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Festy_Dog said:
Where can I find a list of mechs and their stats? Because I have never heard of the five mechs Shal just proposed.

If I do get a spot as a pilot I'd really like to have a mech which I'm familiar with and have an idea of its capabilities. Could I possibly have a Vulture if thats ok? Suggesting I get a spot as a pilot of course.

http://members.aol.com/fnoor/clanmech.html List of clan mechs, butdoesn't have a listing of years or actual stats. The only way to get a spot as a pilot is to submit a bio before others do.

Either way, as I've said before you won't need to worry about whether you're familiar with it and it's capabilities or not because you WILL be familiar, as you'll be designing your own mechs using Mechworks once we're ready to begin mech selection. If you want to pilot a type of mech that's allready made, simply find the stats on it (Or ask me to) and create it with the program. The reason I want them all like this is so I can use it to print off the sheets and have them in hardcopy AND on my harddrive. Plus, it makes refitting and changing your mechs between missions easy if you want to do that.

So far we have TWO confirmed Mechwarrior candidates, Cherish of Blood-house Ward, and Kevin of Blood-house Regner, ready to take the Trial of Position.
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Kevin of Blood House Regner:

Kevin has grey-blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and the standard build of a clan mech pilot. He sports a small moustache and goatee, but they're red, which makes an interesting comparison with his hair. He is always wearing long pants unless the situation dictates otherwise, and his shirts are loose-fitting because he likes freedom of movement. He possesses a couple of tatoos, one an ancient celtic pattern going around his upper right arm. The other is a pair of crossed pistols on his left forearm. He bears a few knicks and scratches from becoming a mechwarrior, but no significant scars.

Kevin often sports a pair of custom pistols, built specifically for himself. The weapons were a year in the making, and he went to great lengths to have them just right, accesories and all. The guns are beautifully engraved and are basically mirror images of each other, except that one has 'alpha' engraved into the slide, and the other has 'omega'.

Kevin doesn't see himself as a leader. In fact he's quite happy taking a supporting role. He will obey orders without problem, but will offer ideas and advice if he thinks he has a better solution. He can be fiercely loyal towards those whom he considers comrades, and will always follow whomever he feels is acting in the best interests of the star and their objectives. While he feels no real urge to lead, he does feel that he must prove himself as a mech pilot, which leads him to volunteering for more difficult roles in combat.

His favourite pass time is working with small arms, and when possible he spends time at firing ranges, favouring pistols, shotguns and sub-machineguns above longer ranged weapons. Kevin's preferred method of combat is to get up close to an opponent and hit them hard while remaining able to outmanuever them to avoid returning fire, he especially likes being able to make good use of the terrain.

In times past he has had, to put lightly, disagreements with members of clan Star Adder, even leading to a trial of grievance in which he managed to kill his opponent. Thus earning even more enmity from his opponent's colleagues.

Kevin likes to use heavier medium/ lighter heavy mechs who are able to pack punch while retaining an adaquet level of speed, and field of fire.
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How can you not like helicopters. Particularly the big russian ones. They are so fantastically ugly!

OK. A mech. A larger version of the Locust with a single large slug thrower (lasers don't make enough noise) and a couple of batterys of missiles. Highly mobile and solid armour and no jump jets (I never could master the little .... things in the computer game).

Problem is, I'm a Mac pilot. Mechworks is a Windows application. I do have Mech Hanger 2.0, but I doubt that it is compatible.


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I don't think you'd really want to have a BT VTOL. the hit location table for them goes like:

2 Rotor
3 Rotor
4 Rotor
5 Rotor
6 Armor
7 Armor
8 Armor
9 Armor
10 Rotor
11 Rotor
12 Rotor

this plus the fact that the Rotors themselves can only have two points of armor: Uggh! ;)

Concerning the mech:

Email me at folkert.siedler at t-online.de with the specifics you have in mind and I'll build it for you in Mechworks format.



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Festy, the Mad Dog is the Clan designation of the Vulture, actually, everything I posted uses the clan designator, and not the innersphere designation. If anyone needs to know anything about a mech, I have Heavy metal Pro, which gives all Stats and Info for every mech in existance, its a wonderful program, it can even print them out as record sheets. Its great, I do not kniow what I would do without it.

As a Cultural note, the Clans find use of contractions as highly offensive. I will add cultural notes sporadically in my posts.


First Post

you really want to be the leader, don't you? ;)

BTW, as I'm just working on my concept, the pups of Clan Wolf get their Trial of Position at Age 20.

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Jyren of Blood House [-ehh...umm...uhh...-]

Jyren has the standard build of a mechwarrior. He has fairly short brown hair, with an almost lighter colored 'stripe' through it. He bears no noticable scars, though he has many smaller marks that amount to little. His eyes are an almost flat grey, bordering on an almost silver in brighter light.

While Jyren somtimes feels he should be giving orders more than taking them, he will always respect and obey a superior. He is loyal and dedicated to his comrades, and while not bloodthirsty, loves a good fight as much as the next mechwarrior. He is tactically minded, and usually thinks along a larger scale and finds himself missing details.

Jyren prefers a good balance of both speed and power, though he will pilot nearly anything he can get his hands on.


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I personally do not care, Cherish would care quite a lot, as would any real clan Warrior, thats what they are bred for, to rise as high as they possibly can on the strength of their abilities. I personally would like some competition for it, as that is what would really occur.

It has been a few years since I read the Blood of Kerensky series Douane, so you are probably right, I just remember Phelan testing out and I could not remember if he was 18 or 20.


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These are the possible Bloodhouses that are a part of Wolf, baring in mind that we are all Mechwarriors, only the Mechwarrior and General Bloodnames would be availible for Blood-House. The names marked with Asteriks were absorbed from Clan Widowmaker, they bare some connotation of dishonor as Clan Widowmaker was wiped out by Wolf for the murder of Nicholas Kerensky.


General Bloodnames
Conners *

Vickers *
Sender *

Leroux *
Rhyde *


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Shalimar said:
I personally do not care, Cherish would care quite a lot, as would any real clan Warrior, thats what they are bred for, to rise as high as they possibly can on the strength of their abilities. I personally would like some competition for it, as that is what would really occur.

It has been a few years since I read the Blood of Kerensky series Douane, so you are probably right, I just remember Phelan testing out and I could not remember if he was 18 or 20.

Sorry, my remark was meant in jest (hence the smiley), as the part about "constant upmanship and challenges" doesn't leave much room for compromises to my mind and seems to be very intensive, even for Clanners.

We use the same source of information: Cyrilla Ward mentions several times that the training ends at 20.


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