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Banewarrens d20 (Angelsboi's party)


Netherese Ruins of a Fortress

The party retired early. Not even Alya could get the Purple Dragons to open up much. The next morning after a hearty breakfast and morning prays Fiddle led them on the path to the Ruins. He would check the map and the surrounding features every so many minutes. It was a comfortable ride. Everyone watched for trouble. None came. Within a couple miles of the Ruins Vlad and Erin noticed vultures circling. Fiddle checked the map.

"Looks like someone or something has already been to the Ruins," Fiddle remarked. "The vultures haven't landed so I'm guessing the victors are still there. Be wary."

Fiddle found a path that led up the ridge to the Ruins. The party armed themselves, but didn't dismount. They were almost to the entrance when Erin leapt off his horse. He mumbled a word or two of magic and was covered. Darian likewise dismounted, but he used his horse for cover. He also cast a form of protective magic. Three figures rose up from behind what remained of the Ruin's wall. Orcs of the Thunder Peaks. They fired arrows at Fiddle, Alya, and Erin. They must have been startled because they missed their targets completely.

Fiddle fired an arrow over the wall hitting one of the orcs. He urged his horse to the doorway. Two wolves were on guard. Erin moved up the hill and kicked out. His foot struck the orc Fiddle had injured. Darian led his horse up the path to get closer to the orcs. He kept his horse as cover. Alya dismounted behind her mount. She sang out in a very high pitch. One of the orcs struggled but shook off the effects. The wolves grabbed Fiddle's horse. Fiddle tumbled free. The horse went down hard. Two orcs fired another volley. Alya and Darian's horses were struck. The injured one dropped his bow and drew his greataxe. He missed Erin. Vlad urged his horse up the path. He joined Fiddle.

Fiddle sank Lightning Strike into one of the wolves. It yelped. Erin struck again at the orc. Pieces of rock scattered as Erin kicked the wall instead. Darian remounted and urged his horse over the wall. He cleared it with ease. Alya moved closer and sang out again in the same high pitch. This time her target's armor shattered into many worthless scraps. One wolf attacked Fiddle's horse as the other tried for Fiddle. Three more orcs appeared from a ramp going into a mound ahead. They were still too far away. The two archers threw down their bows and drew great axes. The orcs attacked Darian and Erin with gusto. Vlad stabbed down on the injured wolf. It yelped again.

Fiddle defensively poked his sword and dagger at the wolf. His horse rose and prepared to depart. Erin punched out again. Darian dismounted and clobbered the orc fighting Erin. This put his horse at his back and the other two orcs out of reach. Alya edged a little closer and sang a different tune. The orc moved aside. A blob of grease sailed into the background. Some of it did splatter the greataxe. The injured wolf turned to flee. Both Vlad and Fiddle stabbed it. The other wolf closed on Fiddle along with 2 axe wielding orcs. The third orc took a swing at Vlad. The other orcs took a swing at Darian's horse. Vlad rode his horse into combat opposite Fiddle. He used some fancy maneuvering to stab down on his opponent's back. The orc collapsed.

Fiddle defensively rolled to his right. He buried Lightning Strike into the wolf's chest. The creature died. Erin circled around the wall to flank Darian's orcs. He leapt the wall, almost. He caught his foot on the uneven battlements. He landed softly and tumbled. Darian waded into combat. He struck the unarmored orc. Alya finally decided to join the fracas. She fired an arrow into the naked orc. The combination of mace and arrow ended its life. One orc attacked Darian as the others attacked Fiddle. So far Fiddle was untouched. Darian had a deep gash. Vlad dismounted behind Darian's orc. Down went another one.

"I know how to stick you pigfaces," Vlad cried out.

