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Battle at Harkon Manor

Frozen Messiah

First Post
Claudes mind had been racing due to the amount of ideas about how this combat will play out that he did not react to much of what his comrads said except with nods of his head. His mind was filled with the hw he would be able to keep as many of the common folk alive, he would not want to have one life lost due to poor planing.

He went to his room and sat on his bed looking out the window to the village. "I must not let these people down father, I need to lead. I worry that I strive for too much and lose it all in the process. Father cast me your blessing tomorrow on the field that you have seen many a time before my birth, let your wisdom turn the chaos of battle to a hum in my ear and my arrows to find their mark." Claude says to himself as he stares at the village below and imagines the people and their thoughts. He knows they are fearful, he knows that they worry about the day that is coming. He knows this because he is also.

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Myth and Legend

First Post
Lora parted with Vance and his sister (whom the girl thought was quite nice), and despite the fuss and commotion was actually grateful for the healing. Eying the strange magical ring on her finger, the girl made her way towards the armory, long after everyone else had raided the place. It was empty, borderline desolate even. She just needed a longsword or other melee weapon she could use if things went sour and she found herself unable to step back and whack things with the glaive.

The short statured Wizardress unfastened her ponytail and placed the piece of string between her lips for a moment, to free up her hands while she tried to fix her thick black mane.


First Post
Marko, Defense of a Castle


The window was left open tonight. It's breeze filtered into the room and chilled the sweat on Marko's brow. He lay shuddering on his cot as the visions of her ghost swept through his troubled mind. He never slept well anymore. Not since her passing.

He awoke with a start and stilled his heart's rapid pace. The bed was wet with his fears and he arose quickly, only to sit still for many moments. He could still see her face in his dreams. She was still so beautiful, even in her wake-less slumber. Marko's thin fingers traced his forehead as he sighed deeply. Would he never sleep well again? Would he blame himself forever for her passing?

When no answer came he stood by the window. His vision pierced the darkness and he saw the workmen's camp. The fires remained dimly lit and men still threaded the preparations for war. Marko was not the only restless warrior this night. But sleep would come. It must. Tomorrow was a day needing of a full rest.

Marko returned to his cot and pressed his forearm over his eyes. He let the darkness return him to his wife's embrace. Her arms were cold and her smile was chill as ice. As frozen as his memory of her.

It was a restless night.


First Post
Jareth leaves the ransacked armory with a short nod to the soldiers, and a scowl on his face as he turns and goes back to his room. He paces for several minutes, quietly speaking to himself in a rapidfire, irritated tone.

“Ill-equipped, undertrained, inexperienced. Lessened formation possibilities,” and similar things are contained in his low tirade. He calms down enough after venting to sit and sketch out some rough ideas of how to position his group of men-at-arms, trying to remember his lessons on teamwork. Jareth had never been much for those lessons… The voice of his mentor echoes in his ears, “Pay attention. When the warrior next to you has a shield, he can cover your openings,” and similar things were often a part of those teachings, despite (or perhaps due to) the fact that Jareth and Tharivol never focused on shield-work.

After nearly half an hour since his inspection of the armory, Jareth is satisfied with the rough plans. After blowing on them gently to help the ink dry, he sets them on the small chair and undresses, going to sleep very quickly. His dreams would, hopefully, be less miserable tonight…

Just to jot down my formation plan (FM, make your own! ;)), I expect to station the soldiers and teammates as such:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b b b b b b b b b b b b b
    S S S M J S S S
      S  S   S  S
b = Barricade (roughly, as I don’t know the exact details)
S = Swordsman/Man-at-arms
M = marko
J = Jareth
L = Lurik

Idea is front rank of soldiers holds the line, with back rank supporting (Aid Another AC), and pulling wounded back/stepping into gaps. Marko and Jareth are center, being the “leader” types, as it were, with Lurik in the far back, providing archery support, a little magic (like Create Water, in case of any fires) and healing, if needed. Preferably, the healing remains on badly injured (read: Disabled/dying) to keep them from joining the corpse pile (using Cure Minor), with other spells being saved for something more like emergency purposes (Cure Light if Marko, Jareth or Lurik gets badly injured by something, or starts to falter and can’t pull back, etc.).
This plan is also, of course, open to other opinions, as long as they are constructive. If you think it’s a bad idea, but don’t have a better one, don’t post.

Frozen Messiah

First Post
Claude could not sleep and decided to make the most of his time and walked out into the gardens. He found one of the benches and sat there and began to imagine the battlefield and what they were supposed to accomplish. Claude wanted defense, he wanted them to be able to hold on as long as possible until the rain of arrows stopped. His understanding of archery and the style of elves that they would have some woodsman palced in the forest surrounding who would be able to pick-off some of the men. With this in mind he broke a branch off of a bush that was near to him. he began to draw into the dirt his plans...

