Battle at Harkon Manor


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Onesimus manages to hold his tongue throughout Lora's and Vance's conversation surprisingly enough and silently follows Lora to the table. While she is counting through the coin he then looks to Lora. "Very well done Lora." He says with a nod. "I could see you were restraining yourself as well while addressing Vance. I know a fair amount of what they would call high speech, a somewhat fancy form of common. If my assistance is ever required while addressing these nobles don't hesitate to ask."

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Myth and Legend

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Lora looked at the large warrior and nodded. "Thank you Onesimus, though my mentor was wise and knowledgeble, she was far removed from court and politics. What i know i have read in books and journals, but this "high speech" is new to me. I - she paused for a moment and eyed the group, but decided to continue. - I did restrain myself, I would not risk upsetting the delicate ears of a noble and having us fail the mission. He doesn't seem like a bad person, this Lord Vance, but i have my reasons for... Anyway, Claude - she threw a quick glance at the older Paladin with her dark blue eyes. - you are of noble birth? If so, don't take offense."


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Trinham hobbles after the others and sits down at the table with an obvious sign of relief. "Lora. Thank you for standing up for us with the Baron. I really do appreciate it. Trinham really does not like the girl but he is not so narrow minded as to withhold praise when it was due.

Waiting until Lora had finish splitting the gold, Trinham looks at the others. Its obvious that he wants to say something but does not quite know how. Finally he decides to come straight out with it. "We can't trust that we won't be overheard in here but its more likely we will be overheard in the manor. So, is there anything we need to discuss while we can talk reasonably freely?"


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"High speech is simple a refined form of common. It roles off the tongue and has an air of dignity about it. I learned it... paueses for a second and stares off and come back to. "In a life that is soon to be all but memory."

Onesimus nods at the mention of being overheard in the manor. "Good point Trinham." He says in a slightly lower and deeper voice. "Once you start intermingling us commoners with nobility, guards always seem a little more on edge. But as long as Miss Lora bats her eyes a bit for Vance I don't think they will give us more trouble. Don't lead him on to be crushed later Lora, that could be bad for all of us.... but don't seem completely disinterested either and things should go well for us. He gives her a playful, platonic wink.

Myth and Legend

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The girl blushed as she lowered her eyes and grabbed her ponytail, an odd feeling of embarrassment overtaking her. "I uh... I'm not that good good at batting eyelashes. My brother Arthur always said I have the charm of a fence post, you know I umm... I'm not exactly the temptress type." Lora mumbled as she squeezed her ponytail and looked to the side. Mentioning Arthur reminded her what her real reason for joining the army was, and also scared her, as she had never intended to share the details of her life with the others.

The young Wizard looked at the chubby lad and nodded, attempting to change the awkward conversation. "You are welcome, I cannot see the group divided. How are you feeling? Maybe we can find a Cleric or at least a herbalist in this village. Who else was hurt? Aidan?"

Lora looked at the dark skinned lad, who was unusually quiet since they had left the irregulars camp. She had divided the gold pieces, six stacks of two gold coins and five silver pieces each, and pushed one stack to each of the men around the table, leaving the last one for herself.


Thy wounds are healed!
Everyone notices the door to the inside of the wayhouse open and a young girl in a plain brown dress with a high neck and a servers apron come out. Shyly she walks up to the table her eyes bugling at the sight of the money on the table.

A round belly man steps into the doorway and says, "Go on Frella, they are customers, now." He also wears a white apron and has a towel in one hand.

Looking down the young girl asks very softly, "May I help you travlers?"

Satisfied Frella is doing her job the man goes back inside.


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Onesimus smiles at the girl as she approaches the table. He reaches down and picks up his 2 gold pieces and pockets them and hands 5 silver pieces to the waitress. "I would love a good meal." He looks back to the group. "You never know when you'll get another opportunity to eat a hot meal."

Myth and Legend

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Lora forced a smile and nodded - she was tired, sticky with sweat, dirt and dust, she had not washed herself or changed her attire for the past two days and her hair was already greasy despite being tied. "And me constantly grabbing that ponytail is not helping it stay any less dirty."

The female Wizard caught herself eyeing the serving girl's dress and hair. "Plain but nicely fashioned. Cotton is more expensive than hemp and wool, they must be doing well enough. Her hair is shiny, I have to ask her what herbs she is putting in her bathwater."

A bath - that is what Lora really wanted. Maybe going to Harkon Manor was not entirely too bad. Plus this Vance fellow seemed like the kind of person that would not try to peep while a lady was washing herself. "Maybe i should get Aidan to guard the door." Lora mused. If she could call anyone here a friend it would be the dark skinned lad. But then again, he was a man as well, what guaranteed that he wouldn't peek?

"Something local and easy to prepare would be nice, and on the side yogurt mixed with water and a pinch of salt. It's a drink that people where i come from really enjoy. I can show you how to make it." - Lora smiled at the girl and extended five silver pieces as well. She felt at ease when talking to other girls.


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In answer to Lora's comments about a priest Trinham replies "A priest would be nice but I don't think I can afford one. Maybe a herbalist.

As the serving girl comes in, Trinham smiles weakly at her. The girl was definitely his type and normally he would be turning on his, not inconsiderably, charms. However the exertions of the last few days suddenly catches up on him and he is simply too tired to be bothered. "I'll have whatever comes as long as its hot. Please" he says wearily. "Also, just water to drink." Trinham also pushes over 5 silvers.


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Aidan slowly accepted his coin, taking the others on faith with it. While he normally would have been much more cheerful at the pay(this was perhaps the amount his family lived on for a month), he was too busy pondering whether he was of any use to the gathered group... besides a feeble meatshield. Looking at the serving girl a moment, he smiled kindly.

"I'll agree with Trinham here... hot food... I'm not picky..." However, after he spoke his attentioned turned inward once more, the boy brushing his shirt off before he rubbed his leg where the spider had bitten him. He still felt a bit weak from the venom, and the leg was still a bit tender. Luckily it didn't hinder his functioning much. It was rather like a snakebite he'd had as a child... only he wasn't a child any longer.

After a moment he realized Lora mentioned a cleric, and he was instantly dragged out of his stupor, if only briefly. "This is enough for a Cleric!?" The excited manner in which he asked made it quite clear he was not intending the cleric for himself at all, but for whom he did not say. Though, there were some among the collected number who could suspect who he was asking for. The boy's expression was clearly hopeful.

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