vlad drew his battle axe.

Fiddle ran for all he was worth to catch up to Sully.
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Agent of Chaos meets a chaotic end

Sully had just reached a half-elf who was kneeling and holding his hands to face. Just ahead of them was a hooded figure. He was very close to the Gates to leave Tilverton.

“Halt,” Fiddle yelled. “Stay where you are.”

The figure turned and saluted to Fiddle and then turned back to the Gates. Sully also saw Fiddle. He pointed at the hooded figure. Fiddle ran to the Gate. He passed Sully and the Half-elf. He passed the hooded figure…

A wave of magic assaulted Fiddle’s senses. He shook it off. He turned to look at the figure. White hair. Dark skin. Slight of build. An elf. A dark elf. A drow. Fiddle stopped and drew his blades. In the distance he saw Sully preparing a spell. He also saw Vlad sprinting forward with his battle axe.

“Halt,” Fiddle said again. “A War Wizard wishes to have a word with you.” Fiddle bluffed.

“The Agent of Chaos will not be stopped,” the elf said. He threw back his hood.

“Was he talking about himself or someone else?” Fiddle thought.

He had no time now to figure it out. The drow summoned an area of darkness. Luckily Fiddle’s coin still let the sunshine in around him. However, he lost sight of the others. The drow tumbled forward. Dragon style. Fiddle recognized the maneuver from Erin. But it still didn’t help him stop the blow. The elf laughed after punching Fiddle.

Fiddle just needed to stop the elf from fleeing. He also needed to buy time for Vlad to appear from behind. Fiddle went into a defensive stance of his own. He thrust out with his dagger and Lightning Strike, but more to keep the elf’s attention than to cause any real harm. The drow took the bait. This time he attempted a series of blows at Fiddle. The hin avoided them.


The drow’s head fell at Fiddle’s feet. Vlad stood there grinning. Colorful motes of light sprang off from Vlad’s eyes. Perhaps, the Chaos had found Vlad too.

“Elf-cleaver,” Vlad laughed. “Very aptly named.”

Fiddle picked up the head. And gave head to Vlad. ;)

The darkness spell vanished. Darian, Richter, Erin, Alya, and a large antlike creature came to join them. Sully landed nearby. He sported a pair of large dragonfly wings.


The monk gets lucky

Purple Dragons and War Wizards arrived. The ant creature vanished. Sully had acquired the hooded cloak. He said it had a magical component.

“We will take the drow to Filani maybe she knows more,” Erin told the Guard. “There are others needing help still too. Do you have any idea what the drow was doing or how he got here?”

The Guard mentioned the Front Gate was on fire. But no one saw the drow until now.

“Fiddle, did he say anything?” Sully asked.

“Only that I wouldn’t stop him,” Fiddle answered somewhat truthfully. He wasn’t going to tell the authorities all he knew. ;)

Vlad’s magic stopped. No harm. No foul side effects. The party went to the Tower of Wits and Work. Filani was expecting them. Well, not all of them just Fiddle. And she was not prepared for what they told her.

“What do you know about this drow?” she asked.

Fiddle held up his hand. In perfect form he mimicked the drow, even the accented Common. Filani’s expression was not good.

“No one has spoken like that in many many years. And about the Agent of Chaos. Let me do some research. Come back later.”

“My medallion?” Fiddle interrupted.

“Oh, yes. It provides a form of protection,” Filani handed it to Fiddle. “It hardens the skin with magic.”

Fiddle gave it to the near naked monk, Erin. The party left for the Flagon Held High. Tilverton was a buzz with talk of the Chaos. A finely dressed woman smiled at the party. Erin excused himself early. The woman left soon afterwards. She followed Erin.

"Somebody got lucky," Alya chuckled.


Magnificient Seven minus one

From all the party could gather from the Inn, from Filani, and from Erin ;) , something very bad and very new was in the air.

  • The Agent of Chaos has been freed
    The storeroom of Deneir has been breached, a Myth Drannor reference
    Beware the Banes or Fanes of the Eldreth Veluuthra
    Report all you find to Jhaer Brightsong, a Harper in the Dales

Darian also received a nice gem from the family of the Seven Seas Trading Coster. They were appreciative of the service the party had performed for their lost heir.

