Best Quotes of GenCon


From the Adventures game on Saturday...

"But what REALLY happened was..."
- several people

Angelica (referring to Dame Artemis Haverton): <censored>
Sir Denby Haverton: That's DAME <censored> to you.

"Alright, everyone get your hands in the air! As long as we get what we're here for no one gets... hey, are you Angelica Manning?"
- random mook

That whole session was full of great quotations. Rel had some master level stuff in there, but I'm not sure I could quote any of them fully.


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der_kluge said:
"I can help the next person over here...."

now, keep in mind that this is all full of gamers at this point...
so, she follows up her first statement, though much more less audible with this gem:
"... with your order, not with counseling."

I love it! :D


How could I forget our esteemed PirateCat:

When naming nominees at the Ennies, "yes, those are friggin' sharks with friggin' lasers on their heads"


First Post
FickleGM said:
How could I forget our esteemed PirateCat:

When naming nominees at the Ennies, "yes, those are friggin' sharks with friggin' lasers on their heads"

I just want to point out this is in reference to the cover of Capes and the cover does have that on it. Brilliant!!


Crothian said:
I just want to point out this is in reference to the cover of Capes and the cover does have that on it. Brilliant!!

Yes, I forgot to mention that for the benefit of those unfortunate enough to not be attending. Thank you.


Liquid Awesome
Matchstick said:
That whole session was full of great quotations. Rel had some master level stuff in there, but I'm not sure I could quote any of them fully.


Aw, shucks. This one is pushing the edge of the grandma limits but I don't think it crosses any of them...

"Look, Johnny, I'm sure we could stand here and swap the kissass all the live long day, but my friend is in trouble so we're gonna' get the hell on outta' here."


Rel said:
Aw, shucks. This one is pushing the edge of the grandma limits but I don't think it crosses any of them...

"Look, Johnny, I'm sure we could stand here and swap the kissass all the live long day, but my friend is in trouble so we're gonna' get the hell on outta' here."

That's the one I was thinking of. That one had all of us busting a gut big time!



First Post
Matchstick said:
That's the one I was thinking of. That one had all of us busting a gut big time!


yeah, that game had sooo many one liners we could go on and on, not all Grandma friendly though ...

Rels' "It's Mace Hunter ... and Company" with the big goofy grin had me cracked up ...



First Post
"Who had the discombobulator?" - from almost everyone in our COV LARP. Of course, no one admitted to having it, though the judges assured us all it was provided as an item in someone's package in the game.

"My master sold me for land." - from my youngest daughter in the COV LARP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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