/b b b b b b b b b\
/b Lmmm C mmmT b\
m m mmm m m

With this sort of a barricade there is a much smaller chace of being hit by the elven arrows and would allow for a far mor movable force due to the compact nature. The compactness would make overhead arrows less of a danger for the the soldiers in what I call the "shell". If those within the shell woukl be able to shoot some arrows in a volley over the barricades than this would also help to quell the numbers.

The idea of having both the casters near the front and in the corners would allow them the most cover from the arrows. Claude being in the middle would allow for him to deliver the small amount of healing thehe has to the troops around him and have the most troops in his aura of courage.

Do we have any clerics of the church fighting with us that will take up the role of feild medic because I would defintely add them into my strategy?


Thy wounds are healed!
Aroused from your bed with the sun still not even peeking over the horizon everyone wonders if the keep is under attack, but it isn't. It is a wonder that the Treylor didn't advance in the night as they did on the villiage you passed what seems like weeks and not just days ago. But Vance played to their honor and it seems they do indeed have some of that. You gather your belongings and head to the courtyard as the door to your room is being taken down and carried along before you.

Vance greets everyone with a warm hello in the courtyard where you have a quick breakfast standing up. And watch as doors to the keep are being takin across the bridge towards the villiage. "More wood for the barricades," Vance says to your puzzled looks. Then the party walks down to the stables lead by torchbearers and find thier mounts saddled and ready for the days activities. Lurik is provided a horse as all the others already have one of their own. Brend is already there along with Skazul, Onesimus, Kase and Robert whom all are already mounted. Vance too mounts his horse and after letting the group mount he nods to Brend and
Onesimus. The two approach the party Brend edging towards Trinham and Onesimus riding up to Lora.

Brend asks Trinham how he is feeling and then begins praying to Devolin. He takes and touches Trinham on the shoulder making the young man feel like his old self again.

Onesimus takes a small sack and sickle that were in his lap and gives the to Lora. "These were some of the valueables left behind by Aidan." he says giving them to her. "I kept the javelins," he says moving his head to indicate the slim spears straped to his back. "Thought they may help if I'm looking down an elf's bow. I'm.. I'm sorry about Aidan," he continues before turning back to join Vance's entourage. Not finding any hand wepon in the armory the night before Lora stares at the sickle wondering.

All done the strike group turns their horses about and ride to the head of the column being formed by walking villiagers. A small chill hangs in the air as the group and it's men file out of the villiage. A few carts follow behind the mass of walking men, each piled high with wood planks and beams. It looks like they will have to assemble the barricade when they reach their
destination. The group rides along behind Vance and the others each lost to his own thoughts, but each thinking about the same thing, the battle to come.

Reaching the open field as the sky starts to lighten, the men of the villiage hurriedly begin constructing the barricades. The party watches them and the tree line across the field as they noisely begin hammering planks and doors to cross beams, even tearing up the carts to provide wood. The noise draws the attention of the elves that are over 200 yards away in the eastern treeline. You all see movement among the trees and then a shrill elvish horn blows causing the elves to melt away back into the forest.

"Hurry," Vance says to the men as they finish the two smaller walls and go to help with the larger center one. More calls from the elvish horn sound from the forest. Causing the workers to work even harder, and the group watches as the get the ten foot tall wall raised up and supported by large beams. It leans back and looks like a hodge podge of wood but it also looks servicable. As the large wall was being braced a strange drumming sound can be heard coming from the direction of the Treylor.

Marching out of the woods comes the Treylor host. Three neat square blocks of elves come out of the woods, the front rank beating their bright red shields in time to the march. Off to both sides more elves can be seen lining up in what appears to be archer lines. There is no sign of anything that could be the command squad, they must still be in the woods. The marching and drumming stop, and the Treylor are still more than a hundred yards away.
The elf horn gives two quick shrills and then Vance yells, "Get down! Behind the cover!"

As a hundred arrows take to the sky...

Init I guess and I will post you in the stat box in that order. the three blocks of troops are exactly 345 feet away. The first map won't be 5'/5' squares. And if you wish to return fire you may just remeber long range penalties.
Some notes:
Trinham's back to 14 DEX
Aidan's sack-
bear headed brooch
potion of healing
Ok I'm leaving the library and headed to Roy's for dinner and to finish getting us ready for the big battle :p [/sblock]


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Thy wounds are healed!
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l l one square equals 15'x15'
l l forest line
l l Treylor ranks (archers are in the tree lines using them for cover)
l [ l barricades two on sides are 20' long and 5' high, main one is 45' long and 10' high

[U]Character                            AC   HP   In hand/Condition[/U]
Trinham                              15   20   ??/none
Lora                                 14   20   ??/none
Claude                               17   29   ??/none   
Jareth                               16   25   ??/none
Marko                                20   21   ??/none
Lurik                                11   11   ??/none
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First Post
Marko, Field of Battle

Moments Earlier...

