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Baphomet, Demon Prince of the Endless Maze

The Serge

First Post
The first creation based upon my Demon Prince Template. Any constructive criticism is welcome! Thanks!

BAPHOMET, Demon Prince of the Endless Maze
Demon Prince Blackguard 10, Cleric 20, Wizard 10
CR 55; Huge Outsider (Demon); HD 34d8+340 and 10d10+100 and 20d8+200 and 10d4+100; hp 1312; Init +7; Spd 60 ft., fly 120 ft (perfect); AC 58, touch 35, flat-footed 55; Atk +70/+65/+60/+55 melee (2d6+18+2d6 (chaotic)+3d6 and 1 negative level (unholy power, Fortitude DC 23)+armor damage/19-20/x3+2d6 (unholy)+9d6 and 3 negative levels (unholy power, Fortitude DC 23)+armor damage, Empty Revelation, a +6 huge chaotic, unholy power halberd), or +55/+50/+45/+40 ranged (ranged attack or spell); Face/Reach 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.; SA Abyssal Fury, Corrupting Presence, spell-like abilities, call tanar'ri, Consign, Spiritual Confusion, turn undead or Outsiders 17/day, smite good (+10 attack, +10 to damage), sneak attack +3d6; SQ Demon Prince Qualities, Tanar'ri Traits, Divine Interloper, Ravaged Form, Empowering Presence, Idolatry, DR 55/+8, SR 65, command undead, detect good, poison use, dark blessing, improved aura of despair; AL CE; SV Fort +59, Ref +52, Will +59; Str 35, Dex 17, Con 31, Int 28, Wis 30, Chr 30. 18' tall
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +52, Appraise +19, Bluff +49, Concentration +83, Diplomacy +62, Disguise +20, Escape Artist +13, Gather Information +33, Heal +33, Hide +21, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (The Abyss) +52, Knowledge (Arcane) +63, Knowledge (Outer Planes) +49, Knowledge (Religion) +80, Listen +49, Move Silently +15, Scry +58, Search +24, Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft +64, Spot +26. Ambidexterity, Automatic Quicken Spells, Bonus Domain (Knowledge), Brew Potion, Cleave, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Eschew Materials, Extra Turning, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved Aura of Despair, Improved Bullrush, Improved Critical (halberd), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Planar Turning, Power Attack, Profane Spell, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Scribe Scroll, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (halberd).
Demon Prince Qualities: Baphomet is immune to electricity and poison and possesses acid and fire resistance 20; telepathic communication with any creature within 100 feet; Baphomet constantly detects good, detects magic, and sees invisibility as a 31st level Sorcerer; he possesses immunity to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack to alter his form. Baphomet is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage; he is also immune to mind-affecting effects.
When faces against a being with fewer than 2 Divine Ranks or Virtual Divine Ranks, Baphomet acquires additional immunities. In such cases, Baphomet is immune to, cold, acid, and death effects if the attacker has fewer HD/levels than his CR. He is also immune to disease, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and disintegration.

