best 1st level psionic powers?

What are the best general 1st level powers

  • Attraction

    Votes: 9 5.4%
  • Bolt

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Call to Mind

    Votes: 5 3.0%
  • Catfall

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • Conceal Thoughts

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Control Flames

    Votes: 6 3.6%
  • Control Light

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Create Sound

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Crystal Shard

    Votes: 24 14.5%
  • Daze, Psionic

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Déjà Vu

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • Demoralize

    Votes: 6 3.6%
  • Detect Psionics

    Votes: 11 6.6%
  • Dissipating Touch

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Distract

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Empathy

    Votes: 5 3.0%
  • Empty Mind

    Votes: 5 3.0%
  • Energy Ray

    Votes: 45 27.1%
  • Entangling Ectoplasm

    Votes: 19 11.4%
  • Far Hand

    Votes: 15 9.0%
  • Float

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Force Screen

    Votes: 22 13.3%
  • Grease, Psionic

    Votes: 9 5.4%
  • Hammer

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Inertial Armor

    Votes: 71 42.8%
  • Know Direction and Location

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Matter Agitation

    Votes: 9 5.4%
  • Mind Thrust

    Votes: 44 26.5%
  • Missive

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • My Light

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Precognition, Defensive

    Votes: 16 9.6%
  • Precognition, Offensive

    Votes: 13 7.8%
  • Prescience, Offensive

    Votes: 11 6.6%
  • Sense Link

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Skate

    Votes: 15 9.0%
  • Synesthete

    Votes: 7 4.2%
  • Telempathic Projection:

    Votes: 5 3.0%
  • Vigor

    Votes: 57 34.3%
  • Other (not in a discipline)

    Votes: 11 6.6%


Does anyone have any recommendations for a 1st level Psion about to play AoW: Whispering Cairn ? One of my players wants to give it a roll for the first time under 3.5 rules.

There are some undead and swarms in there; not your typical Will Fest for a psionic. Suggestions?

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Registered Ninja
Steel_Wind said:
Does anyone have any recommendations for a 1st level Psion about to play AoW: Whispering Cairn ? One of my players wants to give it a roll for the first time under 3.5 rules.

There are some undead and swarms in there; not your typical Will Fest for a psionic. Suggestions?
The poll results above have some pretty good suggestions. The only reason to not have Inertial armor is if you planned to multiclass into something that had armor proficency. Energy ray works great against stuff without minds.

Also makes sure to look at your discipline list. These powers are not included in the poll, but I'm willing to bet if they were Astral Construct would be within the top three.


First Post
Good effects

Control Flames: I'm surprised no one has mentioned this before. Sure, at low levels, it doesn't do much damage/creature/round, but over the lifetime of the spell and the number of potential creatures, the damage isn't too bad. For raw cost-effectiveness, it's probably the highest damage-dealer in the book (under ideal circumstances). It's also non-magical fire, so you can ignite things (houses, trees, monsters,...). At higher levels, it can be competative with spells several levels higher than its cost - note that its max damage increases with your caster level, not with the power points you put into it. It's power increases again if you get Solicit Psycrystal (assuming you have a psycrystal - if not, why not).

Crystal Shard: Popular, but again no one has mentioned it above (edit: oops- missed a comment). The big deal with this one is no SR, and no save. Other than that, it's a bit weak. You won't be complaining about that feature when you're up against a golem, or something with unusually high SR (Note that SR is less of a hindrance for a Psion than a Sorcerer, but immunity still sucks).

Force Screen: It lacks the best power of shield (immunity to MM), but otherwise it rocks. It means you probably will never buy a shield for an AC bonus.

Inertial Armor: You don't need to buy armor- and if you do, it won't be for the AC bonus (at caster LV 19 this gives the bonus of +5 ghost touch plate (with no check penalty)). Overchannel (or being a Wilder) obviously would give you higher bonuses at character level 19.

Precognition, Defensive: The AC bonus is just a minor side-benefit. The big deals here are two:
1) It can be cast as an immediate action. Great for when you've just seen a medusa.
2) It can pump your saves beyond reason. It even stacks with resistance

Vigor has a break I hadn't thought of before (I didn't vote for it; I probably should have):
1) Use Vigor.
2) Use a bunch of powers with Overchannel. Loose much of the Vigor temp HP.
3) Use Vigor.
You can also use it in place of Catfall. (actually, it's better as far as final HP are concerned). Just cast it up front.

