"Best" single class party

Mad Hamish

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What do people think would be the class that would do best on adventures if every member of the party was a member of the class (no multi-classing either)

I guess it comes down to 2 possible approaches
1) classes that can fit multiple niches in the game (e.g. can tank, do damage, versatile casting etc)
2) classes that have a wide enough or powerful enough range of options that they can deal with things without needing to fill all the roles.

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Cleric or druid.

Buffs, tanking, healing, and offensive all rolled into one. Change your spells by day to fit your needs.

Summoner making use of UMD could also work.


Go team cleric!

Summoner would be very good at this, too. Master Summoner can practically be his own party as it is. ...Are archetypes allowed? Either way, the eidolons tank and sumoners can heal them w/ rejuv. eidolon.


First Post
I would say a wizard of course.
A smart wizard will
* Charm people to do the dirty work
* Throw in the summoned stuff for damage absorption
* Scry and divine trouble before it is even met.
* Doesnt need to worry about a god looking over his shoulder like a cleric
* Create arcane traps to avoid being at places you dont wanna be
* Use magic to hide

Hmmm the list goes on and on...

I'd go with a team of paladins. They have extremely good saves, they have archetypes to be healers, damage dealers, and ranged. They have lay-on-hands to heal themselves when in a bind. They are great against disease and overall I think they'd be supremely powerful to go up against.

Even if you don't use archetypes, you are facing of against 4 or 5 paladins with smite and lay-on-hands in full plate mail and great saving throws. They are hard to hurt, can do good damage, and can heal themselves up.


Level is also an important factor.

4 1st level gunslingers with rifles could take down like 1.5 enemies each round. High dex also gives them good initiative and AC, to boot.

If they face wizards, thay can probably take out 2 on the first round.

On higher levels, they become much less effective, since their damage doesn't scale that well.

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