Baphomet can sense anything within one mile around the mentioning of his name, titles, or an item of importance to him. This power is barred from places associated with gods of goodness or the personal redoubts of Demiurges.
Baphomet is immortal and cannot die from natural causes; he does not age, and does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will -- arcane eye, blasphemy, chaos hammer, deeper darkness, desecrate, destruction, detect law, fear, greater dispelling, harm, fear, passwall, persistent image, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, read magic, suggestion, symbol (any), telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus 100 pounds), tongues (self only), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire, wall of force, wall of stone; 6/day -- implosion, maze, sequester; 3/day -- power word: blind; 1/day -- fires storm, imprisonment, legend lore; 1/week -- grant another's wish. These abilities are as spells cast by a 40th level sorcerer (save DC 20 + spell level).
Ravaged Form -- Bizarre Eyes (Su): Baphomet possesses startling wide eyes similar to those of a seductive woman. 1/day, Baphomet draw out the chaos in every heart, causing confusion as if cast by a 34th level Sorcerer.
Ravaged Form -- Breath Weapon (Su): Baphomet can exhale a scalding gout of unholy water six times a day once every four rounds. The unholy water spreads as a cone 50 feet in length and deals 17d10 points of unholy damage.
Ravaged Form -- Horns (Ex): Baphomet has a pair of long, upward-pointing, slightly curved goat-like horns. He may gore with these in lieu of his standard attacks in the event he's without a weapon. As a full attack action, Baphomet gains two gore attempts, both at +64 and dealing 2d8+6+2d6 (unholy) points of damage. If Baphomet charges, he deals double damage on a successful hit, quadruple on a successful critical hit.
Ravaged Form -- Tail (Ex): Baphomet has a cow-like tail.
Abyssal Fury (Ex): Baphomet's physical presence is so disgusting that is causes lesser creatures to succumb to his hate and need to spread destruction and terror. All creatures within 60 feet of Baphomet must succeed in a Will save 36. Those who succumb to Baphomet's gross presence suffer one of the two following effects:
Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture by Baphomet makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.
Madness: Baphomet's physical presence the grotesque evil incarnate in his being drives lesser beings insane per the insanity spell. The being remains stuck in a state of madness for one day for every point by which she failed the saving throw, after which time the victim is allowed another save. The madness exists until the victim successfully saves or the appropriate spells are cast by a 21st level being to purge the insanity effect.
Baphomet can make his servants, "worshippers," beings of Chaotic Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until Baphomet dismisses it. However, the Baphomet cannot determine which effect takes place; there is a 50% chance each time Abyssal Fury is used that one or the other effect will impact near by victims.

Demigods and higher ranked divine beings are immune to Baphomet's Abyssal Fury.
Corrupting Presence (Su): So heinous is Baphomet's presence that he may corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Once per day as a standard action, a Baphomet may unhallow an area equal to 1190 feet. Baphomet can apply the following spells to the unhallow effect (some of which are not listed as part of the unhallow spell in the Player's Handbook): bane, bestow curse, contagion, deeper darkness, dispel magic, silence. In most situations, Baphomet will select dispel magic.