I'll have to disagree with others on Mind Thrust. Sure, the damage is nice (as is the type of save), but your average opponent is still likely to have a reasonable save chance, and negates on a save. Unless you're good at guessing (or knowing) weak saves, we're talking roughly a 50/50 chance, which makes it comparable to Crystal shard (assuming no SR or immunity)

Skate and Catfall (mentioned by others above) are nice, but simular effects are cheap to get on magic items- I would be unlikely to actually get that power (save, possibly through Psychic Chirurgery.)

On the Discipline lists, I'll second several comments above that Astral Construct is extremely nice. Control Object is moderately nice.
Last edited:


My picks
Energy Ray - gotta love sonic for destroying items- and the variable energy type is just lovely

Vigor - more hp in a cruch, what more could you ask for.

Telempathic projection - instant diplomacy, none of the guilt of charm person, and if you supress the manifestation (with concentraion check) very indecectable.

I normally take Force shield over Inertial armor, as m.w. studded leather is almost as good, hmm I may reconsider as I had misremembered the augment cost.

I dislike mindthrust - it is very likely to be useless, to many creatures are immune, and the save for no damage is a big turn off + poor range.

I left the discipline powers out of the running because you have to take aprox 3 of the general powers, and discipline powers are a little more like domains- aside from cherry picking Energy missle and Astral construct - you have to look at the whole list.

I actually dislike Astral construct, it is powerful, but it is complicated to run. Many PCs and NPCs would just rather skip the hassle, besides it really changes the nature of the character. most of my psions have a concept, and summoning monsters made of jello doesn't fit into it.

A astral construct specialist will make a great villian, when I finally get around to using it.


First Post
Energy Ray - gotta love sonic for destroying items- and the variable energy type is just lovely
I think that if you're planning on taking any of the higher-level energey spells (such as Energy Missile), I wouldn't bother with Energy Ray.

My overarching comment is that there are a lot of great effects (and some horibly weak effects) in the LV 1 list. You may want to consider using a higher-level slot or two (or attemting to get via Psychic Chirurgery) to increase the number you get.


First Post

A Psi-Warrior with Skate can be terrifying on a charge, especially if they are using a pole arm. Sure, there are items which van increase movement, but sometimes its nice to have a back-up.


First Post
I'd like to say "thanks" for this little thread. I'm playing in an Eberron game and am seriously considering a Psion. Having no great experience with the XPH, some of the little snipits provided here have been extremely helpful.

Keep 'em coming and where the "best discipline powers" poll and the "best 2nd level psionic powers" poll? ;)


Penguin Herder
I think it really depends what PC level we're talking about. Crystal shard is way better than energy ray at 9+ level, because you start running into Golems, Fiends and other magic or energy immune critters. At 1st level, energy ray is better, because you do +1 point of damage per power point (on average).

Likewise, at 1st level, astral construct is cute. At 11th level, with Boost Construct and Extend Power and Overchannel and Talented, it's freekin' amazing.

Control flame is another late-bloomer, but has one of the best bang-for-buck ratios in the game, particularly if used in conjunction with Psicrystal Affinity and solicit psicrystal.

Mind thrust is great at low-levels, especially in the hands (er, lobes) of a Wilder. At higher levels, too many foes have great Will saves or are immune to mind-affecting stuff... when you do find a foe who you can affect with mind-affecting effects, you're usually better off hitting them with a brain lock or psi suggestion (or psi dominate, or ...) -- with an insta-kill or insta-friend effect.

It's sad that Psions & Wilders can't trade powers like a Sorcerer and Bard can trade spells. My votes were for best over all levels (like vigor, a solid power at every PC level).

-- N


First Post
Nifft said:
It's sad that Psions & Wilders can't trade powers like a Sorcerer and Bard can trade spells. My votes were for best over all levels (like vigor, a solid power at every PC level).
Unless I'm missing something, they can. Take a peek at Psychic Reformation (p. 127).

That power sure seems worth it as a safety net to redo power and feat selections within 10 minutes (!), provided you want to pay the minor XP cost.

Voidrunner's Codex

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