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Ah, you know it's a good amp when it's upholstered, right?
I always played solid state amps, and one night my buddy off-handedly said you should get a tube amp. So I looked on Sweetwater found that one simply because it was in my price range, think it was about $400. I read some reviews and watched some videos so figured what the hell. I like it, sounds good to me and I dont need anything bigger or louder.

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In tube devices the shields are frequently riveted, in addition to having massive solder pads on all sides. Just removing the solder can damage the board, because it requires so much heat. Thankfully I haven't dealt with tubes in 40-odd years.
You are probably right. I couldn't see anyway to remove it change the tubes. Someone also thought it may have just been to protect the tubes during transport.


@Ryujin Just watched a video on YouTube on how to change the tubes in that amp. I remember what happened. There was a back plate I had to remove to get to the speaker, had to remove the speaker to get to cage to remove that and get to the tubes. The screws were in such a tight spot and they were so small that one or two of them stripped. In the end I had no choice but to just rip it off. Now that I remember how frustrated and pissed off I got its pretty funny.

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