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Best fight scene?

I don't have one in mind myself, but I'd like to hear what fight scenes from books, movies, and TV you think are best.

For comedy, Princess Bride's Dread Pirate Roberts vs. Inigo is great.

For comedy-drama, I like Jackie Chan (Jon Wan?) vs. the villains in Shanghai Knights. True, not the most over the top fights Chan has done, but the drama was very appealing.

For choreography, if you've ever seen the episode of the Highlander series called Duende, the Spanish fencing duel in there is great. Here, look at this: http://www.higginssword.org/guild/demo/muse/rapier/

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Le Bossu (On Guard) has some excellent duels.

The fights in Matrix I will always be some of my favorites.

Aragorn against Lurtz in Fellowship almost always leaves me breathless.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's fight scenes are wonderful; especially the two fights between the women (names elude me).

Some more I can't think of right now...


First Post
Any fight scene by Kurasawa, or with samurai.
The kensai duel in Seven Samurai, and the fight at the end.
Yojimbo's fights cuz he's so calm and collected.
In the Hunted with Christopher Lambert, the samurai fighting the ninjas on the train, and at the end of the movie.
Samurai Jack fighting robots anytime.
Kill Bill's Yakuza fight, and the fight with Lucy in the snow.
Crouching Tiger fight in the bar.

The East does close fighting (swords, kung fu) so much better than in the west.

For gun battles:
Equillibrium - Gun Fu.
Saving Private Ryan - First thirty minutes.
Matrix - Getting in the tower to save Morpheus.


Jackie Chan vs. Ken Lo and Ho sung Pak at the end of Drunken Master 2
Jackie Chan vs Benny "the Jet" Urquidez at the end of Wheels on Meals
Jet Li vs Donnie Yen in Once upon a Time in China II
Sammo Hung and Lam Ching Ying training Yuen Biao in Wing Chunin the Prodigal Son
Possessed Sammo (Monkey Fist) vs Possessed henchman (Ring Fighter) at the end of Encounters of the Spooky kind.
Sammo vs Li Hoi San at the end of Magnificent Butcher
Jet Li vs Billy Chow at the end of Fist of Legend

Kuo Chui and Cheng Sheng vs. Lu Feng in the climax of Magnificent Ruffians
Kuo Chui and Cheng Sheng vs. Lu Feng and his gang in the climax of Masked Avengers
Gordon Lui vs. Lo Lieh at the climax of Fists of the White Lotus
Hsiao Hou and Liu Chia-Liang vs Lo Lieh at the climax of Mad Monkey Kung Fu

Stewart Granger vs. Mel ferrer at the climax of Scaramouche.
John McClaine vs. Carl at the end of DIe Hard
Neo vs Agent Smith in the Matrix
Neo vs. The Merovingians henchmen in The Matrix Reloaded. I know that people love the Burly Brawl, but for my money THIS is the better fight. The use of the enviornment, multiple weapons and multiple opponents who were actually able to press Neo made this one the fight to watch.
Mel Gibson vs. Gary Busey at the end of Lethal Weapon.

There are lot more but none of them are coming to mind right now...

I know people complain about cheoreogrphed fights in movies. Which is just as dumb as complaining about the fact that a movie has a SCRIPT. Anyone whose a trained fighter or martial artist can look at just about any movie that has fight cheorography and tell that it's cheorographed. Punches and kicks are over extended, blows that look like they would be devistating actually have very little or no power behind them, etc. Personally I love a well cheorographed fight, I like the movement and the flow of the participants if it's well done it's very entertaining. If people want real fights they should watch UFC, PRIDE and maybe boxing.


First Post
For pure, straight, beating the crap out of each other, no fight is better then the alley brawl from John Carpenter's They Live.
No fancy martial arts moves, no super heroic recoveries, no highly skilled combat trained veterans. Just two guys doing the best with whatever is on hand and trying to put as much hurt as possible on the other guy.


First Post
yeah the Gun Kata in Equilibrium was cool.
The Bride vs O'ren
Nameless vs Sky from Hero
I enjoyed Obi wan/Qui Gon vs Darth Maul


Swoop109 said:
For pure, straight, beating the crap out of each other, no fight is better then the alley brawl from John Carpenter's They Live.
No fancy martial arts moves, no super heroic recoveries, no highly skilled combat trained veterans. Just two guys doing the best with whatever is on hand and trying to put as much hurt as possible on the other guy.

I disagree.

See the fight between Pvt Mellish and the german soldier near the end of Saving Private Ryan. No Wrestlemania moves, no BS, just two guys trying to kill each other and two guys trying to survive.

I mean come on youre talking about no fancy martial arts moves, but a SUPLEX?


Drunken Master 2/Legend of Drunken Master, the fight in the tea-house against the axe gang.

The lobby scene from the Matrix.

Crazy 88's from Kill Bill.

...clearly I like the 'outnumbered heros against a horde of mooks' scenes.

Oh, and as for funniest: Danny Kaye vs. Basil Rathbone in The Court Jester.

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