Fiddle tumbled behind one of his orcs. Fighting was so close that the orc felt threaten by Darian also. It turned to watch Darian and missed Fiddle rolling past. Too late. Lightning Strike gutted him. Erin closed on the last orc and leapt into the air. From Fiddle's angle it looked like Erin had leapt over Vlad's horse. A flying kick landed squarely on the orc's jaw. It was just shaking it off when Darian struck it with his mace. Followed by an arrow in its chest from Alya. Nothing else stirred. Darian broke out the wand of healing from Lord Hawklin. He cast a few spells to heal the wounded. The others started to gather the coins, arms, and armor from the dead. Erin found a trail of blood from the mound entrance to the other side of a wall. Two naked mutilated humans with tattoos lay on the hillside. The tattoos stirred memories in Fiddle.

"They were Dragon Cultists," Fiddle said.

"What is the Cult of the Dragon?" Erin asked.

"Something we don't want to mess with," Darian answered. "They pervert Dragons and make them into Dracoliches."

Darian said a prayer over the slain. Fiddle examined the entrance to the mound. He pulled out a potion and downed it. He vanished almost from plain sight.

"Where'd he go?" Darian asked as he finished preparing the bodies.

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One hin army

Fiddle quietly crept down the ramp and into a tunnel. His continual flame coin lit the way ahead. Three more orcs were frozen in place. Not literally, but they tried to be. Two were armed with bows and the third with a greataxe. Maybe there were more, but Fiddle's light didn't reach that far. They seemed confused by the light source.

Fiddle hurled a dagger and drew another one. It struck the lead orc archer in the throat. As the body fell, Fiddle screamed, "OOOORRRRCCCCSSS"

Darian came running into the tunnel. Fiddle bolstered by his first throw moved forward and tossed his other dagger with similar success. Another throat shot. This orc also collapsed. The last one saw him now. Erin ran past Darian and Fiddle. He must've activated his magical shield. His ioun stone lit the way ahead. Two more axe wielding orcs joined the third. They wailed into Erin. One scored a deep slash. The others bounced off the magic armor. Alya began to sing. She brought up her bow. The noise of a roaring Dragon could be heard from farther away. Vlad ran ahead of Alya, Darian, and Fiddle.

Darian lowered his shield and charged the orcs. He bounced off the lead orc. Fiddle tumbled into the melee. He stabbed out with Lightning Strike as he passed. Another orc fell gutted. Erin repositioned and punched one of the orcs. One orc attacked Darian and the other moved to investigate the noise. A strange series of grunts followed. The last orc combatant, who was injured, couldn't penetrate the protection. Alya stopped singing and touched Erin with the wand. Vlad stabbed the orc in the neck between he and Fiddle. It crumpled.

Darian charged the last orc. It was standing by a large archway unarmed. But the archway was a wall. Fiddle swung the flat of Lightning Strike at the orc. He struck the wall. Erin ran around and closed into combat. The orc's armor held. The archway began to turn to mist. The orc remainded focused on the archway.

"BYArk," it screamed at the mist.

Alya and Vlad closed into the area. Alya healed Erin again. Vlad missed the orc too.

"Don't kill him," Darian said as he swung in an attempt to subdue the orc. He missed.

Fiddle switched hands with Lightning Strike and punched the orc below the belt with his Dragonskin gauntlet. The orc collapsed motionless. But he was still alive. Fiddle moved to recover his daggers. Erin stared at the archway. It was now clear. It led into a larger room open to the sky.


Grand Central Station- Nexus to Evil

Debris was scattered everywhere. It looked like a giant bird’s nest gone awry. Fifteen other archways exited the room. Each was numbered from 1 to 16. The party had entered thru portal number 1. They turned back to the portal. Each tried to remember what the orc had said to open it. Only Vlad got it right. A chime sounded. The portal closed behind them. Vlad repeated the phrase. It opened again. Fiddle bound the prisoner and dragged his unconscious body into the Portal Room.

“Shall we try the others?” Erin asked.

The party gathered themselves and prepared for the worst. Fiddle used the prisoner as cover. He pulled out his bow. Vlad mumbled the phrase. Portal 2 misted over and then opened. It revealed a scene straight out of the Great Desert. Many dunes of sand crested in the distance. No one went thru the portal. The party sat studying the area until the chime sounded and the portal closed.