The forces of righteousness disgust Baphomet, who finds goodness and holiness repellent enough to give him pause. As a result, Baphomet avoids hallowed ground. If Baphomet finds it necessary to enter a hallowed site, he must make a Will DC save equal to 40 + the divine rank of the represented god + the god's Charisma modifier (if this is unknown, assume a +9); Baphomet cannot use his spell resistance to overcome this effect. If Baphomet succeeds in entering the hallowed area, the area immediately becomes unhallowed. Once Baphomet breaches holy ground, the god in question is immediately alerted to his presence and will often (DM's discretion) send a proxy or an avatar to deal with the intrusion.
Divine Interloper (Ex): Worshippers of Baphomet are called Knights of Baphomet, although many adopt other chivalric titles. They tend to dabble in a mixture of hidden, esoteric knowledge and martial skill. Blackguards, Sorcerers, and Wizards tend to dominate their ranks. As of yet, no one has determined if any clear hierarchy or goal unifies these Knights. Baphomet has the ability to grant access to spells from three Domains: Chaos, Evil, and Knowledge. Knights of Baphomet may select one Domain and forever gain the ability to cast spells from that list once per day. A Knight of Baphomet has the ability to cast a Domain spell based upon his Hit Dice or levels. Every three Hit Dice or class levels grants access to an additional Domain level; worshippers cast spells as Clerics of their current level. Knights of Baphomet do not gain access to Domain powers. Due to their immense evil, Knights of Baphomet radiate as Clerics during detect evil attempts.
Call Tanar'ri (Sp): Thrice per day, Baphomet may call Demons. Like most Demon Princes, Baphomet is under no special restriction for calling any kind of Demon. However, Baphomet has clear preferences depending on the situation and his worshippers. When dealing with humans, Baphomet prefers to call on Glabrezu demons, of which he can call 5 each time, as he appreciates their appetite for damning mortals, not to mention their exemplary fighting ability. When dealing with his Minotaur worshippers, Baphomet tends to call on 4 Ghours. However, when Baphomet simply wants to lay waste to foes and is not interested in banter, he will call 3 Goristros. Most humans who deal with Baphomet tend find him in the company of two Glabrezu, while minotaurs see him in the company of two Ghours.
Skills: Baphomet receives a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
Consign (Su): As the Master of Mazes and the Lord of Hidden Knowledge, Baphomet has the ability to cause a being to become so lost that she will never find her way back from whence she came. 1/day, Baphomet may Consign a foe somewhere deep with his realm, The Endless Maze in The Abyss. Not only does this act as a maze spell variation, it also imprisons the victim for a year and a day (spell resistance is applicable). Victims so lost are hunted by Baphomet or one of his many demon servants after this time transpires, although there is always a slim chance that the victim will find a way out of The Endless Maze. Baphomet may not use this ability on objects alone, but can transport sentient beings who are carrying an object or objects he desires to his Endless Maze. Often, Baphomet will use this ability to entice the allies and friends of the Consigned to descend into his layer where they can offer a sporting past time.
Empowering Presence (Ex): If there is any doubt that Baphomet it at the cusp of ascending to Demiurge status, the availability of this quality should put such doubt to rest. Those who worship Baphomet receive the ability to cast spells if they produce regular sacrifices to their prince. Baphomet values two things above all others: knowledge and lives. Sacrifice of either to him is rewarded by divine power. For every scroll of at least 8th level or magical tome (like a tome of clear thought) crafted by a spellcaster of at least 17th level ceremonially burned by the celebrant, Baphomet can grant 1 cleric level for a year and a day, as well as access to the Chaos, Evil, or Knowledge Domains. Such knowledge is magically transported to The Endless Maze.
For every life sacrificed to Baphomet after a horrific ceremony, Baphomet can grant 2 cleric levels for a year and a day with the same Domain access discussed above. In the event that the sacrifice victim possessed class levels over 17, the celebrant gains an additional cleric level; if the sacrifice victim was a cleric of a good god or a good or neutral god of knowledge, the celebrant gains additional level (these bonuses stack).
Finally, worshippers within 100 feet of Baphomet not only gain access to nine Domain spells in the manner described in Divine Interloper but they also gain the ability to cast as clerics. Worshippers cast as clerics (or gain additional class levels due to sacrifices) as if they possessed a level for each point of Charisma they possessed (clearly, for Baphomet, their Wisdom is inconsequential). Once Baphomet leaves or a Knight of Baphomet exits the effect radius, the Empowering Presence ends.
Idolatry (Ex): Baphomet has the ability to create powerful statues of himself that he grants to worshippers. Often appearing like miniature images of a kneeling Baphomet, these idols can do one of two things. First, a Knight of Baphomet may call on three wishes after supplicating themselves before the idol for 6 hours. In most cases, the worshipper gets precisely what he asks for since in most cases the requests further Baphomet's cause. Second, the Knight may give the idol to a non-worshipper and instruct them to use the statue's power. If the non-worshipper attempts to ask for a wish, he is immediately under the effect of Spiritual Maze. In either case, Baphomet can speak directly with anyone within 20 feet of the idol, and may cast somatic, enchantment spells through it; still, Baphomet is unable to see through the idol nor can he use his remote sensing through it. Idols created by Baphomet are resistant to divination attempts, possessing SR 65. Idols are easily destroyed, possessing a hardness of 1 and 10 hit points regardless of the material from which they are created. It is unclear how many of these idols can be made, but it is known that once their power is used, they disappear immediately.
Spiritual Maze (Su): Baphomet lusts after Paladins and Clerics, seeking to subvert them into his fold. As such, 1/day Baphomet may inflict Paladins, Clerics, and other goodly beings with Spiritual Maze. All within 60 feet of Baphomet gain a Will save DC 40. Those that fail immediately view Baphomet as the physical manifestation of their god and will do anything he asks for the next six days as if under the effects of a mass charm spell. Baphomet's goal is to turn the victims towards Chaotic evil, so he encourages them to give in to their base emotions, to attack their enemies or those who offend them, and to tear down the "idolaters" that the afflicted once worshipped with. For each suggestion clearly in opposition to what the victim believes, the victim receives an additional Will save with a +1 bonus; these bonuses are cumulative. However, if the victim fails a save and commits a Chaotic evil act, he receives a -1 penalty on the next Will save. If, after the six day period, the victim committed any evil act, he is required to make a final Will save, which includes all bonuses and penalties + 40 -1 for each evil act committed. Those that fail truly believe that Baphomet is their god and are forever beholden to him as a Knight of Baphomet, often becoming dreadful nemeses to their former allies. Those who succeed in any save, but did commit an act of evil, must atone and complete a quest to purge their evil; in both cases, the presiding cleric must be of at least 17th level. Once a being becomes evil, on a god's direct intervention can lead them back to salvation.
Empty Revelation: Baphomet carries this huge, ugly halberd as a staff. Made from the modified limbs of a Bebilith demon, Empty Revelation strips the armor from bodies in the same way Baphomet strips faith and truth from mortals. Creatures wearing armor or carrying a shield struck by Empty Revelation risk having significant damage done to their protection. Baphomet chooses whether he wants to damage the armor or the shield. Upon a successful strike, Baphomet and the victim make grapple checks, both Baphomet and the victim adding the pluses of their weapon and armor respectively to the roll. If Baphomet wins, the affected armor or shield is torn away and ruined. Anyone touching Empty Revelation without Baphomet's acquiescence must succeed in a Fortitude save DC 36 or die; those who succeed still suffer two negative levels so long as Empty Revelation is in their possession.
Possessions: Baphomet always carries Empty Revelation. He typically wears bracers of armor and often a ring of wishes. As the Demon Prince of the Endless Maze, Baphomet has access to untold treasure… however, he rarely uses any of it since most of it is lost within the depths of his layer, a layer that not even Baphomet can always successfully navigate. There is a 50% chance that if Baphomet is in need of any magic item in the Dungeon Master's Guide or any other source allowed by the Dungeon Master that he will have immediate access to it. Otherwise, it takes one day per number over the 50 percentile roll for Baphomet to find the item or acquire it from somewhere else.
Blackguard spells per day: 5/5/4/3; base DC 20 + spell level, 24 + spell level for Enchantments. Caster level 10.
Cleric spells per day: 6/8+1/8+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/5+1; base DC 20 + spell level, 24 + spell level for Enchantments. Caster level 20.
Wizard spells per day: 4/7/6/5/5/47; base DC 19 + spell level, 20 + spell level for Enchantments. Caster level 10. Baphomet has access to every spell in the Player's Handbook from 0 to 5th level.