Marko takes to the field with only his feet and his gear. As the craftsmen hastily construct the barricades he watches the opposing host gather their formation. His chain-shirt is hidden from the sun underneath his black garb. His large, round, steel shield rests at his side as his hawk-eyes survey the field of battle. With a small smirk he tempts his goddess and draws his sword from its sheath. For a young man he looks nothing like the humble shoemaker he once was. His silky black hair rests just above his eyes as he breaths in deeply the events soon to come. He wears no helm and his hair settles easily in the stillness before the storm. His spirit takes him away as he prepares for the coming battle. "Cambi, protect my wife. I will see her soon enough."

He bows his head and soon the enemies arrows take to the sky...

"May the Goddess of the Rain and Sand bestow her blessing upon our heads." He says with sharpened gaze. His shield rises against the sun and his knee's fall to the earth. Sideways like a turtle he seeks refuge against the swarm of falling arrows. "...and may her wraith rest quietly upon mine enemies. Deliver thy servant this great day. Imibi." With his prayer complete he keeps his eyes open and presses his ear against the warm steel of his defense.

His position was front-center and four paces ahead of the wooden structures. Marko wasn't the leader, today he was just the bait.

ooc: intv: 17. role. action: total defense. Ac: 19+4.
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Lora had gotten up early, washed herself, scrubbed her body with a damp towel, rubbed her teeth down with a clean piece of cotton and chewed some parsley and mint to whiten them up and freshen her breath. The girl had oiled and rubbed the edge of her glaive to a dim metallic glow, fastened her ponytail in a tight, black and shiny knot, and finally she had dressed with a pair of green riding trousers and a white shirt, barely showing some cleavage.

If she were to die this day, she would look her best. For whatever reason, Lora thought this as she moved out. Finding herself outside, amongst the men, she felt strangely excited. Fear was there surely, as was a sense of dread before the organized and well equipped ranks of the enemy. But there was also anxiety, something unfamilliar, lurking deep in the girl's heart.

First thing in order was to make sure she was not reduced to a pin cushin. The girl clapped her hands, holding both index fingers down with the middle fingers, and between her palms a small piece of cured leather, as she stated the verbal component with a bland voice: "Veallya abjura!"

A shining coat of white nergy surrounded the girl's body with a low humming sound, as she released her grip and grabbed her glaive, ready to fight.

[sblock]Initative: 1d20+2=5

Lora casts Mage Armor, gaining a +4 to AC for 1 hour.

Since Mage Armor has a duration of 1 HR, I'd assume the girl has a chance to cast it before the arrows start raining down (she can very well cast it while still on horseback even).

Stats: AC: 17 (10 base, 2 dex, 1 ROP, 4 armor), HP: 20/20, Fortitude save: + 5 Reflex save: + 3, Will save: + 3

0 level: Daze, Light, Message, Dancing Lights
1 level: Shield, Mage Armor, Benign Transposition x 2
2 level: Glitterdust, Ray of Stupidity x 2[/sblock]


First Post
Awoken by Alice while it was still dark, Trinham has quick wash then dresses carefully. Making sure that his armor is seated correctly and his weapons are in their proper place. Once he is ready, he sits down, puts Mogins on his knee and strokes him gently. "Mogins a battlefield is no place for a cat. So were going to be separated. Now pay attention. What I want you to do is to stay between me and the manor. Stay as far away from me as possible while you are still able to maintain our link. Now this is important. You must make sure that you are not seen by anyone. If you can, warn me if you spot anyone other than the baron's people. But don't forget you don't be spotted. I'll come and find you once the battle's over. Keep safe."

Once he is sure that Mogins understands his instruction, Trinham joins Vance for an hasty breakfast,which he shares with Mogins. After gratefully receiving Brand's spell and thanking him profusely, Trinham feels better than he has done for what feels like weeks.

Trinham then follows the others to the selected battlefield. While the villagers are constructing the barricade, Trinham tries to keep out of the way. At the same time he tries to keep guard, keeping his crossbow at the ready.

Finally, the time for battle has arrived. All morning Trinham has been feeling scared and nervous. Now the enemy is starting to march on to the field, Trinham's adrenalin starts pumping and all his nerves disappear. During the night he had puzzled out a new spell and now seems a perfect time to try it out. Making a series of arcane gestures he mutters {{füzelerden korunma}} before hankering down behind the barricade.

[sblock=OOC]Initiative for Harkon Manor Battle (1d20+2=3)
Cast Protection from Arrows. Duration 4Hrs or 40pts of damage. DR 10
[sblock=Statblock]Defence: AC 15, HP 20/20

Crossbow, Light +5 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +4 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +5 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +4 1d8+1 19-20/x2

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will *3

[sblock="Spell List"]Sorcerer Level 0 Spells: Daze, Detect magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand.
Sorcerer Level 1 Spells: Magic Missile, Sleep
Sorcerer level 2 Spells: Protection from Arrows
[/sblock][sblock="Spells Per Day"]0 Level: (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)
1 Level: (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)
2 Level: (X) (_) (_)[/sblock][/sblock]

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