“Again?” Erin asked.

“We might as well check them all,” Darian offered. “We don’t know where the brigands are coming from.”

Portal 3 opened into a lush evergreen forest. Fiddle guessed it was somewhere in the North by the vegetation. Again no one left the room.

Portal 4 opened into a misty forest. Probably somewhere in southern Cormyr or the Dales, maybe even Sembia. But the party had little time to do any sightseeing. An army of orcs was prepared for them. They rushed in mass at the portal on their side.

“Shall we fight them?” Alya asked. “Where is that Fireball scroll?”

Fiddle fired an arrow into the mass. The lead orc dropped. But it mattered not. Fifty or more took his place. Darian moved forward and blocked the archway with his shield. Erin reached into his waist and pulled out the scroll. He looked down at it and began to concentrate.

“Uh, guys,” Erin replied. “I don’t understand it.” He shifted his body to complete the barricade.

Alya moved to the edge and fired her bow. She wounded another orc. Vlad waited patiently at the side of the archway for the orcs to arrive. He stuck one that came too close. Three others assaulted Erin and Darian.

Fiddle ran forward grabbed the scroll from Erin and read aloud. It took all his effort and will to get the words to sound right. A small bead of fire raced out into the middle of the orc masses.


Little was left of the orcs. Those at the edge of the explosion fled. Only one orc near the portal still stood. He turned to run. Alya sunk an arrow in between his shoulder blades. He collapsed.

“Shall we check them?” Vlad asked.

“I’m not going out there,” Fiddle replied.

The party guessed that half of the initial assault troops were dead. Brandobaris only knew how many more there were.


First Post
had the knowledge that Erin has only 12 charisma drilled into our brain indelibly,

Erin reached into his waist and pulled out the scroll. He looked down at it and began to concentrate.

“Uh, guys,” Erin replied. “I don’t understand it.”

In game terms, we remembered at an awful time that a sorceror with a 12 Charisma can't cast a third level spell like fireball. Thankfully Fiddle has one rank in use magic device so we weren't completely boned, but almost.


8 heads are better than 1

Before the orcs regrouped and attacked again, the chime sounded and the portal closed.

"Are we still up for this?" Erin asked. "Fiddle perhaps you better take the rest of these scrolls. These two contain a lightning spell and this one another fireball."

Portals 1 thru 4 were on one wall. The party turned to the next wall. Vlad repeated the phrase. Portal 5 had a view of the coastline. The smell of saltwater was in the air. Again no one left the room.

Portal 6 showed a black hole. Even with Erin's ioun stone the light couldn't penetrate very far into the darkness. The party guessed it was somewhere underground.

Portal 7 was inside the Ruins of a stone building. Perhaps this was an old temple or fortress or keep. Some humanoid tracks ran from and to the portal.

Portal 8 was another dark chamber. This one had a polished stone floor. The smell of mildew hung in the air.

The party turned to the next wall. By now everyone could say the phrase, even though it was in orc. Portal 9 overlooked another body of water. Darian grew tired of guessing. He stuck his head thru the portal for a better look. The portal opened onto a flagstone ramp. It was, however, many feet above the town below. A very large creature saw the Lathanderite. It had 8 heads and serpentine body. A heavy iron chain was wrapped around its ankle. It was coming out of a side chamber on the cliff face. Darian stepped back inside and ducked to one side.

"A hydra on a chain," Darian murmured.

Fiddle, Alya, and Erin moved away from the portal. Vlad moved to the opposite side of the portal from Darian. A few brief seconds passed. The creature soon blocked the outside view. Several of its heads looked around and inside the room. Fiddle popped up from behind the orc meat shield. He fired an arrow into one of the hydra's necks. Erin charged forward to block the portal. The heads reacted. Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp. One of them bit into the fast moving heavily protected monk. Alya began to sing. She closed to Fiddle's side and fired her bow at the magical beast. Darian tried to attack. He moved backwards to escape. Chomp, Chomp, Chomp, etc....The priest went down. Vlad stabbed the beast and then hustled away from the portal. He used the wall as cover. The hydra crawled inside.

