D&D 5E Battlemaster and Superiority Dice are causing martials to suffer.


LOL 3 attacks did the dm provide a cliff to kill the enemy with handy... so when it is convenient to your narrative damage is not part of the measure of an attack (but its vital to the measurement when it is convenient) , sigh you are silly.
I said it is situational when I posted, but in that situation it would take 3 shoves to do the same thing. Make it a cliff, make it a web, make it you just want to get away so you can use a bow on your second attack without disadvantage.

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Arcadian Knight
I said it is situational when I posted, but in that situation it would take 3 shoves to do the same thing. Make it a cliff, make it a web, make it you just want to get away so you can use a bow on your second attack without disadvantage.
And I didnt say it wasn't useful (removing disadvantage is variable in value sometimes about 1/3 or sometimes 1/5th of an attack worth statistically it may pan out but may not and if you plan on investing in the second attack otherwise that may be a good gambit) but your 3 attacks claim is bloody silly and demonstrates fundamental error. Any maneuver involving movement is going to be tough to estimate but sheesh
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while potentially under attack.. instead of using dodge actions or closing to someone else they might knock out of the fight? sigh, its just dm sadism#
That's the point. If there is a realistic expectation that Healing Word is in play then someone simply being down does not mean they are out of the fight. They're down - but not out because there are good odds that they will be able to stand back up again before their next turn.

If someone trips and falls in a fight do your monsters automatically leave them alone because they've gone down?
LOL adventurer-ish,
Your monsters have fought loads of heroes and survived have they?
Most haven't. Some are their own version of adventurers. Or hid in corners. Or listened to stories.
My game world leaves adventurers much more special apparently
Your world apparently leaves adventurers so special that a first level spell that can be prepared by any cleric or druid (as well as some people from other classes) is a massive outside context problem.


Arcadian Knight
Your world apparently leaves adventurers so special that a first level spell that can be prepared by any cleric or druid (as well as some people from other classes) is a massive outside context problem.
Shrug, people with classes are rare in my world, and so mid fight healing would be too( I assume most priests and similar are ritualists even who actually have to spend time on performing a healing.). The monster manual has what one instance of healing word although there are more where someone has to spend their effort getting to the downed person and spend their actions on that? Monsters/NPC also do not hop up after making a good death save either.

Game world specifics aside...
I do not see any reason to assume that most/many/all monsters are going to PC assassin in the midst of other dangerous active adversaries... except somebody with 1e expectations of DM vs PC who wants to be as they put it "mean" with additional citing of horror stories as examples, (ie this conversation has context)

If someone trips and falls in a fight do your monsters automatically leave them alone because they've gone down?
Right that is completely the kind of down we are talking about /smdh
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This could probably leverage the Level Up rules in general for instance its companion rules (which has a bodyguard) and maneuver system you can get as the foundation allowing your battle squire to perform attack blocks without being killed.

Can it occur off turn?
So, here are some concrete mechanics.

Melee Characters have a Melee DC equal to 8 + Proficiency bonus + Strength modifier, and a melee threat. A typical character has a melee threat equal to their weapon damage plus their strength modifier, but at higher levels this is increased.

When you start your turn in melee range of a hostile creature or attempt to leave it at any time, you have to make an Armor (or Defence) save against their Melee DC. If you fail, you take damage equal to their melee threat.

Fighter's melee threat is equal to weapon damage dice plus strength at level 1, and gains another set of weapon damage dice at level 5, 11 and 20.

Paladin's melee threat is equal to weapon damage dice plus strength at level 1, and gains another set of weapon damage dice at level 5. At level 11, it gains 1d8 radiant damage.


Actions in Combat:

Ranged Weapon Attack: TODO
Disengage: You don't have to make an Armor save if you leave melee range this turn.
Defend: You gain advantage on Armor saves.
Disrupt: If successful, the enemy has disadvantage on Armor saves.

and some more.


Arcadian Knight
When you start your turn in melee range of a hostile creature or attempt to leave it at any time, you have to make an Armor (or Defence) save against their Melee DC. If you fail, you take damage equal to their melee threat.
So not normally (unless some ability makes it so)


So not normally (unless some ability makes it so)
I'm not sure what you are asking at this point; the chain of quote-and-reply and oblique references is too long for me to be certain. Something about something happening off-turn? I am not even sure what is supposed to be happening, and whose turn is "off", and if the event in question is an attack?

As I wrote, the damage would occur on the turn of the foe (being threatened in melee), which is off-turn for the PC. But on-turn for the foe.

It being done then is really optional, however -- you could do it on the PC's turn, making saving throws against melee threat (or autoattacks or whatever).

Regardless, long chained use of oblique references makes me utterly uncertain what you are talking about. Please be more clear?

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