There are few Demon Princes more confounding than Baphomet. Numerous treatises have been written about this hideous Prince. While one recounts his power over Minotaurs and his status as their god, other recount endless evidence that he is in fact a creature worshipped by those lost in the search for ultimate truth and knowledge. Yet others tell how he is a god worshipped by Giants seeking to increase their command of arcane magic. As a result, very little is truly definitively known about the Prince of the Endless Maze save that he is extremely evil and debased.

Baphomet's origins are lost to antiquity, although it is largely believed that he was originally a powerful Balor servant of the Demiurge, Graz'zt in some lost time. Eventually, he evolved into a Demon Lord where for a bulk of his existence, Baphomet turned his attention to Minotaurs, a wretched race of monsters originally spawned as a curse on some remote Prime world. He led this infant race, robbing them of any hope of becoming creatures of light or even balance, encouraging their human-hunting and slaughtering. But, this was all a ploy, for as Minotaurs marauded untold towns and cities across the Cosmos, adventurers and chivalric orders answered the call of the populace to put an end to the Minotaurs. Many, seeking to understand the nature of their foe, studied labyrinthine tomes and rituals, and eventually found themselves learning about a being capable of ridding the world of Minotaurs and the demonic spirits with whom they trafficked. Some claim that this being was a god with the face of an old, bearded man. Others believed the being an angel with the beautiful eyes of a woman. All came to know that this being called itself Baphomet and that he promised knowledge and power over the mysterious if the supplicant was willing to lose himself in Baphomet's endless embrace. And here, many fell into evil