Fiddle pulled out a scroll. Again he had to use all his willpower to get it to work. A 5ft wide bolt of lightning streaked from his hands. The hydra avoided most of it. Erin moved about in a defensive ring in front of the hydra. He tried to attract all of its attention. The hydra couldn't land a solid bite. Alya stopped singing. She moved closer to heal Erin. Darian's wounds healed, but he did not regain consciousness. Vlad pulled his bow. He fired away.

Fiddle fired another arrow. Followed by Erin's little defensive dance. Alya backed away and joined the archers. She landed a shot. One of the heads died. The hydra attacked Erin again. This time the monk could do little to avoid the bites. He joined Darian on the ground. The hydra advanced further into the room. Vlad added another solid shot with his bow. Another head died.

Fiddle pulled another scroll. Whether Alya’s singing or the need inspired him, Fiddle read every word absolutely correct. Many an Arch mage would've been impressed. The bolt of lightning struck the hydra full in the chest. Five more heads died. The beast swayed. Its last head wasn't holding on very well either. It took a bite out of Alya. Erin stopped bleeding. Alya landed the fatal blow.

Alya ran around with the wand of healing. She restored Erin and Darian to almost perfect health. And Darian healed her. With healing the horses and the party the wand was seeing a lot of use.

"Let's leave the rest for tomorrow," Darian said. "I'll pray for a way to understand our phrase and to read some of the glyphs around the portals. Besides I don't have much left in me today."

"Nor I," Erin said. Alya also shook her head in agreement.

Vlad and Fiddle just shrugged.

"Why didn't someone close the portal with the hydra still in it?" Alya asked.

"I wasn't running up with the hydra there," Fiddle replied.

Darian smacked his own forehead. "I wish I'd remembered that."


Double post ENWorld glitch

The party hadn't gained much treasure from this side of the Portals. And they hadn't seen much else.

As everyone huddled near Portal 1, Fiddle brushed Darian. He slipped Richter's signet ring into Darian's portion of the haul.:D

"Let him take the fall," Fiddle thought.
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Close and lock the door next time

Vlad muttered the Portal phrase in front of Portal 1. The archway misted over. The party once again saw the tunnel where they had fought the orcs. They dragged the prisoner thru the portal. The dead orc bodies were neatly set aside. Someone had rummaged thru their things. Fiddle snuck to the end of the tunnel. He peered out. Two ogres and a third voice off to the left told the tale. One of the ogres led the horses away. Fiddle hurried back to the others.

"Giants," Fiddle said. "They're taking our horses and supplies."

"Surprise is our only chance," Erin remarked. He went to the tunnel exit. Fiddle followed. The others hot on their heels.

Erin sprinted across the old courtyard. He tagged the Ogre with the horses behind the knee. Fiddle darted across the courtyard too. His little feet couldn't keep up. Alya fired her bow. She struck the closest Ogre. The voice off to the left belonged to a human in heavy armor. He had a battle axe and a shield slung over his back. He rifled through the belongings of the orcs. The shield had the emblem of the Zhents. Darian summoned Lathander's mace to strike one of the Ogres. He also moved closer to the man. Vlad closed with his rapier.

Fiddle fired his bow. His arrow caught the uninjured Ogre in a kidney. It was a nasty injury, but hardly life threatening to an Ogre. Erin punched the Ogre again. It let loose the horses and turned on Erin. Its mighty tree sized club walloped the monk. The second Ogre closed on Fiddle. He too landed soundly. Fiddle was nearly embedded in the ground.

"Surrender now and I might let you live," the man warned. He drew his battle-axe and shield. He mumbled something else. A spark flew up and down the blade of the axe. He struck Vlad. A shock issued from the blade.

Alya began to sing. She pulled out the wand and healed Vlad some. Lathander's mace harried at Fiddle's Ogre. Darian stood opposite Vlad. He swung his mace. Vlad stabbed out with his rapier. The Zhent was too well armored.