Filani also identified the magic of the cloak. It boosted the resistance of the wearer. Something Sully needed. It even shrunk to his size. Magic.

The party bid Cormyr and Richter Goodbye. Darian couldn’t wait much longer. The quest for the Sword of Truth or Light or whatever it was called beckoned. They set off for the Dales and the Barrows.


First Post
Gond with the Wind

When she saw the half orc bing carried safely away a cold feeling of suspicion chilled her bones. The war wizard was only prepared to dispel one of those spells, and something told her this wasn't over, not by a long shot. When she saw the half-orc was being seen to she slipped out into the crowd and booked her way to the temple of Gond tghe Wonderbringer. It was the closest temple, and as the largest in the city, she prayed that at least someone there had asked for the ability to dispel evil magics in their morning vespers. She arrived just as the doors were opening.

"TROUBLE..." she gasped to a confused young acolyte, "need someone...dispel magic...HURRY"

"I'll get the high preist right away, please sit a moment ma'am" said the young acolyte

"HURRY!" Shouted Alya to the fleeing cleric.

A few moments later Alya was able to recover her breath enough to talk in complete sentences. Soon another gnome came out with the very flustered young acolyte.

"I am the head of this cchurch" he said politely "What seems to be the trouble"

Alya collected her wits for a moment "Trouble in the middle of town we need someone who can dispel magic, and quickly."

"Well I'm sure the war wizards can handle it" replied the priest

"No, they can't, they only had one memorized for today, and it's gone, we'll need as many as you have prepared" said Alya

"Well I'm afraid I only have one prepared myself, there's not much call for it you see, no one else really has it." replied the priest

"One is better than none, can you run?" said alya, absentmindedly slipping into verse

"As well as I'm able" said the priest now somewhat overly concious of his height.

"Right, forgive me father-" replied alya

"Well it's alright" The priest interrupted "It's an easy mis- HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" the priest shouted as Alya threw the priest over her shoulder and took of like a shot back toward the center of town.

"Like I was saying, forgive me father but we need to make haste" she replied.

As she looked up she could see large streaks of lightening shoot off into the sky. "I really wish I hadn't been right this time" she thought to herself.

As she ran against the fleeing crowds she came upon Darian, Erin, and Richter trying to calm a screaming woman floating in the air. "The only thing she appears to really be in danger of is giving hersself a heart attack" thought Alya to herself. Right now the three others were trying to get her to calm down.

"I've brought help" said Alya

"Yes, though I'm afraid that if I dispel the enchantment holdiong her, she may die from the fall" said the priest

"If we could get a rope to her, maybe we could get her hold on and pull herself down" suggested Erin "But she's too paniced to grab on to anything."

"Wait I've got an idea" said Darian. A large glowing eagle appeared on his arm. "Take this rope up to the woman" he told it.

Unfortunately a woman in a panic 30 feet up in the air isn't the calmest of minds, and rather than believe the eagle was helping her, instead thought this was some new attack on her and tried to bat it away.

"Lathander preserve me" said Darian "Just try to loop it around her then" He called up to the eagle. Thankfully, this it was able to do, as the party dragged the screaming woman down from the sky, and the priest dispelled her curse Richter noticed that there seemed to be more scream of fear and panic up ahead.

"Something's happening toward the gate on the other side of town" He shouted above the din

"I'm afraid that's the end on my usefulness for the day" Said the priest "I only had one dispel prepared and that was it"

"Damn" said Alya "Can you go try one of the other temples then? Maybe some other war wizards? The sage Filani?"

"The was wizards are mostly toward the center of town and they would be your best bet, but I will see who else I can find that can help."

We'd better hurry" said Richter "It sound like we'll have to deal with something more dangerous than a floating woman in a panic." The rest of the party agreed and began to run off to the center toward the trouble.


Later as they get Filani to identify their items she thinks to herself. "Hmmm, that cloak is of elven make. It's not the hiding cloak of an archer, but a basic cloak of protection. Are we going to find another lost voice to bury in the vale when we travel back to the barrows. Would I prefer that or would I prefer to find that the elves have been infiltrated by the dark ones again. Too many questions.

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