As the centuries progressed, Baphomet grew more and more powerful as an increasing number of mortals flocked to his cause. While he maintained his role as a god of Minotaurs and even some giants. Baphomet's primary interest has been earning more and more mortal worshippers, gaining power from their sacrifices and servitude. While he promises knowledge, in truth he simply leads his supplicants down an endless maze of mistruths, meaningless or destructive knowledge, and apostasy. Baphomet maintains a heated enmity with the Demon Prince, Yeenoghu, who is worshipped by grave robbers and Gnolls; the source of this animosity is unknown, although both Demon Princes were once slaves to Graz'zt's will. He extols the destruction of the servants of true gods, and rivals like Mephistopheles and Graz'zt, his former master. Indeed, many of his cults war against each other, seeking to rob each other of their miniscule bits of true knowledge and wisdom. Such internecine struggles only amuse and entice Baphomet who only grows greater. It is only a matter of time before Baphomet's power reaches the point that he becomes a full-fledged Demiurge and woe betide the countless worlds where his mysterious cults exist.

Baphomet appears as a huge humanoid being. In the distant past as a Demon Lord, he was very similar to a Minotaur with the body of an Ogre and hoofed feet. Upon becoming a Demon Prince, Baphomet's appearance became refined. Now, he appears as a huge humanoid figure, his upper body smooth and fair, almost like that of a pale woman, much like his voice. Black wings, like those of a raven or vulture, sprout from his back. His lower body is like that of a cow or bull, often covered in a long white kilt. His head is that of a slender bull with black fur; two horns like those of a goat rise slightly curved from his head and two beautiful eyes stare unblinking at those that see him. Often, when not holding Empty Revelation, Baphomet gestures slowly with his long, slender arms and hands, making invisible designs in the air. Those who watch these "designs" for any length of time with the knowledge of lost languages know that the gestures are nothing more than vulgar signs.
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First Post
All I can say is, this guy is really pretty creepy. Bordering on disturbing. :eek: Excellent work yet again, Serge.

Very cool, very scary!

two things, though:

1) According to the Demon Prince Template, Princes never have access to wish and similar magic, yet Baphomet can grant another's wish?

2) Do you really think this fella would be CR 15 without his class levels?

Looking forward to the next Prince!

Oh, and one more thing. When will your templates (all of them) be in their 'final' form. I mean, when will you have tweaked them so as to say ' this is it'. Will you repost them at that time, or otherwise notify this board?

The Serge

First Post

Well, there are always exceptions to the rules, especially where Chaos is concerned. However, that's why I gave him granting another's wish instead of the ability for him to cast it for himself.

And, no, I don't think he's only CR 15 without the levels... I'm just not confident which way to go with the CR until I play test it. Quite frankly, I'm getting ready to use Upper_Krust's CR calculator for these guys since I think his calculations work much better for being exceeding 20 CR.


Creature Cataloguer
The Serge said:
Well, there are always exceptions to the rules, especially where Chaos is concerned. However, that's why I gave him granting another's wish instead of the ability for him to cast it for himself.

the problem with that is he can always order a servitor creature or someone else to wish something for him. :)


Inventor of Super-Toast
Another beautiful job, Serge. It's nice to see that somebody did some research into Baphomet's historical form instead of just going directly from the 1st Edition MMs.

Demiurge out

Magus Darkholme

First Post
Excellently done Serge :D ! Baphomet has always been one of my favorites, and I was very dissapointed when he didn't make it into the BoVD. It's nice to see him in 3E format.
You can bet buku bucks that he'll get use from me.

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