Fiddle tumbled away from his Ogre and behind Erin's. The Ogre swatted him anyway. He buried Lightning Strike in the nether regions. Erin finished it with a solid kicked to the chest. The other Ogre bellowed and slammed Erin. Both Fiddle and Erin bled profusely. Neither could survive another blow. The Zhent switched targets. He swung twice at Darian. The first blow released another shock. The second bounced off Darian's Darkwood shield. Darian and Vlad were also in bad shape. Alya tried something different. She lashed out with her whip. It caught the Zhent by surprise. He lost his axe. It fell a few feet away. Lathander's mace swept over the Ogre again and vanished. Darian and Vlad battled the Zhent.

Fiddle fought defensively with his sword and dagger routine. His dagger scored a nasty gash in the Ogre's femoral artery. Erin finished the brute. The Zhent bent down to retrieve his electrified axe. Vlad pierced a weak spot.

"You'll pay for that," the Zhent growled. He chopped at the weaker opponent, Darian.

Alya lashed out again. This time the Zhent was ready. Alya lost her whip. Darian stood his ground. He still couldn't connect. Vlad didn't have much luck either.

Fiddle pulled out a potion and downed it. He was in no shape to take on this skilled fighter in his current condition. Some of his wounds closed. Erin needed healing too. But it didn't stop the monk. Erin charged. His blow stunned the Zhent. Alya retrieved her whip.

"I cannot kill him," Darian examined the warrior. "He is defenseless."

"I can," Vlad plunged his rapier into the Zhent's neck.


I was Robbed. touch attack = AoO

Vlad took the battle axe. There was no doubt it was magical. The healing fairy, Alya, fixed Fiddle, Darian, Vlad, and Erin. Darian also used the remainder of his spells. Fiddle recollected his things. The party also gathered the armor and weapons for easy transport once the mission was over. Tonight, they would sleep on guard in the tunnel. The horses tied at the entrance. The prisoner remained bound and gagged. Luckily, nothing disturbed their slumber.

In the morning Darian prayed for new spells. Everyone hovered by the archway. Erin coated himself in magic. Vlad intoned the phrase. The portal misted and cleared. Inside the room were more orcs. Fiddle tumbled inside. He killed one as he passed. Alya fired an arrow that dropped another. Darian summoned a circle of protection on himself. He stepped into the room. Erin summoned his force shield. He moved to Darian's side. The remaining orcs charged. Three attacked Fiddle with greataxes. One scored a vicious blow. This orc and another of his fellows foamed at the mouth. Barbarians. The others missed Darian and Erin. One of the orcs hung back. It mumbled a phrase of magic. Alya and Darian felt repressed. Erin, Vlad, and Fiddle shook the effects off. Vlad dodged into the room. He ran behind an orc and cleaved it with his new axe. That left only 4 regular orcs plus the 2 barbarians and the spellcaster.

Fiddle buried Lightning Strike into one of the Barbarians. It collapsed. Fiddle maneuvered to his left. He kept the wall and his companions at his back to prevent giving the orcs an advantage. Alya dropped another orc with an arrow. Darian walloped an orc with his mace. Erin turned to Fiddle's defense. His arms moved so fast and quickly it was hard to count the number of blows he delivered. None seemed to matter. The other Barbarian still stood. The orc spellcaster summoned more magic. It reached out and touched Fiddle. He faltered but remained active. The Barbarian and the other orc couldn't finish the hin. The other orc wounded Darian. Vlad saw his opportunity. The spellcaster was now between he and Fiddle. The axe charged thru the orc. It fell. Now there was only 2 normal orcs and 1 Barbarian.

Fiddle defensively brought down the normal orc with his dagger. Alya hit the Barbarian with an arrow. Darian finished the other normal orc. That left Erin to end the combat. He punched the Barbarian in the throat. Vlad beheaded the spellcaster just because he had no more targets. Alya healed Fiddle again. Darian dragged the prisoner orc into the Portal Chamber.

"Well shall we continue where we left off?" Erin asked.

