Bardic musicians needed for opening ball

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First Post
Do you require a vocalist? If so, here I am. I've been singing for a number of years and have experience performing solo or with fellow bards, though I've little experience of singing choir-style. I've also learned to perform along with sing, and have on occasion done so in a musical play. How's that?

~Jeajea Veanson

p.s. I can be contacted either through a note left here, or at my Inn - the Adventurer's Purse Inn in Greyhawk City, on Oerth.


First Post
I am willing to offer my services for the Grand Opening. And what a grand one it shall be!
I've travelled all of Faerun and am experienced in both the lute, the harp, dance, as well as vocals.
While I am mostly accustomed to solo performances, I have performed with others as well.

- Khaira Amastacia


First Post
I recommend you seek out one known as Eryk of the Quickstrings. His abilities far surpass any I have yet seen or heard. I will inform him of your request as well, that he may, in turn, seek you out for this noble employment. May the best of what is to come shine upon this event, and may the activities thereof be told in stories forever to come. Peace and safety travel with you.


Chaotic Lawkeeper
Each musician, come as you may, bring your assortments of musical talents and instruments! I would love for you all to play! Together or separate, however you are comfortable, You will of course be compensated for your time!

Voidrunner's Codex

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