"Let me try to understand the writings first," Darian mentioned. He cast a simple spell and touched the wall. "Hmmm, maybe not. It doesn't seem to work. We should try another way. Vlad say the phrase."

Vlad mumbled the phrase.

"Part the Veil of the Universe for me," Darian translated.
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Number 9

Portal 2 opened. It was again the Desert scene. They closed it.

"Let's see what the hydra was guarding," Alya said.

"Something that can enslave a hydra is way beyond us," Erin hinted.

"Why would anyone have a hydra chained?" Darian asked.

"To guard their treasure," Fiddle smiled. "A treasure trove, a hoard, a ..."

"Okay," Vlad cut in. "Lets see what's behind Door number 9...number 9...number 9"

Alya hummed a tune. She touched Fiddle. He vanished.

"Part the Veil of the Universe for me," Darian said. Portal 9 misted over. When it cleared they saw the coast again.

Fiddle crept outside. He quickly looked around. Nothing. He pulled out his climbing kit and set up a belay, just in case. He followed the now limp chain around the corner on the flagstone path. What he saw was not promising. He was at the side of a large tower. The tower overlooked a walled town. There were 5 banners flapping in the breeze. One of them looked familiar. Not good familiar. Bad familiar. He also saw 4 heavily armed and armored guards. They guarded a door. The door probably led to a stairway up the tower. Not good. Fiddle peeled back to the Portal. He yanked out his belay and entered the Portal Chamber.

"Part the Veil of the Universe for me," Fiddle whispered. The Portal closed.

He told everyone what he had witnessed. He was still invisible.

"Sounds like the Zhents," Darian said.

"Citadel of the Raven," Erin guessed. "If I'm not mistaken. Captain Dunman will want to hear about this."

"Well lets try the other Portals," Alya switched the subject.
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Elvish had left the Ruins

Portal 10 was a dead end. A dull gray iron wall blocked entry or sight.

"Someone used some magic," Darian laughed. "Probably a powerful wizard."

Portal 11 showed a darken store room. They party guessed underground. Someone had already ransacked the place.

Portal 12 was well lit. It was a large chamber at the end of a long hallway. A figure walked passed. An elf with shocking white hair and dark skin in glittery spiked mail. He was well armed.

"Part the Veil of the Universe for me," Darian rushed. "Drow."

The party turned to the last wall and set of Portals.

Portal 13 opened into an area of stagnant water, a swamp.

Portal 14 was on top of a mountain. Four obelisks stood at the front. A strong gale blew. The land around was Desert.

Portal 15 had a translucent blue mist. When it cleared water gushed inside the Portal Chamber. Fiddle, Vlad, and Darian were bowled over. Erin closed the Portal. The salty water drained away. Strange fish and a few coins remained. The party tried it again. More water rushed in. Finally Fiddle closed the Portal. It was up to everyone else's waist and Fiddle's neck. They recovered some more coins and fish.

Portal 16 opened into a dark room roughly carved from the rock. Several barrels and shelves were visible. Fiddle still invisible crept into the chamber. He looked around. Two passages led away. He followed them. He came to a ladder. Up he went. Into the back of an inn. He crept quietly out the front to read the sign. An old skull was drawn on the placard. He hurried back to the others. By the time he exited the Portal he was visible again.

"The Old Skull Inn in Shadowdale," Darian said. "I wonder if they know."

"We should head back to the camp," Alya said.

"Wait I have an idea," Erin nodded. He placed a feather at the base of Portal 4. Suddenly a large tree sprang into being. "That should slow them down. What did those writings say, Darian?"

"I'm not sure," Darian replied. "Maybe they are magical."

The spell casters soon deciphered the writings using a series of spells. They were able to close and lock the Portals from this side. They still thought the orcs or the Zhents might gain entry. No one mentioned the Dragon Cultists. But then again the party hadn't encountered them, only their corpses.

The took the new set of armor and arms off the dead orcs. They had a huge pile of swag. The orc prisoner helped tote some of the loot back to the Purple Dragon Camp. The horses carried the rest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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